PiTool @1.25 and SteamVR @186%.
Played mainly Euro Truck Simulator 2 in the last days, once American Truck Sim and once Elite Dangerous.
I recorded some data of my last ETS2-session this evening:
Absolute minimum was 54-57 FPS, average as shown 67.2, most of the time I had around 60-66 FPS.
It was very well playable, quite smooth, except a bit when looking 90° through the side window with a speed of >30-40 km/h… But apart from this, quite a nice experience, especially having set the FOV to “large”.
I haven’t done such an analysis with Elite Dangerous so far, Project Cars is waiting, too, as well as a couple of RPG’s with vorpX. But for ETS2 I feel quite happy and satisfied already
(btw: nothing overclocked, except my ASUS Strix Gaming Advanced ex factory)