Hi, i got my pimax 4k today, and the screen has black
reflective borders at both sides, and a little at the top if i angle it,
but always at the sides. This means the field of view is only around 70
degrees and the rest is these borders.
The closer i go to the screen,
the worse it gets, i would need the screen a lot further from my face
for these borders to disappear. It is like looking at a square screen or
through a window with big black reflective curtains at the sides.
I am using piplay 1.2.53, another user also says 1.2.53 causes his device to also have borders and reduced field of view.
I can’t try 1.1.92 as this does not detect my device no matter what i try
, and you do not provide download links for any other versions.
adjustment does not help no matter what setting i use, i try 50, 60
which is mine, and 70, nothing changes still big borders.
I am using firmware which is what piplay updated it to.
Please help, i want to keep this device but it is not usable with these borders.
UPDATE: I have now tried piplay 1.2.50 also, and still these big black borders at either side. INterestingly they only appear reflective when a game or film is loaded, during the pimax logo screen, they do not reflect the stars.
Thank you
UPDATE: OK i can now clarify with 100% certainty that the
field of view in my pimx is 75 degrees (horizontal). Simply install virtual desktop
to play a 3d video, and select fisheye option which lets you change the
field of view. Keep increasing or decreasing the field of view until the video is at the edges of the pimax field of view. I get 75 Degrees, any higher and the video goes beyond the pimax field of view. I have also googled field of view which gave me many images all of which seem to
confirm it is around 75 degrees.
Please, everyone that owns pimax try what i just instructed above and see if you can get beyond 75 degrees.
UPDATE. Got 1.1.92 to work finally, but still black borders and also stuck in portrait mode. Fact that borders are still present even in portrait says it’s hardware to me.
Photo through lenses below…it is a lot more visible wearing it than i could get through the lenses, at least 1cm thick when wearing it at either side. Tighter the headset is bigger they get but even loose or just holding to face they are very visible.
I will start a poll, do you have black borders on your headset?
Dave[poll type=multiple min=1 max=2 public=true]
- I see black borders like blinkers in my headset.
- I don’t see black borders in my headset.