Why is that ‘interesting’?
TTL shots will never be ‘as good as it is’ but given all three HMDs were filmed with the same camera, the differences between each HMD are portrayed accurately.
Why is that ‘interesting’?
TTL shots will never be ‘as good as it is’ but given all three HMDs were filmed with the same camera, the differences between each HMD are portrayed accurately.
Notice on his you can’t see the vertical line in the helmet in his image - that is from motion blur because his camera is in motion at the time the image was taken.
Probably just an oversight on seb’s part, no big deal.
But wouldn’t that apply to all three HMDs?
And again, why is what @BGAStories posted ‘interesting’? I get the impression you are (once again) alluding to some sort of conspiracy against Pimax, is that the case?
Obviously he chose an image that was taken with the camera moving as I have proven. You can draw your own conclusions why he chose an image where nothing is even remotely legible.
What conclusion did you draw?
Unfortunately without using a rig like @Tyrielwood or Doc_ok it is very difficult to get a decent shot. Both Seb and Marcin had said this. So it involves taking quite a few shots and choosing the best one.
No conspiracy as he does have good pictures in the mix. Some of his past best ttl was the green monster in steam home.
I found with a camera phone it was best to remove the. Gasket facial interface on pimax headset.
Sebs words describing the headsets is much better and his pics are more of reference that give a rough idea of what he has described.
Enterprise paying customers will help us get there. What we do know is it is easier to build a restricted FoV headset than a WFoV headset.
The Varjo VR3 has somr great advancements but the rendering costs atm are insane for it’s FoV limits. I would really like to hear a comparison to the 8k Xtal which uses custom aspherical lenses to give a WFoV. Though 1 big flaw with Xtal is the hmd weight is very high.
Imho if were going to be tossing an hmd every 2 to 3 years it needs to be priced under $2k more arounf $1300 max.
Agreed. The conclusions haven’t changed, neither has his perception or that of people who’ve actually owned all three sets.
There’s no spinning things out of this. If Pimax want to stick to FOV lead selling, then stick to it but you’re not going to be the best at everything and have never been, so this isn’t some new threat.
yep this is true of all the headsets currently available…they all have compromises in some area…just up to the consumer to decide which compromises fit best with what they like.
Indeed true of all headsets. They all have serious flaws. To be a competitor they need the same to similar features across the board.
All three companies have pushed things in there own way. And reflect in there price points. Varjo has some nice advancements but were still looking for more like lightfeild displays and consumer realistic pricing.
To which atm the G2 honestly is more consumer realistic with the friendlier price point that more ppl would be willing to pay. Not to be confused with ppl with deep pockets that would buy an 8kX or extremely deep pockets to buy Varjo, Xtal etc… Average 2 to 3 years is a lot of capital.
I find Sebas latest video actually pretty good as it depicts pretty much what I see. I can read row 11 much better on the VR3, while the 8kX image actually still is pretty good. However the VR3 image is much more defined. Not only with text but with anything, the VR3 defines everything much sharper which really helps with the feeling of presence. Also the fact that there’s almost no mura at all on the VR3 and the sweetspot is just super big helps a lot with the feeling of presence.
The 8kX of course wins big time in terms of FoV and some games I actually prefer playing on the 8kX because of this (for example wave shooter ‘serious sam last hope’ is easier to play on the 8kX since you see enemies incoming without needing to move your head)
Indeed hopefully pimax can go back to Aspherical lenses or some kind of hybrid aspherical/fresnel hybrid.
Listen Pimax, I never stayed at a holiday inn express, nor have I ever played a doctor on TV…but your smoking crack if you think your $1,200 wide FOV centric display is in the same clarity league as a $3,195 + $795 annual membership fee enterprise headset. Honestly, its actually quite the accomplishment that your headset is even remotely considered worthy of comparison.
You can hem and haw all you want, but the Varjos are NOT your competitor, Sebastian is not out to get you (he explained several times to the viewer that your headset offers superior FOV) and end user consumers are allowed to voice their opinions…The Vive Pro 2 is and your lucky they dropped the ball on their horrid dual stack lenses. But the next Vive Pro may get it right, or the next valve index, or the next Oculus…so you better improve your product as the future is coming hard and fast.
I never understood @PimaxUSA in that he thinks the 8KX is actually competing with the VR-3 tbh. Different markets, differnt USPs, different price point.
Merely looking for an accurate representation here so no agenda in this case.
None of your post has anything at all to do with your choice of an obviously blurred image as an example the results are the same, loads of images to choose from and you picked the one you felt demonstrated your thesis the most.
I was able to prove that image is not accurate and the camera was in motion at the time. Others like Spamenigma have pointed out similar things even after the revised versions were released in his new video. Others have produced much clearer images as well.
Nothing wrong with people posting that they have much clearer images than what is shown.
Accurate representation? OMG you need to let it go, and get back into the lab and concentrate on your next product.
I would suggest aspheric lens, oled panels, and 120+ refresh rate on your next one…charge $2k and Ill be there with cash in hand.
Show me one ‘much clearer’ version of the text sebastian posted please. The one Spam posted was not much clearer at all. You’re really nitpicking now.
I did exactly that in my posts above. Look at the updated version of the 3 panel text. Also compare the word “Arena” between the image I provided and the other one. The word is not visible at all in the updated version from seb.
Your hostility is not welcome. It is worthy of comparison due to it costing considerably less as is comparing the G2.
Now if you change G2 and Pimax to Aspherical lenses with better qc on mura. You might find the $5000+ headset is not as over the top when you consider the bionic displays are not being utilized without jacking the res up insanely.