[RESOLVED] Pimax Not Detected - AMD 5700 XT

My point is about the many posts assigning blame to AMD.

If the card works on old Radeon software then the compatibility of the 5700XT was an issue with the Pimax software and could have been fixed with or without AMD’s help.

If AMD did indeed work with Pimax to help fix it even though they did nothing wrong this is very generous of them and perhaps the people who have made statements pointing the finger at AMD should apologise.

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AMD puts out advisories on known issues and problems that should be focused on that they will correct in upcoming releases. Some VR companies have the resources to correct issues twice (once on the advisory and once after the driver release). Valve does this among some other large entities but in our case just don’t have enough development resources to correct known issues multiple times.

In our lab we have most of the recent models of AMD cards and I have no doubt that the issues will get sorted starting with a major compatibility update we will release just days away.

Keep in mind the 5700xt uses the new Navi RDNA not GCN so the drivers are different and require different suites of testing materials. This new architecture was only launched in July 2019 and introduces many large improvements and is a powerful (but early stage) platform for their future.


No you are confused. It has been both teams AMD & Pimax working on solving the compatibility issue. No one has assigned blame to one or the other. Save some trying to blame pimax solely.

Ie claiming they are with holding the update artifically.

Now we don’t have the Nvidia users making the opposite that AMD fix is stalling the release.

AMD is partnered with Pimax & as @PimaxUSA has said the 5700 series is a new architecture.

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That is a long time in the world of GPU’s and software.

Really? So you never actually said this above in this very thread.

A critical fix should not require 2 weeks of testing after the fix is said to be working. The Pitool in question has other unrelated updates. Critical fixes should be released on their own. There can be no doubt the other updates are the reason 2 weeks of testing is required.

As stated above, in the world of GPU’s 5 months is not new. To suggest that it is okay to wait 5 months for something you paid for to work is unreasonable. And as I have pointed out previously the Pimax product page has in this entire time suggested every AMD card equal or above a 1070 works and has not warned buyers this does not include the Navi cards, which is misleading.

Everyone should know it takes some month Before drivers and so works good with most games, its so with new Nvidia cards and AMD when they do bigger changes.


Sp the update is coming, but you’re still not happy? @Konger, cancel the update all together.

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Kinda pissed off of this constant whining.

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The diatribe seems strangely familiar…

The fix was only recently posted it is coming. Yes I did day it is too bad Amd & pimax haven’t had this resolved sooner.

Your quote was simply to press the point that AMD is working with pimax & a fix hasn’t been accomplished before posting was it a week ago that the new pitool will have a fix & is targeted for release on the 13th. Not that far away from said post.

And yes equivalent has a broad range on cards. New Tech unfortunately often takes time. Sometimes even new cards breaks old programs from working.

It’s become obvious, when it comes to pimax, that ‘partners’ doesn’t mean what people would generally think it means.
Something like ‘I know this girl who has a friend whose boyfriend’s uncle once dated a girl who saw AMD pass out at 36 flavours last night. So I guess it’s kinda serious’.

Yes seems like a very small number of folks(1) displeased with the update coming. No amount of complaining is going to artificially force the release sooner than is ready.


I think he is more frustrated that it took a long time for a fix. Maybe he wants to play bone works tomorrow but he can’t :rofl:

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Actually I was just responding to people writing things that are false like how Heliosurge claimed no one had said that but he himself had said it as shown by the quotes. Rebutting rubbish does not equal constant complaining.

In the other thread I simply stated that while improving communication is good, improving business practices is more important. And I spoke mainly of the things that have effected me but just look through the forums and there are plenty of other examples.

Now if people are going to quote me, reply to me or talk about me or say false things in rebuttal to things I have written, when I get that little notification and I look at what was written, of course I will reply. That is not constant complaining. And those people should look within at who is keeping the conversation alive.

Communication is good but one of the very few things I actually complained about was false information.

Yes I am frustrated. I’m frustrated with how long it has taken. I am frustrated with ongoing false claims.

Hopefully the 13th is not another false claim.

I just want to point this out again because what Heliosurge is saying is false. He claimed no one ever blamed AMD after I pointed out AMD is not to blame as the fix is working on an old AMD GPU driver. I don’t know if he works with Pimax or he is just a big fan but all I was doing is responding to the false claims.

And @PimaxUSA if what I am writing seems familiar it is a sign that what I am saying is true because others are saying the same thing. I’ve already shown the products I own. I’ve already stated I have never had another account, you have my location and my email and my name.

Attacking customers who are displeased with the things you have done wrong is not a professional attitude and doing that has hurt plenty of other companies. On the other hand owning your mistakes and improving based on criticism has only helped companies.

The complaints I made have only been. This fix has taken too long and the way Pimax approached it was wrong. It never had anything to do with AMD, all it required was for Pimax to obtain a GPU which they waited far too long to do. And it is unacceptable for Pimax to advertise something works when it does not. The Pimax product page should not claim AMD cards equivalent or above work with Pimax when some do not. I think my complaint are fair.

In the other thread I even said positive things about the headset so what you guys are saying is unfair.

But now I am actually making another complaint. The things you are saying here are unprofessional. Attacking customers is unprofessional and allowing others to attack a customer is unprofessional. I have not said anything that is untrue but others are. So how about you start doing the right thing.

I wonder if any of you are capable of accepting when you are wrong or of apologising. I doubt it.

I am sorry. Have a cup of coffee :coffee:

Um, respectfully, you don’t know that.

To me, as a software developer, it sounds as if AMD released a fix in November and that it’s taken a few weeks to update and test Pimax’s code to take advantage of that fix. I’m sure everyone would have liked this problem to be resolved sooner, but assuming that Pimax was waiting for AMD’s new drivers, a few weeks for a fix doesn’t sound unreasonable.

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AMD are good with notes. You can see everything each update fixes in the notes. They are very detailed.

To which Time today will the new pitool be released?

Who could have possibly guessed that Pimax would miss a deadline? Looks like my 5k+ will be a useless brick for at least another weekend wew


I expected as much but at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason it hasn’t been released was because Radeon 19.12.2 is broken and Pimax are not smart enough to realise it is broken for everyone and not just the Pimax.