[Updated] 8K Arrived Monday 25th Feb 2019, it's not plug and play but after tweaking it's amazing

FpsVR is an asset. Adding LHes to the mix likely changes performance mix.

But most programs will run decently at base settings with just tweaking in game settings ignoring pitool render & steamSS.

Truth only console are truly pick up & play.

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True, I remember when I first had the Rift I had lots of annoying issues with that too, almost 2 years on and it’s just slicker and just works. I’m fairly certain Pimax will do the same with the 8K…

Technology and software they’re good at, we won’t mention logistics until it’s more mature :slight_smile:


I still have friends whom think they can max graphics setting on a $200 gpu. Lol. (They drive me batty at tge best of times)

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The other priblem of course is Game requirements for VR are made with gen1 headsets. So the next step would be to try & convince Devs to update this. But as long as folks stick more to rec min for pimax headsets most should be good that understand middle ground is best vs Min rec. So essentially 1080 should be prefered or I guess in 20series the 2070?

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“I tried different pitool multipliers and SteamVR sliders trying to get as close to multiples of 1440 vertical res as possible.”

For this to be done accurately use SteamVR Beta
PiTool 1.25 SteamVR Beta Video at 26% and App at 134% will give you a Target Res of 2880. Double them both for 5760.

Also try PiTool 1.75 and SteamVR Beta Video at 20% and App at 50% - that gives you a Target Res of 2160v which is the native panel resolution. Push App to 100% or 200% for alternatives based on 2160.

I don’t have Elite Dangerous but they say Assetto Corsa has ingame SS settings but I don’t see it and my settings are effected by SteamVR.

AA ingame can be sued as well - see how you go.



THanks for the tips.

You may have to edit a config file to up SS in AC, that’s the usual way to tweak things in that game.

In the file Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\cfg\openvr.ini I included the line “PIXEL_PER_DISPLAY=1.5” - openvr.ini is a guess as the instruction I found is for oculus

Alternatively get content manager, which I have and it is brilliant, it is free but for a small donation EUR2.99 I believe, has lots of brilliant functionality including an SS adjuster

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I have Content Manager, I must look harder to where the SS slider is. It is a great piece of software and well worth the money.

Run it through Virtual Desktop for full no leave HMD experience. :+1:

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Did you change your view on this? If so you should update your Reddit post. Because it undermines your review

So it looks like you did change. Post an update in Reddit please, You were freaking out a lot of backers and pre-orderers

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I never posted in Reddit…

Could you post a link to the reddit post you refer to

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If he hasn’t posted in reddit might br easier to let folks know with a link. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:


Another thing folks found is go into Nvidia Control panel & switch was it scaling off?



All good stuff, won’t be able to try out tonight though. Mother in law’s birthday I might get grief if I insist on a VR session lol



The reason I thought it was your post is because of the Oculus rift comment was very similar to this post the other parts of their review also look similar.

Sorry if this was not you.


I received my 5k+ yesterday. I found it was OK, but not as good as I had expected. Clarity on the gauges in the cockpit of the P-40 in IL-2 and the F/A-18 in DCS was pretty much the same as the Rift, if I use the same number of lines for both headsets. It’s possible the 5k+ could do better, but not at the kind of framerates I can accept (down to 60FPS is OK for me).

But that was to be expected, I suppose. 1440 lines vs 1200 for the Rift IIRC. If the 5k has a slightly higher vertical FOV, that makes the two headsets similar in pixels per degrees.

Still, it’s not bad. Not impressed, but not disappointed either.

Maybe the impression will be better on other details than gauges…

@anon74848233 May I be added to the early backers’ group?

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There must be something wrong. 5K+ should crash CV1 and Vive OG in clarity.


What is the EarlyBackers group and how does one join it?

Why? 1440 lines (5k+) vs 1200 lines (OR). Not a big difference to start with, and if the 5k+ indeed has a higher vertical FOV, that brings them even closer together.

Not me, I don’t know if I even have a reddit account, I would use born2bslow if i did. tentontitan, I’m no lightweight but it’s not me :slight_smile:

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rgb stripe is better than pentile, cant forget that


Number of lines (res) shouldn’t be set to same as rift or og vive. Your undersampling.