So, about that 4090?

Weird not my experience at all, 2 of my last 4 geforce cards were Zotac, the other 2 were EVGA was very happy with them.

i had one Zotac card in my life, it was also lower quality, conpared to my gainward or strix cards.

I really do love the design of the new Zotac cards, its just from expirience ,that i buy TUF or msi cards.

These things often change her an there in Time and Productions (series) of hardware.

in 2004 we had good asus boards and bad msi boards, nur we have lesser quality on asus and better on msi…oh did i mention biostar…:laughing:

we get a look at the new gpus soon.

First benchmarks are in! Looks like vs a 3080Ti/3090 were looking at 60%+ increase with RT off. Who knows what VR benches will be like as it isn’t the same.

In a couple of games fps was near double at 4k.

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The benchmarks for VR are actually kind of insane. Here, you’re looking at +70-80% on a couple games on the Valve Index.

Then there’s what arstechnica said briefly, though without hard numbers, of

The 4090 also mostly tests well as a brute-force option for VR. As a highlight, the famously inefficient Fallout 4 VR now runs so smoothly on an HP Reverb G2—truly, zero hitches in a maxed-settings test—that I could actually imagine playing the whole campaign this way. My only disappointing VR test result came from No Man’s Sky, which spurts and stutters in VR, even with the power of the RTX 4090 behind it. This appears to be an issue with the game’s streaming of assets and textures, and it could clearly use more optimization to make the most of an overkill GPU like the 4090.


yeah less pwr consumption that an 3080 , tons of fps ! igors lab has the best video on this i did see so far (did watch 4 videos)

Performance jump looks quite insane, but so are the prices.

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The scalpers have gotten ahold of them. Be prepared to wait a while. Those near MicroCenters may be able to get on locally at MSRP (or very close) as MicroCenters tend to limit bad behavior by selling items like this to walk-in customers only (and only a single one per household.) That’s how I finally managed to get a 3080 Ti at MSRP during the great GPU Famine.

Looks like Nvidia lied, big surprise.

they did not say, that it would not run on older cards, as i did understand they just told that the older cards would be slower at it.And of course this is marketing…

Been doing some testing on my 4090, benchmarked a handful of things on my 3090 TI before this arrived to compare to. It is absolutely CRUSHING nigh everything I throw at it.

The largest uplift I saw was with the Resident Evil 7 VR mod, which was also one of the only things to truly stress this beast, and with maxed settings(That you don’t disable to make the mod work) but shadows set to medium, I got these results.

At native res, no FSR, in Large FoV(Which is normally insanity for these kind of mods) on an 8k X, a ridiculous 4920 x 3160 per eye, my 3090 TI was absolutely struggling to stay above 30FPS, mostly around 30-35FPS. Yet in the same spot, my 4090 was doing 50-55. From my quick and sloppy benchmarking with FPS the average frame rate was around +60% that of the 3090 TI, and sometimes it was even approaching +70% in specific spots.

Toggling FSR on Ultra Quality mode brought my average FPS up to a completely playable 75, sometimes even rising above 80 in lighter areas. That is madness. Even the 3090 TI could not break 50 average FPS with FSR. This is the difference between unplayable and 'playable. I didn’t test it, but if I dropped down to normal FoV, I bet I could absolutely get a stable 90 on normal FoV with FSR.

The smallest uplift I saw was from Project Wingman on all ultra settings, which was only +35% gains. Went from about 44 to 61 FPS at native in large FoV. The FSR mod did bring me up to around 85FPS average, however.

I don’t play things like MSFS, but honestly most of my stuff I’m able to max out my headset’s refresh rate at native or get very close to it. I haven’t even tested or tried Foveated Rendering yet too, because some games don’t work with it right.

I’m honestly in awe at this.


Yeah it is awsome, it feels like , made for VR.
i also cant wait for testing cyberpunk, oh i have to check this hex editor thread, with the luke ross mods shoul keep that in mind, did somone try vorpx on the pimax by now ?

I suspect this is actually true. I think VR is a major driver particularly for the growth in wattage in the 40 series GPUs. In flat gaming, ever more powerful GPUs are providing diminishing returns for video quality on monitors. But in VR, even the most powerful GPUs on the market haven’t been nearly powerful enough. VR is a whole other scale of graphical demand.

And VR was a major talking point of nVidia’s presentations. So I think they’re very aware of this, and that it does affect the design targets of the 40 series.

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Ladies the gentlemen, the 4090 has accomplished an utterly stupid feat from my benchmarking.

In the RE7VR mod, with all maxed settings, INCLUDING RAY TRACING, at Normal FoV(3800 x 3160 per eye), with FSR at Ultra Quality, I was averaging around 75-80FPS from some brief testing.

Let me repeat that. On a triple A flatscreen VR port mod, while still at normal FOV, I got a completely playable experience with Ray Tracing. That’s CRAZY. And the difference was actually enough to be immediately noticeable to me when running through with it on vs off. The only downside was there was some extra shimmer due to FSR in exchange for the better lighting, but honestly? I liked it.

Might put out my own video. Some of my findings have been silly.


So ? That statement doesnt say much.
It is the same with SBS and scorn.
But it just does not change the fact that it has a awsome Perfomance on , lone echo 2, Asgardwrath, green hell and what so ever.

You will find games like that in every generation of cards.
I will try the resi mod in winter expansion, 70 fps is fluid enough, at least i can speak for me.

In my opinion DLSS 3.0 is unsurprisingly DOA for VR as it requires HAGS on, which doesn’t play nice with VR. It also likes to disable Vsync (for good reason), so since there’s no such thing as a Gsync HMD - you’re getting latency. Furthermore the evidence of artifacting is in my experience on par with that of motion smoothing making for example vertical and horizontal lines on - say for example - buildings flicker in and out (I’ve only been able to try it in MSFS at the moment).

Perhaps when I can try DLSS3 in LukeRoss’s monoscopic mode of Cyberpunk mod as that may be a very specialized use-case, but I’m already getting 28PPD at 90FPS all day on Normal FOV, so I suppose it’d be fun to take it to like 35PPD just for the sharpness or drop the DLSS artifacts…but again likely to only work in monoscopic mode - if at all.

Maybe there’s some utility to it in F122, but I haven’t tried that yet.

Turned on HAGS with my 4090 to use DLSS 3.0 in Spider-Man 3. Absolutely zero issues from it in VR and performance is great.

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Is the dx12 version worth it now? I have it set up with all of the dx11 versions of Ashton’s mods and lastI heard the dx12 version was slow and buggy.

What difference does the raytracing make to this game anyway ,Besides improving the shiny floor in the RPD?

Oh and I agree with your findings, I cranked my resolution in CP2077 to over 4000x4000 pixels I think the slider in the mod was set to 35ppd or something, and I still can’t get the mod to frame drop. :slightly_smiling_face:

I had to turn on rtx just to achieve the framerates I was getting on my 3080 Ti.

Rtx sucks visually though in cp2077 in VR though it looks barely noticeable I found that cranking resolution is way more impactful.

Yep, my Pimax is set to 75and my quest 72.I don’t really see a reason to go higher.

When are they dropping dlss3 for cyberpunk?