Does anyone here use VorpX with their Pimax? I saw one thread about playing Alien Isolation using VorpX, but I’m going to be purchasing Star Citizen soon and I was wondering if there’s a chance I can use VorpX to play it in VR. I saw there’s a little bit of code editing for Alien Isolation…is this the case with all games run through VorpX? Has anyone had success with any other titles in VorpX using the Pimax? Any info would be greatly appreciated…
HI, I use vorpx with Steam vr to play Skyrim and Pimax Gyroscope. Vorpx had a lot of good tweaking, recommended it.
I play doom, warhammer end of times, bioshok inffinity and more, the problem is ressolution an the hud, the best resolution 1280x1024
grzvsm, chapeka - Have you guys had to edit any code or registry files to get it working? or does it work without any additional modification?
Normally, just install Vorpx and configure it with Steam. When you launch the game (a game that Vorpx support), Vorpx will do all.
Every game has its configuration, there are games in which you have to edit or create some file in the user, other only configuration in vorpx, the problem is the screen width that does not see the content and you have to play with the resolution of the game itself .
The only problem I encountered with Vorpx is described in this topic on the Vorpx forum.
I hope PIMAX support can update this issue.
How is vorpX usable if the Pimax must constantly be moving so the tracking does not cut out?
Ralf, vorpx developer says:
forward it to Pimax, their engineers will understand.
To avoid potential screen burn-in, vorpX uses SteamVR’s
IVRSystem::GetTrackedDeviceActivityLevel function to determine whether
the headset is used or not and makes the screen black if this function
returns anything else than k_EDeviceActivityLevel_UserInteraction.
please fix this issue, is very unconfortable play vorpx this way.
Surely if k_EDeviceActivityLevel_UserInteraction returns false (assuming it’s a boolean function) the instant the HMD stops moving, the problem is not in Pimax.
Vorpx should have some timout function before turning the display off.
Your mobile phone doesn’t turn the display off the instant you stop interacting with it.
I don’t think it’s Voprx responsibility to turn the display off at all. This is a user responsibility to control when the screen turns off to avoid burn in,
My Pimax doesn’t turn the Pimax logo off when my unit has been sitting still in Extended Mode for hours. That’s more likely to cause screen burn in than any game.
Which makes me wonder what the sensors in the HMD are for if not to detect when you are wearing the HMD and turn off the display when you’re not.
If this is the purpose for those sensors, then mine are not working. Well not in Extended mode at least.
Well, and what solution do you present to this ?, who do you think is responsible?, Some idea how to solve it, this has nothing to do with a screen protection process, in the mometo that leaves the viewer stopped in a Point the screen stays black, have you tried it???
Bought vorpX and tried it. This should not be recommended for the Pimax 4K, currently.
As noted, in SteamVR Direct/SteamVR Extended Mode. There is an undeniable/inescapable “micro-freeze” that happens when head motion can not be detected.
Stepping away from SteamVR and going Extended mode brings no head-tracking whatsoever. Opentrack worked but at that point, it’s better to use the free “Depth3D”.
We will see mate … I use vorpx in pimax mode, vorpx works phenomenally, the quality that gives the increase of resolution is great and rarely will you see the black screen with doom 4 for example, It’s going to be quiet forever.
I use VORPX for FPS and I recommend it 100% in Pimax.
Que flipao compi…
Hmm, on one of my setups in SteamVR with GTX 1080, the micro-freeze is absolutely every 2 seconds while in vorpX Destop Viewer/SteamVR Games.
Can you provide the videocard in use/Drivers?
Hi. Just a couple of corrections to my post.
The face sensor in the Pimax mask does in fact work on my unit.
The problem was as I have to have a second pair of lenses over the main Pimax lenses to get focus (I wear glasses) and the edge of the lens was causing a reflection and preventing the sensor from doing it’s thing.
I have adjusted the position of the lenses and now the display turns off when I take it off.
I have not tried VorpX. I read several reviews, some good some not good, that I just wasn’t prepared to spend the AU$50. If they had a trial version I would give it a try and if it worked for my games, I would be glad to buy it.
As far as turning the display off. In my opinion VorpX should definitely not turn the display of, ever.
There are too many variables in play for it to make a correct decision on when to turn it off.
I can understand the display being turned off if the HMS is still for several minutes, but not seconds.
On my PC, with vorpX/SteamVR, the screen does not turn off. It literally freezes within 2 seconds until head movement is registered and then refreezes again within another 2 seconds/repeat.
Motion sickness creeps up real fast.
This issue has been remedied.
Had to Uninstall/redownload setup file & Reinstall VorpX for the fix.
Thank you so much !!!
Now i can play ARMA 3 in really good conditions !
Just replace the head tracking by my trackir and it s just amazing.
I have an EDTracker it gives true 3dof and is cheap
Speaking of Arma 3, I remember reading a few months ago in their forums that the only way to play it in VR was seeing 3D on a large virtual screen around you, not with a true VR presence like Subnautica for instance. Is it still the case?
Also, should I even bother trying with a GTX 970?
After couple minutes of googling i think that the issue still persist and its not that easy to let arma 3 properly work in vr.
As a vorpx user i can confirm that the current vorpx version contains arma 2 and arma 3 profiles (have no arma 3 to test it, sorry).
970gtx is definitely worth to try, its officially ‘recommended’ graphic card that should handle VR with no issues.