Some controller Compatibility issues with Index controller (Some Info)

I have done some investigate.
That’s some result.
Pimax Lost(or mismatch) some info report to steamvr.

That’s why we had some Compatibility issues with valve index controllers in some games.
I have only compare left hand.
That’s alot Differences…

WillDriftInYaw_Bool: “FALSE”
VRCVersion_Uint64: “1562916277”
VendorSpecific_10022: “…”
VendorSpecific_10021: “…”
VendorSpecific_10020: “…”
VendorSpecific_10019: “…”
VendorSpecific_10018: “…”
VendorSpecific_10017: “…”
VendorSpecific_10016: “…”
VendorSpecific_10015: “…”
VendorSpecific_10014: “…”
VendorSpecific_10013: “…”
VendorSpecific_10012: “…”
VendorSpecific_10011: “…”
VendorSpecific_10010: “…”
VendorSpecific_10009: “…”
VendorSpecific_10008: “…”
VendorSpecific_10007: “…”
VendorSpecific_10006: “…”
VendorSpecific_10005: “…”
VendorSpecific_10004: “…”
VendorSpecific_10003: “…”
VendorSpecific_10002: “…”
VendorSpecific_10001: “…”
VendorSpecific_10000: “…”
Unknown_1047: “FALSE”
TrackingSystemName_String: ““lighthouse””
TrackingFirmwareVersion_String: ““1562916277 watchman@ValveBuilder02 2019-07-12 FPGA 538(2.26/10/2) BL 0 VRC 15629…””
StatusDisplayTransform_Matrix34: “…”
SerialNumber_String: ““LHR-C0E063CD””
ResourceRoot_String: ““indexcontroller””
ReportsTimeSinceVSync_Bool: “FALSE”
RenderModelName_String: “”{indexcontroller}valve_controller_knu_1_0_left""
RegisteredDeviceType_String: ““valve/index_controllerLHR-C0E063CD””
RadioVersion_Uint64: “1562882729”
ParentDriver_Uint64: “8589934597”
NamedIconPathDeviceStandby_String: “”{indexcontroller}/icons/left_controller_status_off.png""
NamedIconPathDeviceSearchingAlert_String: “”{indexcontroller}/icons/left_controller_status_searching_alert.gif""
NamedIconPathDeviceSearching_String: “”{indexcontroller}/icons/left_controller_status_searching.gif""
NamedIconPathDeviceReadyAlert_String: “”{indexcontroller}/icons/left_controller_status_ready_alert.png""
NamedIconPathDeviceReady_String: “”{indexcontroller}/icons/left_controller_status_ready.png""
NamedIconPathDeviceOff_String: “”{indexcontroller}/icons/left_controller_status_off.png""
NamedIconPathDeviceNotReady_String: “”{indexcontroller}/icons/left_controller_status_error.png""
NamedIconPathDeviceAlertLow_String: “”{indexcontroller}/icons/left_controller_status_ready_low.png""
ModelNumber_String: ““Knuckles Left””
ManufacturerName_String: ““Valve””
InputProfilePath_String: “”{indexcontroller}/input/index_controller_profile.json""
ImuToHeadTransform_Matrix34: “…”
ImuFactoryGyroScale_Vector3: “…”
ImuFactoryGyroBias_Vector3: “…”
ImuFactoryAccelerometerScale_Vector3: “…”
ImuFactoryAccelerometerBias_Vector3: “…”
Identifiable_Bool: “TRUE”
HasVirtualDisplayComponent_Bool: “FALSE”
HasDriverDirectModeComponent_Bool: “FALSE”
HasDisplayComponent_Bool: “FALSE”
HasCameraComponent_Bool: “FALSE”
HardwareRevision_Uint64: “286130441”
HardwareRevision_String: "“product 17 rev 14.1.9 lot 2019/5/31 0"”
FPGAVersion_Uint64: “538”
FirmwareVersion_Uint64: “1562916277”
Firmware_UpdateAvailable_Bool: “FALSE”
Firmware_ProgrammingTarget_String: ““LHR-C0E063CD””
Firmware_ManualUpdateURL_String: ““SteamVR/HowTo Update Firmware - Valve Developer Community””
Firmware_ManualUpdate_Bool: “FALSE”
Firmware_ForceUpdateRequired_Bool: “FALSE”
DongleVersion_Uint64: “1558748372”
DeviceProvidesBatteryStatus_Bool: “TRUE”
DeviceIsWireless_Bool: “TRUE”
DeviceIsCharging_Bool: “FALSE”
DeviceClass_Int32: “2”
DeviceCanPowerOff_Bool: “TRUE”
DeviceBatteryPercentage_Float: “0.699999988079071”
ControllerType_String: ““knuckles””
ControllerRoleHint_Int32: “1”
ControllerHandSelectionPriority_Int32: “0”
ConnectedWirelessDongle_String: ““CD60BD398B-LYM””
Axis3Type_Int32: “0”
Axis2Type_Int32: “3”
Axis1Type_Int32: “3”
Axis0Type_Int32: “1”
/total_component_updates: “3”
/pose/tip: “…”
/pose/raw: “…”
/pose/handgrip: “…”
/pose/gdc2015: “…”
/pose/base: “…”
/output/haptic: “…”
/input/trigger/value: “…”
/input/trigger/touch: “…”
/input/trigger/click: “…”
/input/trackpad/y: “…”
/input/trackpad/x: “…”
/input/trackpad/touch: “…”
/input/trackpad/force: “…”
/input/thumbstick/y: “…”
/input/thumbstick/x: “…”
/input/thumbstick/touch: “…”
/input/thumbstick/click: “…”
/input/system/touch: “…”
/input/system/click: “…”
/input/skeleton/left: “…”
/input/skeleton/left/without_controller_data: “…”
/input/skeleton/left/tracking_level: “1”
/input/skeleton/left/grip_limit: “…”
/input/skeleton/left/data: “…”
/input/grip/value: “…”
/input/grip/touch: “…”
/input/grip/force: “…”
/input/finger/ring: “…”
/input/finger/pinky: “…”
/input/finger/middle: “…”
/input/finger/index: “…”
/input/b/touch: “…”
/input/b/click: “…”
/input/a/touch: “…”
/input/a/click: “…”
/device_path: “2305979400195146205”
/best_alias_path: “2305979400195145737”

