Specific information

Is there a possibility that before the end of the campaign you would publish a comprehensive PDF document about the Pimax 8K? Its aim would be to present Pimax’s pros and cons in an objective way but also telling us how and when will you work out solutions for solving the supposedly existing problems.

You could include into that an information about the software and an information for developers. I’m also very curious how working with your hand-motion tracking system look from the perspective of a developer.

Best regards,

What company would produce a marketing document outlining the CONs of their product? Can you provide an example of such a thing?


From my perspective it’s not a reaaal company, but a startup. I’m not sure if the people who are interested in buying Pimax 8K are a regular customers, or rather VR enthiusiasts who would accept the cons of the product, as it is very innovative, and the way to achieve the perfection is obviosly not that easy. I think that as we all (customers&pimax) know about that, we should just be informed at which point of the way are we right now.

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I think Pimax will somehow register in the history of VR, and the question if it will be a good or a bad part of the history, depends on whether the customers will get what they suspected. There’s always the case of reality/expectations conflict, and eliminating that would show that Pimax wanted to be a partner for us, not just a bad businessman who wanted to get rich out of our money :p.

Would a “not a real company” already deliver 30 Thousand 4k headsets?


I meant that they have an opportunity not to be one of those boring companies which sell you a product and don’t care about you, but a great company with an amazing product they’re offering to us.

In general, there doesn’t exist anything like cons. There are decisions only. I just want to know what decisions were exactly made in order to get such a final product and actually, what the final product is. In here the most important part is information about the software and information for developers. It’s not a big thing to do, but it for sure will create a good impact on the customers, who, to much extent, are developers.

they are not exactly a startup, they already have a successful headset in the market.


Actually, In semiconductor industry it is quite usual to document “bugs” in the chips, so anyone working on them does not have to figure them out himself. This is usually because it is much easier to “fix” it in software than in hardware. This is not in a marketing document though, but highly technical “errata sheet”.

But apart from that, I am not saying Pimax will have bugs to document. On the other hand they are going to release quite an exceptional product for which they had to cut some corners and thus introduce “limitations”, and I expect there will be also areas of “potential improvements”. Both of them could be documented.


they are not exactly a startup, they already have a successful headset in the market.

Maybe, that’s discussable. 30.000 of sold isn’t much, and many of the owners complain.

I even treat Pimax 8K as a revitalization after the Pimax 4K.

One of the reasons why I’m worried, is that on the Pimax’s website in the “developers” section, there are documents that are available only in the Chinese language:

SDK For Unity tutorial
SDK For Unreal tutorial

Maybe that’s because I don’t know, there a Chinese company? Wooh mind blown.


I am mindblown as well. I hope that they won’t be providing such an argument with Pimax 8K as they work on an international market, which unofficial language is obviously English :slight_smile:

And the Chinese-language documents, what’s very funny, are available not on their Chinese, but English-language version! :stuck_out_tongue:

They simply got to stop being Chinese and start being international! I won’t be learning Chinese language in order to make an application for Pimax. They should be communicating with us (international society) in English.

I do believe they are communicating here on the forums regularly in English right.

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Might be, even though I never got a response from @PimaxVR directly, so that isn’t that obvious :stuck_out_tongue: It doesn’t matter in which language we communicate in forums. It’s just important, that the official documentation of Pimax will be in English, as well that it will be comprehensive.

I think there are specialists who know how to prepare such things.

I honestly would rather they keep focusing resources on VR development than translation of documents.

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I wouldn’t, as English, comprehensive documentation of Pimax 8K would make the whole Pimax 8K project look way more serious what would make more people want it. It would result in more money to spend and effectively, in having a bigger team of people they could work with.

I own a vive. I don’t see any documentation of any sort from them. Chinese or English. Why do you think you would be entitled to pimax’s documentation when other companies aren’t providing any? If you have such vive documentation I’d sure like to have it. where can I get it?

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I would disagree most if not all backers don’t care about documentation they want to see positive demos and reviews.


Isn’t the SDK for creating apps in the PiPlay store and not SteamVR? I’m not really sure… As a 4K owner myself in the U.S. … I’ve given up trying to download anything in the PiPlay store. Most of the time I get some weird message about the server.

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Isn’t the SDK for creating apps in the PiPlay store and not SteamVR? I’m not really sure… As a 4K owner myself in the U.S. … I’ve given up trying to download anything in the PiPlay store. Most of the time I get some weird message about the server.

That seems a reasonable answer if I will be using the Valve accessories, but I’m still considering buying the Pimax controllers, so it might be, that I would need an SDK.

I own a vive. I don’t see any documentation of any sort from them. Chinese or English. Why do you think you would be entitled to pimax’s documentation when other companies aren’t providing any? If you have such vive documentation I’d sure like to have it. where can I get it?

The simplest example of a documentation is a user guide, which fully presents how the product works, what it is and how to set it up and I really expect to get it in English.

Another thing is the whole section for developers. If the SDK isn’t needed for Pimax, why would they publish a document in the Chinese version. For now, IMO, Pimax lacks consistency, but I think it’s easy to accomplish that. Just listen to my advice.

Well, we know the Pimax 5K & 8K are using Valve compatible controllers technology. In some of the demo’s online we can see Pimax using actual VIVE controllers. Since you know where the VIVE SDK for controllers are, they should be identical to Pimax. Problem solved!