SweViver: NOT Working VR games on Pimax 8K and 5K+

So no point then. I wanted to play this game in a big FOV headset…not use a small fov (even though the “small” setting is still bigger than the vive’s). Think we need to contact the devs for this.

Did you try making that .ini fix? AppData\Local\EthanCarterVR\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GameUserSettings.ini


No but it will not help FoV. The game itself is not friendly with higher FoV - Game dev needed.

I have found some unreal titles that crawh require lower FoV to launch.

Ethan Carter though it launches but menu text becomes wavy/ripplely & in game graphics looks like really low quality

I have tried that today and it was not better by that.
Have tried the small FOV settings from @Heliosurge and tried different AA settings in game (plus ingame render quality up to 130%).
It looked worse than the time I had played it with my Rift.

I have also tried to find different UE settings for the ini files but that changed it to the worse too.

I still have high hopes that the devs will fix that.

For me this game was one of the best VR experience I had with the Rift.


Agreed but I think we need to reach out to Ethan Carter Dev. Perhaps he can port it to the newer Unreal Engine.

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Maybe worth checking some other UE4 games. ini file that works with pimax and compare it with Ethans ini to see if there is diffefences.

Also, theres two versions of Ethan Carter, other made with UE3, is that working?

The game developer is The Astronauts, a Polish dev company, maybe someone could ask them nicely to patch the game… @Yata_PL :thinking::wink:


The other Ethan Carter release would need Vorpx for VR.

I don’t even own this game , not my favourite genre but hey, Sweviver also speak polish and is more famous in industry, he is the guy with power to influence them :slight_smile:


@Heliosurge ok, have you tested?

Okay we’ll tag @SweViver then :blush:

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I haven’t tested the non redux Ethan Carter as I don’t as of yet have vorpx

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I seem to recall The Astronauts ruled out other little fixes before - both because even what at first seems like little things, often turns out to become a matter of redoing properties and interactions for an extensive range of objects throughout the entire game, and rewriting shaders, or replacing them with something that works some way entirely different, which bounces it right back to the former (EDIT: …and then the entire game needs testing all over again, to make sure nothing got broken), and because the guy responsible for the VR adaption left, along with his knowledge of every thing he did on the “port”. My memory may fail me, though.

I did fire up the game, back when the .ini file came up earlier here, meaning to check whether manipulating some of the parameters does anything (there are several - not just the scaling group one), but was immediately reminded of why I never played the game in the first place, past crossing the bridge. (Being one of those ports that were made before Oculus got their tracked controller act together, it was made with that launch-edition-Rift lowest common denominator in mind, and only plays with a gamepad - not even mouse and keyboard is supported, and well: I deeply loathe thumbstick gaming, and will not suffer it .- even for a gorgeous experience).


Sweviver, can you please let us all know if the pitool 0.90 update fixed the issues you reported?

I have found some interesting tips for Ethan Carter.

Have not tried them out.

But before that we should disable one row after another in the GameUserSettings.ini
to see if that will change anything.
The Scalability Settings → Post Processing come in GROUPS which means a lot of settings with one line: sg.PostProcessQuality 3
includes 13 under settings.

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux, but you’ll have no console in it. File that launches console is in game’s folder(Redux),all you need is to follow this path: C:\Steam\steamapps\common\The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux\EthanCarter\Binaries\Win64 and just open .exe file - “EthanCarter-Win64-Console.exe”

• To open console press (~)(they key right below ESC)

EDIT: I have found this on reddit:

Wow if you have the GPU power open up the Engine.ini file under “app data” then EthanCarter and add[Oculus.Settings] ScreenPercentage=200 then turn off antialiasing, you can see pretty damn far in stereo. I feel I can make out in stereo of trees that are very far away that I couldn’t before.

I had to set the engine.ini to read only because it kept defaulting back. It appeared with some new settings though such as PixelDensity=1.000000, I changed it to 1.500000 and seeing pretty big increase in image quality. Now I’m starting to skip frames a little though.

A user commented below you can get the console by going to
SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux\EthanCarter\Binaries\Win64\EthanCarter-Win64-Console.exe.
In the console if you put sg. then press tab you will get all the quality settings. You can also do hmd sp from here for screen clarity. hmd pd for pixel density, stat fps for framerate.


I have tried out different settings today but no better result.

Then I have downloaded the Redux version and tried it out with VorpX.
Wow that looked really good but unfortunately the new update of VorpX has changed the settings for VR modes.

Or maybe it’s a difference between Oculus mode in VorpX and Vive mode.

You can’t set the pixel 1:1 and zoom level anymore. So the picture was smaller than the FOV and in a square. So no fullscreen.
It was not the mode that you get when pressing the middle mouse wheel.

On all the games that I have tried with VorpX I get motion sick after a short time. The headtracking is bad and it feels like it’s running on low framerate but the fpsvr showed me 80-90fps.

You can get a good view into non VR games with VorpX but for me they are mostly unplayable because sickness inducing.


Did anyone improve the low resolution SteamVR version of “The Vanishing of Ethan Carter”?

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Someone had mentioned it seems a couple of things might be at work. Tied to monitor Res (4k monitor for example may help headset res) & Normal & Large stretching fixed res.


I’ve tried it with a Full HD monitor and it doesn’t matter the performance of the graphic card.
Well, I hope that someone other than the developers (The Astronauts) will take care of it, because they don’t seem to be interested anymore.
It was in a friend’s place, it wasn’t a 4K TV.

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My understanding is that it’s a bug in that particular release of the Unreal engine. The headset res is tied to the 2D monitor res.

Assuming you have an nVidia GPU, use the nVidia control panel to enable 4x Dynamic Super Resolution and set your desktop to use that res. The game should now be more clear.

I don’t have the VR version of the game, so I can’t actually test this.


Currently using PiTool

Import EthanCarterVR-Win64-Shipping.exe into PiTool from the My games section:

\Steam\SteamApps\common\The Vanishing of Ethan Carter VR\EthanCarterVR\Binaries\Win64

Disable Parallel Projections.

Launch from PiTool without SteamVR.

My presumption is that the game launches using the Oculus drivers?


The Menu looks aliased but in-game looks magnitudes better.

Changing Anti-Aliasing options while in game tanked my frames but all was well after manual close/relaunch.

D-Pad stops responding after exiting to Main Menu (Use analog).


Thank you, @CMM and @neal_white_iii. I’ll have to try it. It would be a pity if this jewel could not be enjoyed in its totality with Pimax.
I’ve heard that the Oculus version looks very good, but it could cause problems and not let the game continue. Has anyone managed to finish the Oculus / SteamVR version with Pimax?


Disable Parallel Projections or disable any antialiasing?
Disabling Parallel Projections doesn’t affect the “visions”?
Have you ended the game?

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