WillDriftInYaw_Bool: “FALSE”
VRCVersion_Uint64: “1562916277”
TrackingSystemName_String: ““aapvr””
TrackingFirmwareVersion_String: ““1562916277 watchman@ValveBuilder02 2019-07-12 FPGA 538(2.26/10/2) BL 0 VRC 15629…””
SupportedButtons_Uint64: “47244640263”
SerialNumber_String: ““LHR-C0E063CD””
ResourceRoot_String: ““indexcontroller””
RenderModelName_String: “”{indexcontroller}valve_controller_knu_1_0_left""
RegisteredDeviceType_String: ““valve/index_controllerLHR-C0E063CD””
RadioVersion_Uint64: “1562882729”
ParentDriver_Uint64: “8589934593”
NamedIconPathDeviceStandby_String: “”{indexcontroller}/icons/left_controller_status_off.png""
NamedIconPathDeviceSearchingAlert_String: “”{indexcontroller}/icons/left_controller_status_searching_alert.gif""
NamedIconPathDeviceSearching_String: “”{indexcontroller}/icons/left_controller_status_searching.gif""
NamedIconPathDeviceReadyAlert_String: “”{indexcontroller}/icons/left_controller_status_ready_alert.png""
NamedIconPathDeviceReady_String: “”{indexcontroller}/icons/left_controller_status_ready.png""
NamedIconPathDeviceOff_String: “”{indexcontroller}/icons/left_controller_status_off.png""
NamedIconPathDeviceNotReady_String: “”{indexcontroller}/icons/left_controller_status_error.png""
NamedIconPathDeviceAlertLow_String: “”{indexcontroller}/icons/left_controller_status_ready_low.png""
ModelNumber_String: ““Knuckles Left””
ManufacturerName_String: ““Valve””
InputProfilePath_String: “”{indexcontroller}/input/index_controller_profile.json""
Identifiable_Bool: “TRUE”
HasVirtualDisplayComponent_Bool: “FALSE”
HasDriverDirectModeComponent_Bool: “FALSE”
HasDisplayComponent_Bool: “FALSE”
HasCameraComponent_Bool: “FALSE”
HardwareRevision_Uint64: “286130441”
HardwareRevision_String: "“product 17 rev 14.1.9 lot 2019/5/31 0"”
FPGAVersion_Uint64: “538”
FirmwareVersion_Uint64: “1562916277”
Firmware_UpdateAvailable_Bool: “FALSE”
Firmware_ProgrammingTarget_String: ““LHR-C0E063CD””
Firmware_ManualUpdateURL_String: ““SteamVR/HowTo Update Firmware - Valve Developer Community””
Firmware_ManualUpdate_Bool: “FALSE”
Firmware_ForceUpdateRequired_Bool: “FALSE”
DongleVersion_Uint64: “1461100729”
DeviceClass_Int32: “2”
ControllerType_String: ““knuckles””
ControllerRoleHint_Int32: “1”
ControllerHandSelectionPriority_Int32: “0”
ConnectedWirelessDongle_String: "“F0D5B38371"”
Axis3Type_Int32: “2”
Axis2Type_Int32: “3”
Axis1Type_Int32: “3”
Axis0Type_Int32: “1”
/pose/tip: “…”
/pose/raw: “…”
/pose/handgrip: “…”
/pose/gdc2015: “…”
/pose/base: “…”
/output/haptic: “…”
/input/trigger/value: “…”
/input/trigger/touch: “…”
/input/trigger/click: “…”
/input/trackpad/y: “…”
/input/trackpad/x: “…”
/input/trackpad/touch: “…”
/input/trackpad/force: “…”
/input/thumbstick/y: “…”
/input/thumbstick/x: “…”
/input/thumbstick/touch: “…”
/input/thumbstick/click: “…”
/input/system/touch: “…”
/input/system/click: “…”
/input/skeleton/left: “…”
/input/skeleton/left/without_controller_data: “…”
/input/skeleton/left/tracking_level: “1”
/input/skeleton/left/grip_limit: “…”
/input/skeleton/left/data: “…”
/input/grip/value: “…”
/input/grip/touch: “…”
/input/grip/force: “…”
/input/finger/ring: “…”
/input/finger/pinky: “…”
/input/finger/middle: “…”
/input/finger/index: “…”
/input/b/touch: “…”
/input/b/click: “…”
/input/a/touch: “…”
/input/a/click: “…”
/device_was_drawn: “FALSE”
/device_path: “2305995033876103351”
/best_alias_path: “2305995033876103177”

