# Possible Index Fix Incoming!

No, I’ve already replied to this. Is not SteamVR the grabs controller pics, but PiTool that sends to SteamVR. That’s why I think the path is hardcoded

I do know what you mean. And do know what I mean. I do have programming/script awareness.

We run into that problem here in the forum. Don’t think discourse has fixed it. In the past when a topic title is edited any links created to the topic before the edit are broken.

So with Cas & Chary example if say Steamvr was all updated to changes in structures of knuckles to index naming. Then received pimax & installed. There is no previous openvrpaths.vrpath lines directing pimax to use beta VRknuckle path. Just the new proper path & driver.

Pitool 1.0.29, steam vr non beta, consumer knuckles.

Can use them to point at steam menu but no controllers render. Didn’t try home. Tried Climbey and my hands were in the floor and would not react to anything.

What to do first? PiTool update / Steam VR Beta / Copy some files?

Check the file. Pitool uses Steam driver & path.

I would reccommend trying a known Index controller game like A township tale.

Might need to either try Steamvr beta or use @mmorselli fix to add controller pics render as games will likely be set to grab pics from old knuckles directory. Htc wands pics are located similarily in it’s driver location.

What I mean is that to know what PiTool does I should read the PiTool code, the configuration file doesn’t tell me how it is used

Apparently, without any fixes, the retail index controllers don’t work out of box. I’m wrong?

Climbey is one of them, the author is one of the Knuckles’ leading experts

They appear to work but may not render controller pics.

Reading code vs a config file yes will give better understanding of how a config file is utilized.

And guess why…

Because of structure change. A game maybe able to use a controller but may not know where to grab new pics.

Nothing works in hand labs. Nothing renders, although I could get it to acknowledge that I had raised my hands (well, I pulled the trigger and it said I had done it, I suspect in fact it only registered the trigger). But then, could not get to walk forward.

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I suggest this titles to test the Index Controllers


Yeah tried hand labs. Should I go to SteamVR beta, or is that pointless, and I should go to your copying solution?

try with the fix



PiTool sends the pics/model to SteamVR Home… but I won’t write it again :smiley:

Which it gets from steam drivers location. Games may also grab from directly as you know programmers sometimes do there own thing until a mew method is introduced.

Ie prior to knuckles only htc wands existed. Razer Hydra Valve didn’t put new controller skins for them so Htc wands they are.

Yup after that it basically all works. The controllers are fully visible everywhere.

However I have an issue where it seems to be not detecting my fingers every other frame and they go back to default positions. But I’m guessing that’s a USB issue or something.


PS : I have an appointment now so won’t be able to verify fixing the fingers for a little while.

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Querying Cas & Chary might be an idea. With them not using any fixes. Steamvr Beta likely has additional fixes but as with Betas may have side effects as well. They demonstrated full functions in that live stream & controller pics were rendering.

Steamcontroller 4 example had some bad issues in the early release days.

If I can find my Razer Hydra will test Steam Workshop Vive Wand Skin to make it Hydra controller in steamvr

Cas here from Cas and Chary VR.

What you said is not true.

The ones we are using right now are the DV and we received them directly from Valve. Before using it, we confirmed with Valve that the DV controllers are exactly the same as the consumer Index Controllers, with the exception of a change of materials for the strap arm connector to the controller.

As for why I am here. I got a lot of comments on our videos from the Pimax community on how we got this to work. So I wanted to clear this up: we did not do anything except install the PiTool V1.0.1.132 last week when we received the Pimax 5k+.

SteamVR Beta was already installed (and just got updated to 1.5.15). We use the original VIVE base stations v1.

However, we never paired the VIVE Wands with the Pimax and instantly used the DV’s with it and it worked straight away. Maybe this is what’s different from the people with a non-working controller?

The Index Controllers drivers were already installed.

I can see the Valve Index Controllers in the SteamVR menu whilst in VR and all the buttons work.

Hope you all can get it working soon.