Quest 2 Discussion, will it beat the G2?

did every body get these early? I wonder if MRTV got one.

removed the inappropriate picture

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Pre-ordered one with the Elite Strap and just sold my Quest1 on FB marketplace today!


Imagine giving pimax data about your hands and eyes…

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Nice to see that it doesn’t look sold out. I was spamming Amazon/Best Buy but then saw Oculus had it up on their site…bought it as fast as I could.

I’m really glad I didn’t see the accessories, because the way the Oculus site is set up, clicking the accessory puts it in your cart. I would have probably spent another $200 just so I could get my order in.

Almost grabbed the Elite headstrap afterwards, but then realized I could mod my Vive strap to it instead and get better audio. Never tried it on the Quest 1 because I’m disappointed in the performance, and barely touch it anymore. My favorite experience on it is HL1…that also lagged a bit but not much. I def thought it would smooth 72fps all the time. My early memories of Quest were seeing Beat Saber go into re projection and Rec Room with constant reprojection. I was baffled. Also don’t like the controllers either…

Seeing that Quest 2 should give me what I thought Quest 1 would do (smooth performance, decent haptics, on top of the obvious higher res, refresh,etc) I bought it.

I see you said your IPD was 70…Carmack said in his talk that the higher IPD setting cuts off FOV…which is really disappointing, but it looks like the lenses could be closer than Q1, so maybe it’s a wash.

BTW he also said that the FFR will become dynamic instead of devs just putting it on High and it looking crappy in the peripheral. It’ll basically only turn on when the GPU is at max, which is awesome.
Also said that the panel can do 120Hz but there are too many edge case issues that can arise, so it’s probably not going to happen. The reason 72Hz is default at launch is because Guardian isn’t syncing with 90Hz yet.

Lots of other stuff here:

and I saw he continued his talk here but haven’t watched it yet:

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no kidding it’s smaller

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I imagine the xr2 will have the processing power to actually take advantage of that fibre optic cable.

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I’m keeping my Q1 as theres nothing wrong with it and the wife loves it. Now I have my own. Now I can install all the pr0n i want. lol

You want to see something sell out fast, try getting a ps5.

Yeah it seems that oculus made it easy this time to add third party straps. Im sure a 3d printed adapter that just snaps in will be created soon. @BNP ?

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Have you played Rec Room on the Quest 1? Is it super laggy? I gave it another go today and it made me sick after like 10 mins. Even Beat Saber. I really hope the Quest 2 is smoother.

really? I’ve never had any issues with beat saber on quest ever.

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It’s not as laggy as Rec Room. Rec Room paintball = constant reprojection. Beat Saber I definitely see laggy blocks sometimes.

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I’ll remember to use that excuse when my wife beats my hi score. :slight_smile:

possibly but i’ve not been following the facebook quest so i’ve no idea how easy that would be.

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ordered quest 2 for my brother, he’s sold at half price of g2

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Given how phenomenal the display is, I’m really curious what they pull off with encode resolution. We weren’t even limited by USB 2.0 with original link, but for a true experience with this panel I’m hoping they go all in on usb C 3.1, 10Gbps. It’ll need some compression and fudging still, but I’m convinced it could be good at that bitrate.

I was pretty happy with the visual quality of the quest 1 when not linked to PC honestly, so it’s a bit of a gamble as they haven’t released official specs for the link updates. At 300 I have nothing to lose though, and my GF gets a free quest 1

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“Quest, she’ll pretty much have to…”


There needs be antitrust action against facebook to break up Oculus into a separate company. We can’t let Facebook connect their current data with Oculus data.

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There is a metric assload of competition in the VR space, I don’t think theres much of a sound argument for antitrust against oculus/facebook.

Facebook can sell your data for enough money to make a 4k 90hz vr headset for 300 dollars that doesn’t require a PC. If you’re interested in privacy, I get your stance. If you’re interested in mass adoption of VR, oculus is the only (major) company even trying to move towards that goal

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Is there though? Maybe in PC VR, but even then it’s just Valve, Microsoft + Partners (WMR) and HTC. The rest (pimax included) don’t really take up much market share. In terms of standalone VR facebook/oculus pretty much has a monopoly there, there’s things like the lenovo mirage, but those hardly compete and also take up a small amount of market share. Alas, I do agree, antitrust would be pointless as FB has some pretty damn good lawyers, and their company is at the point where they’re basically untouchable as far as claims like this go.

I think the most viable thing will be some modders putting together a new OS and/or Firmware to basically allow someone to turn their Quest/Quest2 into a headset devoid of the Oculus/FB infrastructure. I’ve been digging around to find more info on the topic and the issue seems to be that FB/Oculus have actively been battling people trying to do this, they keep the bootloader/Root under tight lock and key, people have gotten access to it before but it was quickly patched. Eventually another window of opportunity will come about.
One day it’ll be possible, especially given the demand. Only a matter of time.

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