Valve Index 连接左手柄与Pimax连接左手柄的对比

Pimax 少了:

ImuToHeadTransform_Matrix34: “…”
ImuFactoryGyroScale_Vector3: “…”
ImuFactoryGyroBias_Vector3: “…”
ImuFactoryAccelerometerScale_Vector3: “…”
ImuFactoryAccelerometerBias_Vector3: “…”

DeviceProvidesBatteryStatus_Bool: “TRUE”
DeviceIsWireless_Bool: “TRUE”
DeviceIsCharging_Bool: “FALSE”

/total_component_updates: “3”

VendorSpecific_10022: “…”
VendorSpecific_10021: “…”
VendorSpecific_10020: “…”
VendorSpecific_10019: “…”
VendorSpecific_10018: “…”
VendorSpecific_10017: “…”
VendorSpecific_10016: “…”
VendorSpecific_10015: “…”
VendorSpecific_10014: “…”
VendorSpecific_10013: “…”
VendorSpecific_10012: “…”
VendorSpecific_10011: “…”
VendorSpecific_10010: “…”
VendorSpecific_10009: “…”
VendorSpecific_10008: “…”
VendorSpecific_10007: “…”
VendorSpecific_10006: “…”
VendorSpecific_10005: “…”
VendorSpecific_10004: “…”
VendorSpecific_10003: “…”
VendorSpecific_10002: “…”
VendorSpecific_10001: “…”
VendorSpecific_10000: “…”
Unknown_1047: “FALSE”

