What Pimax news from CES?

Ya but you said “Let’s not go there” then you went there in 2 subsequent posts and now point out you already said it.
Come on now. Happy CNY :smiley:


I’m not saying that in the end Pimax acknowledges and even tries to solve the issue. You guys at some point (mostly) do. You first ridiculed the users who reported distortion. Now, supposedly it’s solved with the new lenses in the Crystal. I’m just saying it’s always your first reaction to first blame (and even ridicule) the user and his hardware.

That could be so. It seems it’s indeed Pimax culture now. I saw it in the video too where Sweviver and Josh talked to MRTV where he brought up the lens issue. They looked at him like he was some idiot in that video when he brought up the issue. It made me actually feel bad for MRTV. Luckily he stood up for himself and defended his point. But yeah it gives you an idea how they treated Bradley.

Hehe that’s very nice of a Pimax manager to say to his paying customers. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a company manager insult as much of his own customers like you do on this forum. You’re very special in that sense indeed. I can’t imagine Pimax China is happy with that. Actually Helio once told me they indeed weren’t but well, they’re not taking action on it neither. You do realize it does cost you sales though, right? Especially when someone’s on the fence, it matters. And even more so when people have an alternative (now with crystal vs aero for example). It matters how you treat the people who pay your salary

Pimax should not comment on blushes when Portal only got 605 backers, Crystal lenses were mixed up, no Wifi6e, no finished Crystal cable which made a PCVR headset reliant on a battery. No stand-alone store for a stand-alone headset. A company that doesn’t know if there’s 1 or 2 batteries in the box. It’s embarrassing.

I mean CES2023 was Pimaxes time to shine but all it did was show how detached from reality Pimax are. Crystal, Portal and 12k still prototypes. Launching in October, January, February….

A COO based in Florida when Operations are in China. How does that even work? It’s crazy to watch.


It indeed all is. A manager who repeatedly attacks his own clients on the forum. The portal which was a horrible idea from the get-go, now failed in kickstarter but they’re still clinging on to it and investing time, energy and money in it. Marketing people who look at youtubers like they’re crazy, when they’re pointing out problems with their products. Getting a huge booth at CES and then showing the wrong product version, with incorrectly adjusted lenses. Portal backing actually DROPPING after CES while more than half of their huge booth was dedicated to it. Crystal which is supposed to ship but the hardware is not even ready and software even way less ready, which people supposedly should buy for a hefty sum and choose over a well developed competing product like the Aero. A beta test that they start AFTER the product launch, with people who actually paid for the product… Let’s say it’s ‘interesting’ to follow for sure.

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Yes, tempers are boiling up, dirty laundry is already being washed. If you have friends like that, you don’t need enemies. Finally the forum is back what it is loved for. Tip to Pimax, stop all developments, save your nerves and let the users continue to be happy with the technology from the day before yesterday. :see_no_evil:

My tips to Pimax:

  1. Drop the Portal. It was a bad idea from the beginning and can actually ruin you.
  2. Focus on wide FoV gaming headsets. That’s where your experience lies, that’s what your known for and that’s where there is 0 competition
  3. Treat clients and youtubers with respect
  4. Get a COO in China, who actually is there to manage
  5. Don’t promise release dates anymore. Release things when they’re ready
  6. Do a beta test with 15-20 users BEFORE product launch. Finalize hardware only after a success.
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… …
We all make missteps from time to time and we’re all not perfect, that’s true.

However, I think we all respect people who own up to their missteps and correct them rather than dance around issues or even go on the defensive.

I appreciate PIMAX’s presence on these forums. However, they’re public forums where people may criticize, even incorrectly, various things.
Some criticism may be well-deserved, depending…
Some things can actually be learned from criticism if people can resist getting their feathers all ruffled.

I personally do not believe it does PIMAX any points to argue with potential consumers of their products.

I understand why a PIMAX representative may wish to take a position of defense. However, others on these forums will, and typically point out things that are in error without any need for PIMAX to take any defensive position or be part of some heated banter back and forth.
Whether right or wrong, it simply doesn’t look good. It’s not professional, and it simply doesn’t lend any confidence regarding how PIMAX conducts its affairs.

PIMAX is a company trying to make a good product, and just like everyone else, they’re not perfect and unfortunately there’s some history there in regards to how PIMAX has conducted its business and communication.
That’s up to PIMAX to improve if they feel it necessary and they’re able to.

I think it’s perfectly fine for PIMAX to ‘clarify’ things and ‘correct’ things, especially missteps. Own up to any that need to be owned up to. People will have more respect for that rather than combative posturing, whether it’s deemed warranted or justified or not.

:popcorn: :wink:


It indeed is - it’s also difficult when you can’t put the finger on the issue. During the road show event at MRTV’s I discussed my feeling of a convergence issue with Sebastian and when he reported his finding, that he was better off not using his spectacles, we agreed that something was off and I felt that there was confirmation that I was on to something there. Yet admittedly I didn’t grab any of the Pimax employees to tell them about it. This kind of confrontational message in their face just is awkward enough but when you have read reports of the occasional “if you have an issue, it’s because you are doing something wrong” responses it made me even wish less to enter such a discussion. And I would be reporting it on this forum anyhow so they’d read it eventually.

To me this has grown to be the hardware equivalent to the successor of Skyrim - you expect it to be right around the corner by now, because boy have we been waiting for a long time now, but it just won’t materialize…


Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if it would be another year without a new Index. Really really too bad because Valve has shown how to make good hardware.

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It’s just a grand total of 3 people here who are bias to a point where objective discussions aren’t really possible. Defensive vs. that, sure.

As a general rule with just those few exceptions the conversation here is critical but objective. All but a few users here are here to be informative or learn.

There’s no avoiding that bad actors will be a part of this sort of thing.


There were more than the 3 (me, @atmos and @Axacuatl) who you’re targeting. However you bullied them away. They once put money into your pockets. They won’t anymore. And honestly when there’s an alternative, I won’t for sure anymore neither.

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Heh the two of them only post dozens of times per day. Great objective reporting.

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You misread my post. I’m saying that besides of the ‘3’, there were more. You bullied those others away. Some of them even used to be fans of Pimax in the beginning. Now they won’t ever return, I’m sure. Probably makes you feel good, but in the end, it’s not good for Pimax.

At least you stopped childishly giving the ‘poop’ icon sign to user’s posts that you disagree with. So that’s one change for the better.

I think you’re bad acting as Pimax COO not actually Chief of anything but a desk in your own house.

When was the last time you walked around the factory in Shanghai?

Talk about hands off.


Yeah here’s the COO (chief OPERATING officer) on a forum bashing his own clients. Yeah that’s productive. “Honey how was your day at the office?” “yeah I spent it in my basement fighting my customers on our forum, hopefully they won’t buy our products again and stay away next time, that will teach them.”

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“How’s ramping up going today?”

“Hang on I’ll just send an email to check”

“Really? You don’t want to fly over there while Crystals launched?”

“Nah, there’s a pandemic on there and besides it’s Chinese New Year, everyone’s on holiday. I’m going fishing”


No more worse than flooding a forum with 50% unfounded assumptions 24/7. But ok if you have nothing else to do… :hourglass_flowing_sand:

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You’re talking about yourself, right? But he’s a COO, you’re just a visitor, so that’s the difference. And don’t be too harsh on yourself, not all your posts are that bad.

nor realy, i have a job :joy:

…thx :beers:

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I bet you have to turn up for yours. :joy: