So much for the monday update...Pimax Missed the boat again

I’m like that. Must be a nice boy or otherwise the Santa will bring me just a mock-up of the Pimax 8k or the Pimax 5k+ with sugar on top.


Or maybe a lot of us are just patient and can wait without screaming “ARE WE THERE YET?” throughout the entire process. I don’t think anyone is happy about Pimax’ lack of communication/deceptive ways, but they have literally been like this since the beginning. They haven’t changed, nothing has changed, and yet people keep screaming and crying like it’s going to make a difference.

You’ll get your headset when you get it…

Edit: Oh, and don’t forget how long it took Oculus to deliver.

  1. I will patiently wait for my pledge to arrive… because I have no other choice.
  2. I will hope that my Pimax comes in good condition and I will not have to depend on Pimax replacing a damaged unit.
  3. I will hope that my Pimax works ‘out of the box’ will not have to call Pimax for any Tech Support.
  4. I will hope that my Pimax runs without issue for a couple years, until a more reliable and professional VR Headset comes on the market with equivalent/better FOV & SDE specs.

This is how strongly I feel that Pimax does not deserve any of my future business. I will not go out of my way to deliver that message, but if someone were to ask me about Pimax, their products, and business practices, I would say, “Exceptional headset, horrible company. At present, based on my personal experience, I can not recommend anyone do business with Pimax. It’s not worth the hassle. Purchase at your own risk.”

Yeah, the raging may make you feel better briefly, but as @brian91292 correctly states, it accomplishes nothing. Pimax has shown us that… learn to deal.

The only thing you can do is ‘Vote with your wallet’ and take your future business elsewhere. Take some solace in that.


I agree with most of this post, but Pimax hasn’t lost me as a customer completely. That decision I’ll have to make if/when I receive my headset. :stuck_out_tongue:


Pimax needs to give us the full scoop, if there’s an issue let us know. If the schedule is changed let us know. Don’t keep us guessing and hearing rumors about things said during backer meetups or over PMs. It’s not that hard really to have an official statement about the state of things and keep it updated when there’s some kind of change. the anger at these delays are second to not being told about the delays. “When Christmas come you will find out how many headset is sent. Ha Ha Ha.”

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@deletedpimaxrep1 is (for better or worse) the public face of the company and she hasn’t posted for three days. Yes, that’s worrying but even if she did, she would say absolutely nothing because she’s a good soldier, performing as ordered.

Yes, this is how they operate, under one (or more) possible scenarios.

  1. They read everything and they just don’t care. They believe the ends will justify the means.
  2. They read, but they believe no (bad) news is good news, so they say nothing.
  3. They read, but they’re overwhelmed and barely coping.
  4. They read but understand that trying to please everybody is a failed strategy.
  5. They don’t read.

Everyone is pretty much in full agreement that Pimax communication is absolutely horrible, but not a single one of the above scenarios (feel free to add some of your own) has continually complaining about their horrible communication as a possible path to getting more communication.

Pimax is going to do what Pimax is going to do… and they’ve shown that they’re exceedingly good at it.

It’s time to give it a rest.


There are consequences to actions. If there’s something I don’t like I’m going to say something about it. If enough people are saying things other people are going to hear about it. There are direct consequences to poor communication, and complaints about it are one of them. I don’t care if it fixes anything or not, it’s my god given right to complain and it’s a better world where people do complain when something isn’t right.

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I’ve never asked if we’re there yet. Part of the problem on this forum, people change your point to the one they want to dispute rather than the one given.
They disrespect and deceive in every communication. It only gets worse as time goes on.
Just as it takes as long as it takes, disrespect is disrespect, deception is deception.

Then what are you complaining about? How has Pimax been disrespectful in their communications? The only thing I can think of is their lack of communication, which I don’t see as being disrespectful.

As far as I can tell, this video describes perfectly what’s happening right now on the Pimax forums:

People just can’t accept the fact that Pimax makes overly-optimistic statements and often can’t back up their claims… but you should expect this as they’ve been doing it since before the Kickstarter campaign ended.


So to reword that, Pimax makes false statements and often have no reason to believe they’re true.

My point exactly.

Yep, that’s the way it’s been and there’s no reason to believe that it will change all of a sudden. Since these forums have gone almost completely uncensored, you can look back probably a year to people bitching about the same exact issues as they are today (communication, communication, communication). Well, guess what: you didn’t pay for Pimax to communicate effectively with you; you payed for them to develop (and deliver, when it’s ready) a VR headset.

As I’ve said before I don’t actually expect them to change. I will keep calling them out on their lies. They’re different things.
Telling more lies over a longer period is never going to get them to the point where I think it’s okay. I expect it, but it’s not okay.
On the other side of the coin, people have been ‘you can’t say anything bad about pimax’ for just as long. Really, after all this time and them only getting worse can you still convince yourself the problem is those who comment on their behaviour, not their behaviour?

Whats worring is it looks like production has slowed down to a crawl, instead of ramping up . Its been over half a month and only about 2 more people have gotten tracking numbers.

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We paid them on a hope that they would deliver a headset similar to the one they claimed to be able to deliver, in a timeframe not too different than the one they claimed to be able to deliver it on. We also expected information about any changes to the original plan. And by extension, changes to the modified plan. I don’t know where we were told communication would be optional. I would love to have seen that in the original text, would really lure a lot of backers with that line.

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Pimax are a bunch of engineers. How many engineers do you know with amazing communication skills?


The answer…

about how many headsets…

have been shipped now we have reached Christmas…




…And the question is 6x7. Nice HG2G reference.

Let’s be honest though, this is nothing compared to the shitstorm there’s going to be coming come January or February of next year when all the prepaid purchasers start pitching a royal fit. With kick-starting we are kind of stuck with this but since they did the pre-orders and they actually charged the people up front I expect there’s going to be major problems coming.


Perhaps they’ll take priority over us as they’ve paid full whack. Perhaps I won’t get mine til next summer. Lol

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I wonder how Pimax would deal with massive chargebacks. If they don’t get it worked out somehow you just know it’s coming. I certainly don’t want to see it happen and I don’t condone it, but I think they went to pre-order too early.