Going to try Mass Effect 3 & COD4.
Don’t believe the 2K resolutions should hinder anything.
Right-click vorpX Taskbar icon & select “Configure vorpX”.
Click General.
“Device Selection” should be SteamVR (HTC Vive) and under “Device Settings” check mark all 3 selections.
Look for “Misc”.
Check “Run vorpX Control as administrator” & click “Apply and Close”.
The same method should apply for non Pimax/SteamVR Mode, ie Extended Mode except “Device Selection” should be (Generic VR headset (extended mode).
Also, vorpX does not appear to support the Pimax’s gyro’s in Extended Mode. (Use Opentrack 2.3.0 - Oculus runtime 0.4.2 as input)
It appears that renaming exe.'s to supported games works. (Perhaps as long as the Game Engine is similar, vorpX can inject/hook)
vorpX zooms the view to make it appear as if you are in game, this zoom makes the visual appearance worse off on top of the already recommended lower resolution.
Mass Effect 3:
Had to add it to Steam as an Non-Steam Game before vorpX would recognize it.
No input was being translated on Main Monitor.
The cursor only showed in the HMD. (Press “Delete” for vorpX Menu)
Had to add it to Steam as an Non-Steam Game before vorpX would recognize it. (Simply renamed iw3sp.exe to iw5sp.exe).
Far Cry 3:
Had to add it to Steam as an Non-Steam Game before vorpX would recognize it. (farcry3_d3d11.exe)
DiRT Rally:
Renamed the drt.exe to dirt3_game.exe (Works and the Loss of Tracking is remedied but vorpX does not list this game as being supported so expect the unexpected) [Must configure, it looks terrible, LOL].
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag - Gold Edition:
Simply renamed AC4BFSP.exe to AC3SP.exe.