So preorders already recieved tracking

UK backer here still nothing…


initially i was very worried about hearing jack shit, less so now that i see so many like me

Pre-order from Ireland here. 5k+ out for delivery tomorrow. @destraudo you must have got caught up in the UK debacle.

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Could you humour me a few questions.

In what range was your backer number.

When did you find out.

How did you find out it was being shipped.

What courier was it.


Order was 11xx (I’m not a backer)

Heard nothing from Pimax just an email from the courier on the 13th stating delivery Friday with a tracking number. Delivery is currently at the Athlone depot.

Package is being handled by

I’m making a bit of an assumption that it’s from Pimax as I’m not expecting any other deliveries.

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cheers for info. easier to get from you than pimax. XD

@Pimax-Support This shit is killing me my dudes.


I feel bad for the enthusiastic backers still waiting on theirs. I don’t have any lighthouse or vive wands purchased yet. I couldn’t bring myself to put more money into this until I see that it works and doesn’t have any of the many issues being reported. My expectations aren’t very high to be honest. I’ll try it without positional tracking first before making any more purchases.


Thats fair, just be aware that positional tracking makes a quantum leap of difference. And honestly cheaper to pick up a second hand vive from ebay or cex and then sell it on as a package later if you get the v2 stations and knuckles, than buy lighthouses and wands separately.

I’ve been using rift since DK1 so I know all about the benefits of positional tracking. I’m just not prepared to fork out ~400 euro before I know the pimax has two working screens, no cracks, no black dots, no dead pixels etc…


Exactly the same here.

Sure doesn’t look like a second batch of hmd’s have been labelled up for UK backers today

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French backer, 66xx range, no mail and no tracking either.

Full 8k pledge switched to 5k.

I would be disapointed if preorders are sent before me.


pre order 10XX and nothing, no email^^. i am french

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8K baker from france, switched to 5k+. #52XX and I received the DPD tracking tuesday.

Yep, looks like another bunch of false promises. UK backer here and still nothing after being told by Pimax officials they’ve been working since Monday to fix just <200 addresses they submitted to DPD incorrectly. Here we are, 5 days after they supposedly started working on checking them (as it’s now past 9pm in China, so it isn’t getting done today) according to PimaxUSA, and still absolutely nothing.


french backer 5k+ and no tracking number::::weary:

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oh FFS. first i heard of it.

be disappointed because it is happening right now…

Yeh we had to pester PimaxUSA to get some answers for us, but he said yesterday that there was an issue with a large amount of addresses that had been submitted to the courier service they use in Europe (DPD) that needed correcting (he gave an example of one address that had an extra space in the post code causing issues). He also said they’d been working through the incorrect addresses to fix them - how that takes 5+ days to do though, I’ve no idea. When asked why it’s taking so long, they gave “language barrier” as an excuse, so yeh I don’t know whether to believe any of the crap they come out with tbh.


Congrats. That must be my backer 5k+. Have fun! :smiley: