StarVR One review by VoodoVR in 65 minutes!

You’re probably right. On the other hand, StarVR is very slow at responding to emails. They take several days. Probably they don’t want to spend time having to sort through lots of consumer emails to find the enterprise ones.

I don’t think, this is a bad review.
it was his objective personal experience, nothing more.


3-5 persons team including the receptionist…


Honestly I was quite surprised by his review too. SDE? I really didn’t see any on the StarVR, surely it was much better than the 5k+ and Index SDE. Blur, yeah that’s because his IPD is too low for the headset. Also that other effect he mentioned (I think he said something like red ghosting?) didn’t see that at all.

I would not recommend this headset myself to consumers but his review made the headset seem way way worse than I experienced it. I don’t think there’s a conspiracy behind it though.


Oh and lastly, both he and MRTV said they don’t see any mura. Which really beats me since the driver only processes the green mura files, not the red and blue ones. Even though green will be the most important, I don’t think you can get a mura-free image without processing the other colors too. Which makes me think the ‘review unit’ they had might actually have different hardware? It’s quite weird … The mura on the unit I saw was impossible to miss.


@NextGenVR @Djonko
in German speak (Original) the video doesn’t sound so negative. Think this makes some things misunderstandable


Nah I watched the german vid, I almost felt he’s been using different hardware, not sure how else to explain all those differences. Especially SDE which was pretty much on an odyssey+ level to me (beating index and 5k+)

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Maybe the protection foil :rofl::joy: …joke

Hehe. It’s all really weird though. I think @VR-TECH was actually told that the review units were indeed different from retail units? That would at least explain the differences


I actually don’t notice screen door effect at all. I had to look really hard to even notice it. On my Index the SDE is bigger and more square. I don’t know if perhaps people prefer square SDE over very fine hard to notice SDE?

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Whenever people say ‘I don’t notice the screen door effect’. There is Screendoor effect.


I think StarVR did a really good job with SDE considering that OLED headsets typically have more SDE than LCD headsets.


The most user prefer the Pimax 5k SDE over the pentile 8k.
For me, the 8k looks better

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Sure, bit did you try the odyssey+ for example? There’s SDE but it’s so small that in my opinion it’s more similar to mura than actual SDE.

I wish I had but by that time I think it I heard too many complaints about it.

For me I use virtual desktop a lot so that ‘filter’ wouldn’t work for my use case anyways.

Yeah it’s way too blurry by 2020 standards, but SDE wise it’s really good. And the StarVR is pretty much on par in my opinion.

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That’s certainly true for me. The black levels of my 8K are fine, as far as I’m concerned. It doesn’t bother me at all. Other issues, like SDE and too-low resolution bother me a lot more.

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I was mostly happy with the blacks on my 8k as well, although i could have wish for a bit of oled black some places in hl:a, but in general it is better than crushing everything dark as both my og vive and my o+ has a tendency to do.

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They are “Marketing” demo units. Yes I was told on an email.


The Amoleds of the StarVR are not the same as the Samsungs which are the ones used on the Pimax XR. The StarVR’s use RGB Oleds so it has the same pixel fill as the LCD displays like in the Index, 5k+ etc… The Samsung Oleds are Pentile matrix and does provide more screendoor