Pimax 多了:

SupportedButtons_Uint64: “47244640263”

不一致 Index:Pimax

Axis3Type_Int32: “0”
Axis3Type_Int32: “2”
TrackingSystemName_String: ““lighthouse””
TrackingSystemName_String: ““aapvr””
ParentDriver_Uint64: “8589934597”
ParentDriver_Uint64: “8589934593”
DongleVersion_Uint64: “1558748372”
DongleVersion_Uint64: “1461100729”
ConnectedWirelessDongle_String: ““CD60BD398B-LYM””
ConnectedWirelessDongle_String: "“F0D5B38371"”
/best_alias_path: “2305979400195145737”
/best_alias_path: “2305995033876103177”

Try Fix this Pimax

@Matthew.Xu @Heliosurge @SweViver @PimaxUSA @Konger @PimaxVR @Alex.liu @Doman.Chen


Please someone "@"someone need to be noticed…


added alex & Doman as well to your post. I am sure your investigation may help. Thank you.



@Heliosurge I know this post is still super recent, but is there any updates concerning this issue? At first I really thought it was just my left controller and I was going to send it in, but after researching this specific issue with messed up left index controller tracking, I discovered that most websites and forums I went to that had people discussing this issue were mostly Pimax users. When doing a wired controller sensor test without any Pimax service running and without the headset plugged in, the left controller appeared to be working just as well as the right one. If this really is a Pitool problem, it needs to be resolved quick so those of us who bought index controllers on launch know if the problem is the controller or not before our warranty expires.


I haven’t heard anything myself. @PimaxQuorra might have more details. But we may need to wait til first or second week of Feb for team to be more back in the office. To have better details on issue.

Please bump this thread if you haven’t heard anything.


@Heliosurge Anything new on this issue yet? I have pretty much had to stop using my VR set the last month because this issue has been so bad along with the headset stuttering in the most recent beta PiTools. I love my Pimax 8K, but it has pretty much become unusable. :frowning_face:

@Alex.liu @PimaxQuorra


I just wanted to chime in on this issue. I can’t play with my index controllers at all. The left hand twitches and wigs out often, dropping grip and guns etc. I hope they can fix this soon.

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Pardon my lack of geek on this. What seems to be the issue?

My Index controllers work fine (especially in Oculus games where Pitool is running.
When using them in SVR, they also seem to work fine as much as features are supported. This whether I have pitool running or not.
The only issue, I have encountered to date is the left stick was off alignment in Boneworks only, but that game has it’s own calibration settings which resolved the issue.

Games I am playing with Index controllers:
Oculus Home list:

Island 359
A-Tech Cybernetic
Asgard’s Wrath
Lone Echo
In Death
Robo Recall
The Climb
From Other Suns

Steam VR list:

Alien Isolation
Arizona Sunshine
Dead Effect 2 VR
Fallout 4 VR
Let’s Bowl
No Man’s Sky
Skyrim VR
Sports Bar VR
The Golf Club VR
Alien Isolation

I haven’t thoroughly vetted all these with ICs, but have tested functionality with them and they seem fine. What should I be looking for?


This is all in response to the newer versions of PiTool. I was able to find an earlier version of PiTool and it fixed these issues. If you haven’t been using the versions of PiTool that came out January/February, you likely never experienced this issue or the jittering visuals issue. I also don’t understand what you mean by “This is whether I have pitool running or not.”. No Pimax headset will work at all if PiTool isn’t running.

Wooties, that is the exact same issue I’ve been having. If I just rest my left arm at my side, its like it looses all tracking. And I use my VR set up in a number of different play spaces and it is always the same.


Pitool itself doesn’t need to stay running. It is a frontend interface for Piservices to change settings.

Once settings are changed pitool can be exited.

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I understand that. I consider Piservices as a part of PiTool. Its just another part of PiTool running in the background to me. Sort of like how steam has extra services running in the background and if you want to fully restart steam, you need to do more than simply close out the steam window to completely stop it from running.

