StarVR One is available now for enterprise customers!

We’ll have to see. Voodoo and MRTV only tried it in a very controlled setting for limited time, so it’s of course possible that there is distortion, but that they didnt notice it. Hoping they’ll ship mine and I’ll give it a good test!


What I meant is no one is holding a unit of the 8KX that is fit for review or what we would call the finalised version. I’ll update that statement as soon as the first backer receives it.


Marcin check your mailbox as I had sent you & @mirage335 some goodies on posting.

Also when you have time read over the recent Wccftech Interview Article.


First times I tested XTAL, I never saw any distortion at all (apart from the weird world scale and perspective they struggled with). And the SDE was gone. Says a lot, I think.

Looking forward to hear about your impressions. And first of all the price quoted!


I’ll for sure post the price here. I’m expecting 2000-2500 eur, but we’ll see. For now they haven’t even replied yet. Hoping @VoodooDE was right and that they’re shipping out soon, but somehow I’m still doubting it :slight_smile:

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Let me get back to you later tonight @Heliosurge

One thing Im trying to figure out, is how many horizontal degrees each panel needs to cover on a 210 FOV headset. Having at least 80 degrees binocular overlap, would mean each panel needs to cover 145 degrees, or am I wrong?
Now, lets say 1900 horizontal pixels spread over 145 degrees, gives us a PPD of roughly 13.1.

That sounds like HTC Vive SDE, but RGB striped subpixels :thinking:

Even with a ridiculously low binocular overlap of 40 degrees (which obviously wouldn’t work well in VR) the panels needs to cover 125 degrees each.
1900/125= 15.2 PPD.

Without any binocular overlap, the PPD would be similar to Valve Index. But VR without binocular overlap will be completely flat without 3D, so thats not even worth to consider.

I would say for an optimal experience, around 100 degrees binocular overlap would be the option. Giving us 155 degrees per eye/panel rendered.
PPD 12.25

That also requires 100% panel utilisation.

Makes no sense…


Afaik the Playstation VR HMD also has a quite lowish PPD, so not too many details but a high fill rate (so still not too much SDE). It’s of course not optimal, but if everything else is top notch, it might still be a good experience for some.
Not sure whether they have changes something in the last years, but if not, it’s 2018 tech, where such resolution was all that was possible for GPUs. Perhaps they will bring an update soonish?


How big a problem the “overtaken by time” resolution is going to be, is a matter of what is done with that resolution.

Advanced optics could corral screen pixels into a much more efficient distribution across the user’s field of view, than with current headsets.

Not that I believe this is actually the case with the StarVR, but we’ll see. Wondering how the focus is across the FOV…

( EDIT: Humhum, good old: “If you need to ask the price, you can’t afford it.” :P)


No problem. I suspect we will know more on the tricks StarVR is employing once they have some in the wild. Keep in mind too that the Pixels\Subpixels PD is different too with the canting of displays coming into play.

Though maybe with custom screens pixel view might be able to be offset maybe? Ie 10° vs viewing at 90°?

There was a great post on using a psvr i think with a 1080ti that really made that headset pop.

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There was that DLP media headset with no SDE at 720p. Alegiant(sp?). They were working on something for vr but think it evaporated maybe.

Fillrate improved or not, the representation of details, due to the amount of pixels used will be dramatically reduced. Filling the gaps between pixels removes SDE, but doesn’t add more details.

Pimax 5K+ has RGB subpixels, ie 3 subpixels per pixel such as StarVR.


I am sure you would agree though it does at same or similar resolution. Ie psvr vs og vive powered by a pc. The pentile Vive sub pixel works against detail due to having a 1/3 the subpixels of the psvr.

For your above comparison the 5kXR vs the 5k+ would be more representational.


The above comparison shows two RGB pixel matrix headsets, same FOV, roughly same panel utilisation, but different resolution.

Crazy difference. Now lets assume StarVR has 100% panel utilisation, but 210 degrees and lower resolution per panel than 5K+. Can it even look as the 5K+ then (regarding of SDE)?


Ah yes - DLP with sequential colour, as opposed to via discrete subpixels, means really little SDE. :7

What they (EDIT: Avegant, that is - and their media headset was the: “Glyph”) had, and demonstrated to, amongst others, Norm from Tested, was a purported proper lightfield AR device prototype, which I am really curious about! I wonder if they are still in operation… Hmm, a home page seems to hang around, at least… :7

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They are promising CRYSTAL CLEAR in their promo whatever that means. But who knows. Until someone picks up a unit and post it here it’s all speculation on how good the picture quality is.

That’s the point to show case different fill rates you want 2 headsets with the same res but different fill rates like the 5kXR vs the 5k+ as this will show how the extra sub pixels will make a difference in picture quality at least in Subpixel resolution.

There was a great article long ago that talked about this with Psvr vs oculus and vive.

The main drawback on psvr was the console powering it vs a good pc setup.

Again, Im not talking about SDE here :slight_smile:

Lets remove the SDE altogether from the equation, assuming they have managed to use a panel which has no space between pixels.

Now, how will it look when it comes to detail representation?

Remember each pixel is rendered out of 3 subpixels. You can’t add more details to each pixel unless each subpixel can dynamically switch between R,G and B light, which is highly unlikely on a less than 5 inch OLED panel. Thats todays rocket science

I already commented on the exception low res compared to their og 5k model which original release was an lcd.

On the good once in the wild it can be properly scrutinized with tests.

After we had examined the screens and used common sense with a math protractor we know that it is very unlikely any headset without curved wrap around screens can exceed 180° wide FoV. Maybe even not Xtal’s at a legit potential 170° wide vs pimax’s Large at 160° wide.