So is the xtal still the best vr headset out there(even to expensive)?

But the xtal has eye tracking

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To lower the price XTAL GAMING EDITION does not have eye tracking

ALL the rumours said this.


Gotcha. Yeah that would not be a good sacrifice indeed


Custom plain glass lenses cost a lot. So probably they will switch them for cheap frensels.


Being a backer the 8K-X is still money change VS the X-TAL, 5,361US +tx vs 1600US+tx minus coupon and selling other VR Stuff including your opened 5K+

You should try the 8K-X with eye tracking distortion correction before any other. Plus Xtal is still an unproven headset on the Software side

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Have you tried focusing on binocular overlap area only and try to get it to look as close as possible to Index or Vive?
I basically did that and found position where area around center looks most similar to Vive in a scene i’m very familiar with and that was enough to make all the difference for me. At this position, if i move my head around but still keep my eyes looking straight ahead distortion only occurs in far periphery and is not distracting at all. 3D depth also looks great, very similar to Vive if not better, especially in the distance.
But if i start to move my eyes around, when i look close to the edge of binocular overlap or far up or down things start to fall apart and distortions get progressively worse.
This is the only position where for example, while looking straight ahead in let’s say Skyrim, floor appears to be at the right height and not somewhere around my knees, objects don’t morph and change scale depending on distance etc. Obviously distortions are still there, but as long as i refrain from moving my eyes too much off center, it’s a pretty convincing experience.


With the new 8K-X on the scene and the first stage open source from Pimax, I think we should take a new user approach to this distortion problem that arise for some people.

We’ve have talked much of this problem but I’m not even sure today what people means exactly when they speak of PImax distortion


Those distortions should be specified using a specific VR application and given quantified numbers for all categories and sub categories of distortion.

-Static contour distortion
-Dynamic contour distortion ( panning motion, vertical motion)

example Steps

1- designing alignment pattern
like Single-page version
2- first step would remove the accelerator/sensor fusion algorithm from the equation. The world you move vs the user with out sensor positioning


I’m willing to give it a try, but I’ll need exact steps to follow. Are you thinking of replacing the Pimax logo startup bitmap with some sort of target image? I did that once, it was simple enough, but I don’t remember how I actually did it.

I will say that I can see distortion at the edges (in Normal), but it’s a minor artifact, which I only notice if I’m looking for it. It’s most pronounced on the far edges of the binocular overlap region.

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The binocular overlap region is 114 °

Small FOV is about 130 °

This means you see distorsions also with Small FOV

I think 8KX is way better headset than XTAL.
As far as I know, XTAL’s eye trackers are for IPD settings only. However eye trackers for Pimax are capable of dynamic foveated rendering, dynamic distortion correction, and assisting IPD settings. Dynamic distortion correction will make a huge difference when applied appropriately. Panels of 8KX have pretty good contrast and colors as LCD, capable of 90hz(not solved yet).
Moreover, you can get all the 8KX, controllers, base stations, eye trackers, hand trackers for under $2.5k.


I wish I had a spare 2400+ Euroes in my wallet.

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If I haven’t bought backer right without hmd from another user, my wallet would be torn apart…

Another review/discussion for the XTAL from this year: Xtal - FIRST LOOK - (SUBTITLES) - YouTube

at 5:24 they start talking about distortion. Supposedly the XTAL still has some, limited, distortion at the edges … hmm…

LOL the interviewer even asks for tips how Pimax should improve their distortion


I mean this tech that is far out. Someone has to start pushing the boundaries. No games will support Eye Tracking or Large FOV if there are no large FOV Headsets with Eye tracking. Vice Versa.

I’m always still glad there are companies with the balls to make one cause there’s no way an average joe would blow over 1000+USD just for a VR headset.


Hmm having researched a bit more, I’m not convinced. The 1.7 pound weight seems quite heavy. Even this VRengineer guy himself in the video above says he wouldn’t recommend it for action games. Then there’s indeed still (some) distortion. And although Sweviver claims the resolution is stunning, it’s still only 1440p per eye, so to me that still feels as too low. And the 70 hz doesn’t sound very impressive neither

I’m just not sure if that’s worth 6000 EUR … for that kind of money I want perfection.

BTW @Yata_PL here’s their blog post about the new lenses, with less distortion, that they’re using since December We Just Made VR Even More Real with Brand New XTAL Lenses | Vrgineers


For 6000 Euroes, I want someone serving me sushi and someone holding my cables while I VR.


Haha. Well I just don’t really understand why they’re not upgrading their panels. If they’d put 2*4k RGB panels in them, THEN it would be really interesting. For 6000 EUR you kind of expect that.


I’m guessing they’ll make a XTAL-X that cost 9000 Euroes.

Are there any 4K RGB OLED Panels that will fulfill the role?


just sell the wife’s car :rofl::rofl: no need to go crazy

Hehe yeah then I’d definitely pass.

Not sure about 4k RGB OLED … I’m expecting BOE to release such panels soon, but who knows … could take much longer than expect, as usually