Space.. The Final Frontier.. These are the voyages of the Pimax 8KX!

Why don’t Pimax come out with their own version of motion simulator for the cheap. Building it cheap in China, i am sure it will beat anything in the market in terms of price. Do a Kickstarter just like Pimax headset and see if people are interested lol.

Of course the wait is going to 10 years lol.


Someone recommend me a good chair for VR.

I only have a playseat Challenge which I use because it’s foldable and hence wife-compliant.

Do you guys have an idea for a motion simulator that is either easily movable or visually acceptable?

I’m looking at the YawVR but won’t order until all backers have received their pledge and there are enough positive reviews.


I also bought the yaw vr because its easy to put away…its a fun device for the price…
But you need to be carefull not to put to heavy pedals outside the Shell…
So its better for flying games like elite dangerous…Or xplane 11 or dcs
I have a cheap lightweight Wheel with pedals on it and its still fun thoo

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Hehehe “100% Wife Certified” Now that’s one of the world’s toughest certifications to achieve :grin:


I have come to accept it’s borderline impossible.


Thanks for the info on the pedals!

I have the Thrustamster T3PA pedals which weigh around 7kg. Would those still be fine with a YawVR setup?


i think those will be too heavy(i have those too,but not mounted them)
Best is too contact yawvr…


Has anyone in the history of ever got their wives into VR?


That would mean less VR time for me :smile:


Recommended weight is 120kg up to 200, maybe adding some counterweight on the back side it could work, I think the problem is the balance


Is Cas or Chary Married? :smirk:


T3pa pro (~7KG) are too heavy.
Standard t3pa should be ok (2.8kg)

This is not a good idea.
It was discussed a lot early on & tried by an early backer a few months ago.
He put the t3pa pro pedals (~7kg) on it & a lead counterweight on the back.
He burned out a motor.

It’s too much weight off center & builds too much momentum.
The wheels start to slip, the motors start to overheat.
The team has now recommended 2-3kg pedals


I’ve made a couple of attempts, but she doesn’t even play computer games.

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full build log on imgur with description please

I missed the part it was the pro T3pa, I have the normal version, that’s why I thought it shouldn’t be too heavy.

Was it the Yaw or the Yaw pro? Are the pro motors more powerful or are the same?


I did it a long time ago so that’s not gonna happen… :grin:


could you take a recent picture of the wheels you set up underneath?

Im seriously considering building one of these myself

Im also thinking that I could make a pedal compartment attached to a rail underneath so that when i want to race i could just pull the pedals out from under and not have to worry about them sliding around since they would be attached to the chair.

Im also thinking that i would put a hole in the hotas arms for one of those led marine cup holders when not using the hotas

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Sure… :+1:

I was thinking I would do a pedal and wheel part which could be taken on/off too.

Rails like You say (or just poles on one side and holes into to frame on the other)?

Maybe just locked in place with those locks that snap (snap lock?) like used under a table with extension pieces.

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Thanks for the heads up!

I have the t3pa pro, so I guess YawVR wouldn’t work for me as I really like those pedals and loathe the flimsy ones.

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