Returning to the 8KX after 18 months

So, as Vajo HMDs are having issues with 4090 GPUs so far, I decided to dust off my good ole 8KX.

I plugged it in, downloaded PiTool beta, installed that and was immeditaley greeted with an ‘Update’ dialog.

To no surprise this update failed, so I repeated it 3 more times.

It failed again and now PiTool cannot recognize the HMD, which obviously flashes red, green and blue due to being stuck in DFU mode…

Now, as much as this whole process brings back fond memories of the Pimax product experiencetm, what is the correct way to proceed from this point?

@Heliosurge any help old chap? @PimaxQuorra ready for another ride of the same stuff we have been doing since 2017?


Not the greatest but you can almost instantly flash with any dfu file you wish. DFU has been updated and with 281 works easily without issues, no pc reboots, service restarts, STM installs or anything typically required anymore.

If you can PM me your serial number we can provide the right fw and it should be relatively easy to update.


Ace, will do!

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Would be curious to see how you experience the 8KX once it works. Having the firepower of the 4090 should help a great deal unlock the potential of the 8KX running it at say 2.0 in PiTool and 180% in SteamVR with demanding games.

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i have th rtx4090 too,but that will be too much lol :wink: :wink:

So you have an 8KX working with a 4090?

What firmware do you use and what version of PiTool?

yes, the latest pitool beta 281 beta and firmware

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@twack3r i tried to flash my 8kx a few days ago and it failed and got stuck in dfu mode. read up on here about it, i had to mess around downloading and running things and deleting stuff in device manger etc, wasted a couple of hours.

the Pimax Client afaik doesn’t force upgrading but i’ve seen your other thread that you’re having problems with it. it fails to detect my 8kx half the time. my 4090 works ok with my 8kx though.

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Remember that there are two different 8kx.
You probably still have revision 1, right?


Yup, very first batch.

255.299 should be ok … for me, i use 298 without this 3x smartsmooth.
Stable as hell

if you need good color settings, let me know.


if it does not work you might check on thrustmaster software, they also use a STM DFU drivers for there firmware updates and that interfered with the DFU driver from pimax (but as pimaxusa mentioned, that should be fixed by now)


You might need to delete p2 files there in the pitool\dfudrivers

if the Firmware you manually flash is older than one pre packaged with pitool 281.



I would recommend Pitool 281V and 2006 FW if you’re having the 2076 model.

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We really need to figure out how the get Pimax to remove that 3x smart smoothing. It’s utterly unusable and unacceptable. There have been quite a few complaints but so far it’s been left in, with no way to disable or remove it. (Unless, like you, you are lucky enough to have a HMD that works with an old enough PiTool version, but that’s a bandaid, not a permanent solution.)

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I personally don’t really care. I don’t use Smartsmooth or any other kind of reprojection. The intermediate images, which are sometimes produced without meaning, confuse me. :joy:


Good and detailed review overall. But huh, I’ve never had any issues with the chromatic aberration. I also thought the build quality felt great, and the head strap is literally the Vive Pro strap with minor modifications. Otherwise, having upgraded from the Vive Pro 2 as well, I generally agree.

Were one of the color settings you tried the same one shared on MRTV? I’ve found that to be pretty good despite being overall a darker image. I’d note that I found the Vive Pro 2 to be very dark overall as well, but your eyes adjust pretty quickly.

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