UnBoxing 8K+ and a mini review

31000 Ohm :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1: 202020202

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May be easier to use one of the circuit boards in Russell lab, the details are just as good. Would be easier to place and take a photo.


@Possyguset :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
OK I didn’t remember the name, but that’s what I meant


Hi, bin auch 8k+ Besitzer und kann deine Eindrücke bestätigen. Was hast du für eine Seriennummer ?
Meine ist 20630495200376
Bist du auch in deutschen VR-Foren unterwegs ? Bin oft im Virtual Reality Forum und Computerbase.


Hi @FrankTank,
Schau ich gleich mal nach (SN) - gerade etwas family time. Ich war mal beim Voodoo DE im Discord, sonst eher in International bzw hauptsächlich hier.

I’ll take a look at it later (SN) - family time now. I was a while at VoodooDE Discord, otherwise in International media but mainly here.
SN 206 304 xxx 01 419 (xxx is your part - 745 captcha :wink: )


I agree 100% with the post above i have an Artisian and no matter what i try to do the 8k plus just looks worse than the Artisian was not expecting that.The Artisian is very sharp the 8k plus just seems fuzzy.

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Which of the above? I like the 8k+ more then my “old” 5K+. NO SDE (almost) and a nice picture. Sure Scaling is not native Res, the no SDE is worth it IMHO. If you need the speed and don’t like the typical upscale image (look at TV’S) then the 8k+ is not for you - go artisan or 5k+, if you dont mind a bit softness, love less SDE and don’t need more then 90 (110) Hz - go 8k+ would be my advise…


The foam pad looks much larger than on my 5XR (and presumably 5k+). Is that standard or is that additional?

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That looks like the foam from the comfort kit, which is included as standard with all the new Vision series headsets.

It can (theoretically) be purchased separately, but I understand stock is low at the moment.


That’s all out of the box for mine


So 8k+ should come standard with a comfort kit?

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So your 8k+ came standard with a comfort kit.


Yes, like in the picture. With just that default foam. The 8k+ is the lower one, 5k+ the upper one.


If you go to www.pimax.com and check the headsets at the top, two are called the Vision 8K X and Vision 8K PLUS.

The Vision series will eventually come with both the Comfort Kit and the Standard Modular Audio Strap (an adjustable rigid headstrap instead of the old cloth one) as standard in the box. The SMAS is nearly ready, but not yet. A Deluxe Modular Audio Strap is also on the way with improved audio.