STAR WARS: Squadrons Discussion

When checking I could see the FPS jump in real time by about 3FPS at least with shadows from lowest to highest. The other options were much less drastic.

If you haven’t already, you could tweak the Profile config and see if that helps:

Eg in his case:

In Documents\STAR WARS Squadrons\settings\ProfileOptions_profile
Make the following changes
GstRender.EnableDynamicResolution 0
GstRender.HdrEnable 0
GstRender.MotionBlur 0.000000
GstRender.MotionBlurEnabled 0
GstRender.MotionBlurEnabled_VR 0
GstRender.OverallGraphicsQuality_VR 5
GstRender.ResolutionScaleVR 1.0

I turned off DynamicResolution (of course that will have the opposite impact but I want to keep the res high) and MotionBlur. I left ResolutionScaleVR at the default of 0.8 in the end, although I’d like to increase to 1. Possibly too much for the X without sacrificing something else.

Scroll down and there’s suggestions for a lot of other settings, but bear in mind he’s tweaking for his Index.


I never saw this - awesome. By the way, setting shadows to medium and it seems like im back to 75fps


Ah good news! Maybe some further tweaks like disabling MotionBlur will keep it rock solid even when things get busy :+1:

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Ye i didnt see that. Nice one thanks


New map, B-Wing, TIE Defender, and custom / private matches incoming. Excellent.

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I saw. That means its doing well so far


With the black friday sales I get the game :wink:
It’s great as much as those stars are ugly.
Such a shame…
Runs very fine with my 8k+ on my 1080TI.
But damn…those stars…well we cant even call this stars, they are blobs. :sob::sob:

I just played a few rounds in multiplayer. PP On, Pitool 1.0, Normal FOV, SteamVR SS was down to 65% and I was getting 70fps average with the 8k x.

Keep in mind I have a 3090 and 9900ks… rough game. I will downsample probably to 50% because with PP On the resolution figures i’m seeing in SteamVR still seems pretty high even at 70%.

Good thing in the multiplayer dog fights you’re not paying attention to stars much, but i do hope it gets fixed like you said.

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Star fix and possibly better performance will apparently be coming this week per the community manager on Reddit.


can you share your in game graphic settings?

Fingers crossed they do!

Can you link the thread. @MikeJeffries

Not very specific on the details but I guess we’ll see what happens this week. It would be amazing to see a parallel projection fix, but I’m not expecting that until their last patch ever, if at all, lol.


Thanks again bud appreciate it!

That’s awesome. I’ve been patiently waiting…
“When the stars align” I’ll buy the game.

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Well, this would be sweet to have this for this weekend !

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I’ve had a HOTAS for years but finally brought it out for the first time for Squadrons…It’s pretty intense learning all the controls…a bit more complicated than you’d think to be a good player, but that makes it great. You’ll have some good sales on the game to choose from coming up too.


Try Voice Attack with the SWS Galaxy Voice Pack from HCS Voicepacks - it helps free up your hands a little. Just speak and it makes changes for you. I use it to switch power from Shields, engines, weapons mostly, but learning more of it to get used to it.


10 posts were split to a new topic: HOTAS mounts for mounting on a chair

Moved the HOTAS mount discussion to it’s own topic… :wink:

A post was merged into an existing topic: HOTAS mounts for mounting on an office chair