RTX 30 Series Discussion - Part 1

Makes perfect sense! OpenGL performance has been a Quadro feature, due to its relevance to CAD modeling, so NVIDIA is not going to be in a hurry to improve that for ‘consumer’ cards.

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This will also be the reason why the 3090 is declared as a playing card.
The strength of Titan is OpenGl as a cheap Quadro equivalent

To be fair though, that might be more true of proprietary OpenGL CAD programs. FreeCAD doesn’t need that much GPU power to begin with, and open-source programs can be optimized.

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Anyway, I think my four-digit number, which I have sunk in Xplane, I prefer to forget as soon as I have the 8kx. vulkan does not bring anything with parallel projection, the new 30xx bring also zero points for OpenGL.

Are anybody here interest for a complete XP OrbX Collection? :joy:


I’ve now roughly estimated that.

XPlane will run at around 2070/2080 non ti level with the 3080, the 3090 could at best, due to the faster memory and a handful of cores more, be 5-10% above the 2080ti.

what a fool. :joy::rofl::see_no_evil:

I look forward to move over to FS2020 in VR and get rid of 1.5TB of OrbX XP11 data just collecting dust :wink:


Then i think, a Dual Titan or 2080ti make more sense. MS will force multi GPU for MSFS, i have read. Ok, for quality textures, 11Gb are not enough

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First Founder installation in central Europe.
Dont buy it :wink:


That’s soooo funny SerViver! Thanks for the chuckle.

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this is exactly what I’ve been saying. Hold tight wait for real benchmarks. especially VR ones. There’s something fishy here with the prices and meager 10GB 3080

$700 → $1500 is a very large gap. And i’m sure nVidia is planning to fill it.

Since 3090 is a Titan. (Jensen even prefaced the announcement by talking about the titan) Titans have never been a good price to performance.

The always end up releasing a 3080Ti right in the middle of those prices with nearly all of the performance of the 3090 I give them 6 months.

Nvidia isn’t forcing anyone to do anything.


am i correct here? a 3070 might perform on par with the titan rtx and according to the doom video a 3080 will beat the rtx titan by about 27%?

that titan price/perf is reserved for fools and guy’s named Linus.

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yeah I saw those partner cards with their simple triple fan design and thought.


are you really going to have time , with all of this programming you’re doing? well maybe with the resolution of the 8kX you can code in virtual desktop while flying

Indeed, he can, and so can I. How do I know? I’ve done it. The 8kX is the first headset with enough resolution to really not cause eyestrain for such use cases.

Granted though, I tend to be flying something like Elite Dangerous space ships (like waiting for friends or PvP targets to show up) if I’m doing desk work and flying. DCS World jets tend to keep the ‘pilot’ rather busy just following procedures…

MSFS might be great for doing desk work though. No FAA rules about pilots fiddling with personal electronics the whole time with the autopilot keyed on for the whole cross-country airline route. :wink:


True, but as the unreal engine showed modern techniques and technologies can do that…
Can’t find the video, but for the new unity and unreal they showed a lot of high polygone scenes with lod
Edit: can’t find them but the idea was the same in both engines like in this old article https://m.hexus.net/tech/news/graphics/125555-nvidia-shows-turing-mesh-shaders-asteroids-demo/
Unity had one that was flying through a city with flying cars.


I have barely time to sleep. So no, hehe… but once we go public and get some coders into it, maybe I can start to enjoy VR again in between work… :wink:


6 posts were split to a new topic: Multiplicity (movie)

Does anybody knows at which time the 3080 will launch exactly at the17th of september?
Something like 00:00 of 17th or 6 am?
Different times around the world?

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Level of detail is why flying to high altitude in DCS World causes less CPU/GPU frame latency, instead of vastly more. It is still a lot of information to process, especially at low altitude.

Also keep in mind some of those tricks look very good on a desktop monitor and absolutely horrible in VR. Elite Dangerous uses bump mapping for terrain, which I used to think was a fantastic idea ever since CryEngine1 (Far Cry 1) did it, but it looks weirdly flat and oddly distorted in VR.

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Probably different from country to country. It will be the official world cup F5-hammer day!