What kind of headstrap is the non deluxe version?

maybe going to upgrade to 8kx but i dont need any audio. is the other option as bad as the cloth straps from 5k+/8k or the same as deluxe audio just without audio?

Both MAS have audio, the deluxe have proper headphones and the normal got projected audio like the Index


I don’t plan to use the MAS audio either so I hope there’s either a software or hardware switch to turn the speakers off, or failing that, presumably it’s possible to physically remove them

As they are modular (mentioned on several occasions by @PimaxUSA) it should be possible to just remove them.


Is Pimax Vision 8K X in both MAS versions comes with “comfort kit” or we need to buy it separately?

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But can you buy the deluxe headphones later? Is it actually modular? Does it have a usb-c to 2 Usb-c ports?


Comfort kit is default on both 8k vis & X. Question does it come with regular mask if you don’t like it?


Guess we’ll have to ask @PimaxUSA or @SweViver… :upside_down_face:


I am also waiting on the answer to these questions. If it’s quick enough, I can put my billed VAT charge directly into these, and it’ll save some effort.

I have ordered the upgrade plan A on the first day, when the (deluxe) headphones were not selectable. I wrote support and got a reply by @Matthew.Xu on my ticket which said “it comes with the default earphones”.

Which was confusing to me. Earphones to me are on the ear. The standard version has speakers, projectional. Then the pictures of the non-upgrade plans showed the headphones,on the ear, when selecting “standard version”… So it confuses me a bit now, sorry!:slightly_frowning_face:

I have standard upgrade plan A and I would like headphones. @PimaxUSA can you please clear up my confusion. What is what? Is “Deluxe” in regards to the type of drivers, or in regards to headphones vs. speakers only?

@SweViver On the VR meet-up in Berlin, can we demo the standard vs. deluxe MAS? Were you able to bring some for the tour?


Not a fact, just using common sense: backers MAS will be with the plastic beepers and so they will be in every plan unless specifically selected “deluxe” option.
@Matthew.Xu can confirm true or not.


They make a big mistake…the stretch goal clearly stated we should be getting headphone!! And so the only headphone I know of is the Deluxe headphone…but they’re not included but rather make us pay for it.


I agree and stated that before. Terminology won‘t excuse it this time, but I‘m afraid they won‘t care.


Pimax did say deluxe audio strap is now MAS and to be fair all we really knew at the time of kickstarter was we going to receive a rigid strap with audio since the design was never finalized.

So now we will get a rigid strap with audio, what’s wrong with that? Its unreasonable to expect more or to demand the premium uprated version, for free at least. If they wanted to add a more premium accessory to their product lineup, its not in conflict with fulfilling the promised stretch goal.


When will we know the specs of the deluxe headphone ?

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From what Matthew answered about the 8KX in https://community.openmr.ai/t/8kx-backers-plan-g-is-out-and-up-still-no-info-on-how-to-send-back-loaner-units/23291/68, it only comes with the comfort kit version.

Will 8KX backers receive the non-comfort version of the front cowling in addition to the Vision Comfort kit?

The Vision front cowling covers up the forehead and makes the cooling fan module useless, so it should be possible to swap back to the original front cowling.
If a choice has to be made, how do backers indicate their front cowling preference to Pimax?
–We received feedback from most backers before we decided to upgrade the comfort kit. New products will come with comfort kit. We need to think about the cooling fan in the future. So now I can’t reply to you.

Which brings up the question, how do 8KX users get the regular front cowling instead if they don’t want the comfort kit version? (because I really don’t want it.)


That is an excellent question. I even mentioned to @PimaxUSA that folks msy prefer the original face mask vs the comfort kit(heat trap).


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I was hoping that the deluxe headphones would have been ready for VRdays but it looks like they won’t be. Well at least we’ll be able to try the normal ones. Those are probably the ones I’ll be using anyway. The “index-like” speaker-phones sound like the better option as I can’t stand tight headphones.

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It would be good but think they said MAS was not going to be there either.

If it is. Looking forward to hearing real ppls opinions. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

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Aww that would be sad. :confused: But I guess better not to show something that isn’t ready.

Also… real people :smiley: ?Martin and Kevin are figments of our imagination then :stuck_out_tongue: ?


We can hope for the best.

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