Remaining 8K Backers Waiting Thread

Ready to ship email received in early Dec, as of 2 days ago still being build. The wait is slowly but steadily killing me. :weary: 8k #25xx

Edit: It has arrived and itā€™s awesome!


Another week ends ā€¦ hope next week we get good news


You may get your 8K(X) at this rateā€¦ :roll_eyes:


Waiting. Still.

At this rate, the pre-sales will be available before the backers get theirs. If I calculate the interest I wouldā€™ve earned on the amount I paid for my pledge, it would add up to more than if I waited for the release version cost. :angry:


Some good news for 8K backers still waiting:

mozi, the new Pimax support rep said all 8Ks should have been shipped out from SH now

There has been a latest shipment of 184 units:

And domestic Chinese 8K backers have received their 8Ks!


Can you see the end of our wait? ^^
I donā€™t know until I get the goods.


And? Iā€™ll believe it when its in my hands otherwise itā€™s just another useless announcement.


Order P123454 would like to know aprox delivery time , thanks??? plese help ,no email notice yet! Order P123454

Got it! Included your order in our production plan.

Hi Kevin, Thank you for your patient waiting. We are going to ship pre-orders. Your order will be shipping around Feb 21th to Feb 27th. I orderd JAN 27 19

So according to the latest spreadsheet, the 8K Iā€™m still waiting for has finally been built. Probably still needs to be qcā€™d and be sent on it merry way.
Is it just me or is anyone else finding the announcement of VIP shipping at an extra charge funny?

#25xx Canada

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If by funny you mean infuriating given how expensive shipping was and the ā€œspecial treatmentā€ backers were promised.

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Oh, yeah, that! My mistakeā€¦

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I can see the end of our wait ! at last !
14 or 18 days more ?

Waiting on 8k in JAPAN #2443

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All confirmed kickstarter 8K has shipped out already


Iā€™m very happy now.
Oh thank you !

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Did you stick with 8k in the end? You changed a few times :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes, I got an 8K. I only switched twice, to an 5K+ and back to an 8K. Iā€™m pleased with my choice, btw. :slight_smile:


Well, so when we eventually receive the 8K, we can compare it to the new HP Reverb headset and make a choice if we value more FoV or a denser ppi in the central area higherā€¦ :joy:

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Itā€™s not an either/or. I want both wide FOV and denser ppi. The 8KX++ with full RGB subpixels would probably be good enough. :laughing:


Looks like by the time I get my 8K there will be a new thing to desire and wait for ā€¦

I guess Pimax will still have the best fov though.


With technology, thatā€™s always true. Something better will be coming, no matter what it is that you desire. :star_struck: