StarVR One review by VoodoVR in 65 minutes!

Looks like Pimax isn’t the only one that screws up the quality.


…What do you mean?

If they are demo units, they’ve likely been worn many times and could have gotten a bit damaged. That may be why VoodooDE had a different experience. I think generic is talking about how Pimax gave their pre-production headset to reviewers like Sebastian instead of the final unit. I wonder if they’ve made revisions to the StarVR since their demo units.


That is a very good question since Sebastian claims there is no Mura

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I cant see Mura too. And there is a SDE but to see it I really have to make an effort.

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You have the StarVR One?

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Of course… I got em

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What is your IPD? What experiences have you tried?

Do you know what Mura is or how it shows in the StarVR? Pretty much all units show Mura except the Marketing demos units

IPD = 63,6 measured by the optician.

Yes I know about Mura but I cant see it in my StarVR One. It seams that I got a Marketing demo unit. LOL
See my video from VRChat…

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Hi dmel. Are you pleased with your StarVr? Taking the cost into account? I always wanted one but VoodooDE review put me off not that I could afford one! :0)

Get 8K X unless they patch the mura lol.

I’m quite pleased with the StarVR. It feels so immersive. Obviously the Index is higher in resolution, but I’ve found myself playing HL: Alyx exclusively now on the StarVR. The Index doesn’t feel as immersive as it used to be. I still use my Index though to play Pavlov at 144Hz. As for mura, it doesn’t bother me at all.

Recently, I played Phantom Covert Ops and I was just looking around in amazement and just stopping to take it all in. Up close, the picture quality looks fantastic.

At first, I thought maybe it was a combination of FOV and decent close-up resolution on the StarVR that made things look more real. But now I realize that it is the richness of color, the huge sweetspot, and the lack of any noticeable screen door effect, that makes it look so real. There is this smoothness to the picture that is missing on the Index. I found myself marvelling at different shades of blue just looking at walls and also dark puddles with sunlight shining on them looked so real in Phantom Covert Ops.

Stay tuned for my full video review soon!


yet another reason for me to get the star vr one later from you guys :slight_smile:

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Starvr should quote that because it sure made me want one!!! Look forward to your next video. :+1:

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Whaahaahaa… I will never sell my StarVR One

:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

Someone will definately :smiley:
But I ll wait till you guys get the 8k X so price for the star vr one might drop ( used )

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