VorpX Compatibility

I just purchased VorpX and tried it with Half-Life 2, one of the supported games.

When tha game started the screen was zoomed right in so that the menus were way off screen.

Pressing the mouse wheel button zooms the screen out so it looks like cinema screen.

Also, head tracking does not work unless I have the in-game Vorpx menu open.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Don’t have Half-Life 2 to test.

Have you tried any other listed supported games?

Is there a way to use Pimax Headtracking in Extended Mode with Vorpx ??? I had tried Opentrack but it seen to not work … maybe I am doing some bad config …

Yes, I tried Far Cry 3 but it crashed on startup. Steam said it’s running but nothing started on screen.
Has to restart the pc to get back to normal.

I’ve also got ARMA 2 & 3 but haven’t tried them yet. Also Mass Effect 1,2 & 3 and Call of Duty games.

I’ll give them a try and hopefully some will work.

I have pc screen and Pimax set to 2K resolution. Would this affect anything?


Going to try Mass Effect 3 & COD4.

Don’t believe the 2K resolutions should hinder anything.

Right-click vorpX Taskbar icon & select “Configure vorpX”.

Click General.

“Device Selection” should be SteamVR (HTC Vive) and under “Device Settings” check mark all 3 selections.

Look for “Misc”.

Check “Run vorpX Control as administrator” & click “Apply and Close”.


The same method should apply for non Pimax/SteamVR Mode, ie Extended Mode except “Device Selection” should be (Generic VR headset (extended mode).

Also, vorpX does not appear to support the Pimax’s gyro’s in Extended Mode. (Use Opentrack 2.3.0 - Oculus runtime 0.4.2 as input)

It appears that renaming exe.'s to supported games works. (Perhaps as long as the Game Engine is similar, vorpX can inject/hook)

vorpX zooms the view to make it appear as if you are in game, this zoom makes the visual appearance worse off on top of the already recommended lower resolution.

Mass Effect 3:

Had to add it to Steam as an Non-Steam Game before vorpX would recognize it.

No input was being translated on Main Monitor.

The cursor only showed in the HMD. (Press “Delete” for vorpX Menu)


Had to add it to Steam as an Non-Steam Game before vorpX would recognize it. (Simply renamed iw3sp.exe to iw5sp.exe).

Far Cry 3:

Had to add it to Steam as an Non-Steam Game before vorpX would recognize it. (farcry3_d3d11.exe)

DiRT Rally:

Renamed the drt.exe to dirt3_game.exe (Works and the Loss of Tracking is remedied but vorpX does not list this game as being supported so expect the unexpected) [Must configure, it looks terrible, LOL].

Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag - Gold Edition:

Simply renamed AC4BFSP.exe to AC3SP.exe.

I think I’ll forget about it for now.
Tried CODMW3 which worked but MW3 does not recognise a controller so need to use the keyboard.
I was able to configure a Steam controller to work, but game is too difficult to control well so what’s the point then?
I’m a little tired of endless fiddling.

Look into Xpadder or something similar, it can translate keyboard/mouse input into just about any game-pad input.

For instance, this is my Wireless 360 controller settings for Virtual Desktop/Kodi.

FPS games for PC without native game-pad support performs sub-par. The aiming ability will be more difficult because there will be no assists.

Thanks CMM.
I’ll see what I can make of it.

@grzvs grzvs, what do you mean with “configure Vorpx with Steam”?

The source where VorpX is going to apply the 3d injector… in our case with Pimax, if you want to play Steam VR content; in Piplay put it in Pimax Mode, now in Vorpx specify HTC Vive in main config.

@grzvs thank you! I did the same, but I still have some problem … here that’s what I see when I run Arma 3 and I can’t figure out how to solve it …

I tried to get Skyrim to work with Vireio Perception on the PI;AX, no luck there.
Also DK1 versions of Quake 2 wont work on the PIMAX,
For that reason I am a bit sceptical to invest like 45 $ into Vorpx though I totally would love to play all those games and finally get the PIMAX to run with some decent stuff and not just Steam Demos.
So I am hoping for posts that will confirm if at least a few games will run with Vorpx and PIMAX running the current firmware …
BZW… motion sickness is not much of an issue to me, I only need to avoid too much “strafing” in those Games not officially released for VR

Don’t think it too much, buy VorpX. Skyrim looks amazing with 3D geometry and Quake 2 I had not try it.

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The latest version of quake 2 works in native steamvr.

Anyone tried Bioshock in vorpx? I am playing it now, it is absolutely stunning. Probably the best vr game I have, including the real vr ones.

If you can confirm that Bioshock is in 3D VR and runs on the current PIMAX firmware I would be willing to give VorpX a chance…
I only need to know if VorpX would accept pirated games …:blush:

Dont know about current drivers, but current fw, yes. I think the latest drivers probably work ok, someone else will have to tell you.

It works in geometry 3d as long as you set -dx9 in the shortcut.

Pirate games should work, vorpx just looks for the name of the .exe and injects.

There are definitely a lot of games you can get working, each with a bit of effort. Some better than others. The Bioshocks, RE7, Alien Isolation, Portal 2, are the best for me so far. Even got Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Jedi Outcast working ok.

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Right now I am playing Bioshock Infinite with 3d Geometry, Nvidia DSR and it is fantastic… thanks to VorpX. Really recommended.

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