You can stop Pitool. Some have found better performance as the pitool interface may have a memory leak. Some for example found exiting pitool they had less studder.

I have used 129 144, 180, 197, 245, 249, 253, and 254. I haven’t had any in game stutter due to Pitools and only reverted to 245 because 254 crashes. No IC issues from 180 on.
That Pitool doesn’t need to run except for Oculus games is just that. Naturally you would run it to change things like fov and engage smoothing but once SVR is launched you can shut it down if you like.
If you just launch SVR only, it will import the settings Pitool had when last closed.

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Hello Hailbot,

Did your tracking problem resolved? If not, you might need to submit a ticket to our technical team, they will diagnose and figure out the solution for you.

You may hit to this link - Technical Problem.

Or your ticket are remain unresolved, please kindly share us the ticket number. We will forward it to the team to have an immediate action.


@Wooties @Hailbot @PimaxQuorra

I had the same issue with my left index controller, specially if it’s not right in front of my body.
the first pair of index controllers did this, plus some hardware issues and had them RMA’D, The new ones still do the same thing(if i put the controllers to my side, it losses tracking sometimes no matter what i do).

i am on the latest pitool .254 Alpha(tried others but same thing, even after deleting ALL Pitool/pimax folders in appdata, and moving my lighthouses 1.0 to different locations up on the wall, plus just trying to use only 1 of my 1.0 LH).

Not sure what is going on really, could be something with our HMD headsets.
Like, if it’s under the HMD it will start acting up or something…


Yeah, turns out my solution only worked for about a day. Now my problem is even worse. Its dropping the left controller worse than it was before and the headset itself now just decides to have an earth quake from time to time. It literally makes me sick to my stomach and everything is unplayable.

I spent a year saving up over $5,000 to build a PC capable of using the Pimax 8K headset and got a Pimax 8K as soon as I could (just for them to put up the 8KX model right after I got mine after over 6 months of waiting for the 8K to ship). Regardless, I still love my set up more than anything and have extreme care of it. No matter how much I babied the thing, the corners of the plastic shell still inevitably chipped off (without it being bumped or dropped a single time). I’ve just avoided going to customer support for that all together because Pimax customer support is an absolute nightmare and judging by other people’s posts on here, I wouldn’t even benefit at all in the end.

The one thing I will not stand for, is PiTool not working as it should. Until they get that back together, I’ve just got myself a $1,000 paper weight. I used to not be able to shut up about how great VR with my Pimax 8K was, but now I’ve got people asking me left and right about what VR set up they should get and I just can’t bring myself to recommend Pimax products anymore even though it is all I personally have. I’ve also been doing YouTube videos using my Pimax 8K and I can’t bring myself to recommend Pimax products to my viewers either. I don’t want to subject people to the painful experience I’m having. The headset is the most amazing thing I’ve used to experience VR, but if they can’t get PiTool working, its just a useless piece of junk no matter how much you want to love it.

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Judging by your 5K+ backer status, I’m going to assume that you don’t even have the same headset as me so I don’t expect our results to be the same.

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Nor do I.
I don’t expect even those with the same headset to have the same results.
I only indicated the PT versions I have used and that PT can be closed, in response to your post. I wasn’t offering a solution, only a response and maybe some data that would be comparatively helpful, if not to you then perhaps another reader.

The topic being ICs compatibility, I can only say Valve didn’t just have a click issue with their left stick. They had an issue with it’s travel forward and backward. I RMA’d mine (after 3 weeks) because it would only show 50% forward and when released would not center and found myself going in reverse all the time. The replacements have been perfect since on all the PT versions I listed. I am using V1 bases.
Offered as FWIW.
As for stutter, Pimax has acknowledged the issue in 254A notes and posts seem positive on that version but it’s alpha and crashing. Hopefully the next PT will have that under control.
Again no solutions being offered here. Only information that may or may not help people through comparing experiences.

While posting this a new pitool has released


Thank you, I’ll be sure to give that new version a try. I want nothing more than my VR set up working properly again.

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