Too quiet on the reviews & impressions front

for a minute I thought you meant Pimax4K

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Carpedium man, play what you can now , for you never know what may happen tomorrow.

Some people are just way too much of SDE snobs. I got a OG Vive after using a rift for 2 years. And the first time i realized what SDE actually looked like. Yes the SDE in vive is bad mostly when looking at flat primary colors like red. Because only one pixel of the RGB lights up.

However. as bad as the SDE was you get used to it after 10 seconds and then it hit me how much better the contrast , brightness and overall grey-grey detail i was missing on the rift. Also the Rift did something to try to eliminate sde by kind of softening the image. Sonthe image on the vibe is soooo crisp.

Honestly I sometimes go back to the OG vive and im floored by the contrast and sharpness. Despite the SDE.

Even after getting my 8kX i can see myself going back tonthe OG Vive to play certain games from time to time.


Lets get back on topic guys…

It looks like quite a decent number of backers got their 8kx’s. If you are one and have yet to post your review/impressions please do so. Video or text, either would be appreciated.


Well now, of course you’re right, but missing the opportunity to play a game is such a minor thing. I think I’d rather wait and not already be familiar with these games, to experience them freshly the way they ought to be experienced. Carpe totius.


It has been mentioned by others in the past, e.g. Evertec

It‘s not terrible though. But not absent either.


Gotta try that… :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Late upgrader UK here, I just noticed an additional line added to my sales order page, wonder if this means I will soon have a tracking number (quietly, not quietly hopeful). Then again it might be because I had noticed (thanks to another poster) that I had purchased the wrong upgrade plan and make contact myself to rectify the issue.

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Knowing I will receive my 8KX soon™️ makes me not want to play with my 5K+ anymore


I like this idea and i’d love to see your full list

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doesn’t this have an actual vr mod? pretty sure @SweViver played it back in the day on his channel

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for you maybe… most people when in a near death situation see their life flash before their eyes. I will see my unplayed steam collection.

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I’ll do an export of it tonight if possible… :+1::upside_down_face:

UPDATE: Here’s a few screenshots instead:

vorpX collection list

NOTE: Just because they’re supported doesn’t mean they’re great… YMMV… :slight_smile:

Yes it does but it’s also supported by vorpX and that’s why it’s in my list, but now that You’re mentioning it I did actually use the mod (after watching the SweViver video… :upside_down_face:

I’ll update the list… :wink:


I had good luck with my SN204 Pimax 5K+, it had a good feeling of presence as well. So I am looking forward to the Vision 8KX (I will use it together with my own headphones) and will test it extensively, especially in HLA and highlight its benefits in IL-2 Great Battles.


drowhunter, I just now saw your response, so funny! :joy:

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DrWilken, I’d like to see that list also. I’m not seeing the screenshots you mentioned.

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amazing, I had started to do something similar months ago but I havent been in VR much for a few months now so never got far.

Crazy Idea, I know steam allows the community to tag games publically. Do you think you could do that so all vorpx users benefit by searching for the vorpx tag or vorpxG3D tag?

by the way how did you make the hidden section with the screen shots. I’m familiar with markdown but dont know that one

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Another one:

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Again, the black dots on the Index are more distracting than these dots on the X. I don’t notice any “irregularity of color,” as mura is defined, it’s just a layer of dots that you can choose to focus on.


I can have a look at that… :+1:

Press the great icon and choose “hide detail” after selecting a part of Your post… :upside_down_face:

Was looking for “collapse”… :wink:

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