SweViver: Pimax 8K X Specifications Revealed - Everything you NEED to know!

Definitely going the right direction with full RGB panels and native res instead of upsampled plus better panel utilization means better lenses…excellent news!

I hope they make the res switchable so wireless is still a possibility for room scale and then when you want the full res you can plug it in for seated sims, otherwise I’m not sure how they ever will be able to push such res over the air!


Any news on housing changes?


I dont know, maybe its just me, but Chromatic Abberration is one of these things that Pimax has less problems with, compared to any other headset. I wouldnt say its a problem at all unless you are extremely picky. Taking Ocululs Quest as an example, it has terrible CA already 20-30 degrees out on each side. Funny enough, nobody seems to bother.

Also, developing and manufacturing completely new plastic aspheric lenses would basically mean no 8KX this year. Is that really such a good idea? :wink:


Maybe yes… :slight_smile:

This, seriously this should be a top priority…


Really weird situation, we have great device and we are discussing housing. I am excited about 8kx, but even 5k+ still has a lot of potential in it (just try to set SS very high to see how image would look like once new GPUs arrive), if, HMD won’t fall apart until then :smiley:


I know right,I mean a product that is designed to sit on your face like goggles or a hat shouldn’t be broken by using it for what is was designed for in the first place…lol

The only 2 things keeping me from ordering the a pimax is the housing issue and the fact I am in canada.

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Being in Canada is advantage, RMA is very easy with Pimax North America.


I would argue yes, absolutely.

The majority of people would mind if there was a delay in releasing to try new aspheric lenses judging by this poll :slight_smile:

But are you willing to possibly as high as the Xtal at $3500 - $5000?

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But you need to understand that developing a totally new aspherical lens, with wide FOV that nobody else has managed to (yeah except XTAL) would require a few millions and a year or so.
XTAL spend ridiculous money on their lenses (believe me, I have talked a lot to Marek), and there is a reason why their headset has a 5000Euro price tag. The lenses WILL be improved on the 8KX but not to aspherical lenses. Its just not reasonable.

Sure I wish it could happen. But I dont think its the right move to wait another year.

And let me put this straight. The Pimax lenses, being Fresnel lenses, are by far the most superior lenses available among any headset out right now. At least in my opinion. Gear lenses sure, but you cant make them 170FOV. Probably not even 130. There is a good reason why Valve goes low FOV. And also uses Fresnel lenses (the outer lens of the two, at least)

Vive Pro - omg those lenses suck
Oculus Quest - Basically Oculus Go lenses. OK in the middle, 50% out its blurry
Samsung Odyssey - good in the centre, but poor sweet spot
Index - already now complains about godrays and sweetspot
HP Reverb - sure its sharp as heck in the middle, but poor sweet spot and 50% out to each side it gets blurry with CA (as far as I have heard)


I understand your wishful thinking guys, but you need to realize there are YEARS of research and testing behind any lens made. Especially when it comes to wide FOV.


Depends from what I can see I have two options, order from amazon.com via other sites for a mark up or from pimax but they don’t seem to offer alternate shippers. Last I heard it was UPS which is really bad at deliveries, are not careful with merchandise and “can’t find” my address 75% of the time whereas purolator I have never had any issues.

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It sounds to me like they managed to secure some rgb panels that are smaller than the original 8k panels and that is where the improved panel utilization comes from. Just like the 5k+.
I’ve been arguing before that they should be able to drive two 4k panels over displayport 1.4 with compression. I’m just hoping that it is still “virtually lossless” when it’s not on a big television four meters away and that the bridge chip does not introduce too much latency.

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I bought it directly from Pimax - no problems.

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It seems common to pick up a few words from a description of something successful and go “just copy that”. Fresnel lenses were developed specifically to make large lenses without being crazy thick. The other method would be to use a material with a high index of refraction, such as 1.8 glass from Zhong Chuan Optical, but this also requires even finer grinding. By the way, aspheric and Fresnel are not mutually exclusive - the principle of slicing up the curve can apply to most any curve where you can have one flat face (and probably a few others), and Fresnel Technologies have a brochure that does contain aspheric Fresnel lenses. Did anyone ever state what category of base curve Pimax’s lenses is based on? It need not even be one curve.


For plastic lenses that cost 50 dollars?


As with anything, price is dependent on quantity. If you are buying single lenses that are custom made, you can expect to pay around $1000 each. The same lens in quantities of 100 could cost less than $50. Normally, price reductions come at quantities of 5, 10, 20, 50 and so on. Given this information, it is wise to plan ahead and order a year’s supply. Manufacturers will often quote a price for a certain quantity and agree to ship and bill at intervals. That allows them to choose how to best allocate their manufacturing capacity.

How does that increase the price to $3000-$5000

Costs 50 dollars to manufacture and 2-3 millions to develop ? :slight_smile:

By the way, I have been playing around with the XTAL lenses. They are not plastic. Its HEAVY glass. Roughly 2 centimeters thick glass. I posted a video on them in my Patreon a while ago.
And they do not cost 50 dollars, trust me.


there’s development costs that needs to be recuperated. the current lenses had like 5 or 6 iterations. not cheap at all and only the customer to pay in the end.


Sure. Pimax has put millions into the lens development.