I’ve also a 2063 8K+. So I don’t try the new FW
If all 8K+ models are the same, then why does the new firmware not work with certain 8K+ models (2063), but it works with other models? (2062 and 2066)
It sounds like each production model of the 8k+ uses different displays, if the different production model versions of the 8k+ require different firmware versions to achieve 110hz.
Hi Virtuosity,
As there are different batch of production and it leads the different serial number.
But you may try the latest FW download link, we will share it to you by PM.
Please kindly check and advice.
The displays are the same for all 8K+ model. It is about the FW problems.
Thanks for the reply, I was wondering though why the 2063 production model of the 8k+ requires different firmware if it uses the same displays as the 2062 and 2066 versions of the 8k+?
It could be another part or software revision on one of the chips.
There was some other chips which were included in later production models of the 8kx, but that was only for the 8kx from what I heard, not for the 8k+ (which is why the 8kx was held up in production)
if 8k+ v2063 has a chip which v2062 doesnt have, then why does v2066 not have the same problem 2063 had with the firmware? Confusing.
I thought that the deluxe mas was receiving metal hinges comnecting it to the HMD which is why it was delay, but judging by the update today of the most up to date deluxe mas model it doesnt look like it, so pardon me if i don’t immediately believe what i hear from Pimax cause their track record of being honest has not been good.
PimaxQuorra advised in pm theres 2 versions of firmware, and that one version which he sent me works with all 8k+ production models including 2063, and that all 8k+ use the same displays, but i’m not sure why he would be talking about a firmware version which doesn’t support 8k+ version 2063 if Pimax had one which supports all 8k+ versions.
Maybe the firmware he just sent me wasn’t available 2 hours ago, but the fact the old firmware doesn’t support 8k+ v2063 on 110hz version to me it still sounds like each production version of the 8k+ has a different display, otherwise why would we need different firmware versions for different 8k+ models? Very confusing.
I just wanted to report that with the new firmware I received works perfectly. The first one wasn’t working for me but this one is perfect.
The 110hz works great even on large fov.
I tried:
-Virtual Desktop
-Beat Saber
All at a really stable 110fps on large fov.
I will try with ss tomorrow.
Also a big thank you to Quorra for his quick answers and all the help he provided.
Do you have a model 2063 as well @vrftw ?
Yep 2063.
Can you send me the new one? I´m 2063 too
Hey, no updated FW for me.
Need Firmware for 2063 please
Same here. Updated FW link not sent.
Please send me the new firmware of 2063
Ive have tried the original sent firmware on my 2063 version of the headset.
It flashes to the headset
But on the 110hz mode I get large white bars of light on the Left and right external outside of the lenses (like some one has a light in in your peripheral vision on the screens) and fine text and details are ghosting when I turn my head left and right.
Any one have this issue?
Me too. I can see the same,two bars of light on both outside sides of the lenses
Same problem here … two bars on both sides.
I’ll try again and report back but haven’t noticed white bars on mine on 110hz or 55hz with Smart Smoothing.
I made a short guide here.
Seems troubles are gone with the newer pre alpha version …264…dfu
would yours be a later version? what firmware were you running before the alpha?
mine is January and It was on a 255 firmware version.
the White bars are sorta a sparkle… like an over scan of the image, right on the outer edges.