SweViver: Pimax 8K X Specifications Revealed - Everything you NEED to know!

We’ve tested countless numbers of lenses. We can proto highly advanced designs but some of those are extremely slow to produce. The cost for lenses is mostly fab time. There is also application of coatings, sealants and the gasket.


Slow to produce and expensive, I get it. I just figure if any company is going to get us better quality lenses faster, it’s going to be Pimax. China has the infrastructure to scale up.

There’s a guy on Reddit who wants to see your lens geometry and fab his own lol. Lots of passion out there to help you guys.

Also, I’ve tried to send you guys a resume but the email did not send.


Agreed still too early days to have all details ironed out. I hope your VRTO presentation went well. Maybe if you have some time to give us some highlights. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:


If that were true the current 8k wouldn’t be sold out. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:


Meanwhile, in the real world, we are still without stations, without controls, without…


@Cdaked If you really need base stations that bad right away, I would just go buy some Vive base stations off of eBay, and then when your actual stations come, you will have a full room scale with near-zero chance of drift.

v1 and v2 wont work together…


I’ve already paid for some.


The main core benefit to eventually grab v1 LHes is a wider accessory compatability.

Atm most v1 LHes & accessories are too pricey. V1 is good for perm setups &/or smaller enviroments.

(Current costs are why I am waiting)

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Pimax seems to be working the best they can by way of iteration with what the supply chain has made available to them at any given time.

Controllers and base stations are something that pimax has to work out with valve. It’s probably going to take a while. So, if you paid in the Kickstarter for those components, it sucks, but since it is licensed technology, they surely have to iron out some stuff first.


Yes Valve often is not a good conpany to deal with. If they were they’d let users sell used games to other steam users collecting a small fee to do so.


Believe me I grasp the expense part. That’s why I don’t yet have the HMD. I need to buy a GPU, probably a new motherboard and CPU, and the HMD, plus LH, and controllers.

My current build barely cuts it for the cv1 LOL

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My 2 cents and I think a lot of 8K and 5K+ users would agree is that if in order to get more panel utilization with the “new” lens we would be willing to sacrifice a small amount of FOV, lets say the difference between “large” and “Normal” mode. I mean for me Large FOV only delivers minimal more FOV.


Yep. I simply cannot watch video with my 5K+. If I didnt own both I would have to get the 8K since I do videos AND games.

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I really hope a trade up option will be available. I’d be interested for sure.

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I am also waiting for cybershoes , i was worried a bit because my ceilings are low and no matter how i think of it i dont think i can get the wire suspended high enough to spin around. I have the Midwec hooks.

Then i see that quest can play steam vr games and my problems are solved. picked it up and it works amazing. looks as good as a vive pro with wireless adapter for like a third of the cost

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Didn’t read the whole thread, but what’s the main difference between 8K and 8K X if both of them need only one cable?

Why is one working natively in 4K and the other one isn’t? Wouldn’t that mean the 8K could be upgradable to also allow native 4K signals?

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I think @deletedpimaxrep1 mentioned possible future discounts for the original backers.


Maybe the knowledge and components available a year ago didn’t allow a reliable 8K without the upscaler solution.

8K could be upgradable by changing:

  • motherboard
  • lenses
  • display


  • shell
  • cable
  • strap

it doesn’t seem a deal to me.


The simplest upgrade path, also used with all other products, from cars to smartphones is:

  • sell old product
  • uses the money to buy the new product