Porn Looks Better On The 8k (MRTV)

Dear community,

so there I said it! The answer to the question many had asked me. Porn and movies in general look better on the 8k.

Less SDE, better colors. For people who only want to watch movies, go for the 8k.

Bye, Sebastian


I think that my doubts are over. Most compelling argument. :heart_eyes: :joy:


That settles it. 8K it is.


Both HMD’s sound absolutely awesome.


Amén! :joy::joy:


Thanks @mixedrealityTV I will tell a friend of mine he has to buy the 8K… :innocent:






That’s interesting, I expected the answer to be 8k but for more the SDE than the colours. Is the SDE particularly noticeable in the 5k+ when watching movies?

On the Vive, I find that the 3d effect in movies works a lot better than in the cinema (relatively flat), however I always hated that unless I zoomed out further than I’d like, the small FOV meant I couldn’t see the full virtual screen. The resolution was rubbish meant that I would never consider watching a 2d movie in the vive.

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I don’t understand how 80 Hz creates distortion and 90 doesn’t.

Sure there are bigger distances between frames when you move your head but that doesn’t mean distortion should increase?

And if they use the same distortion profile (because it’s catered to the lens, not the panel) then a better profile or seperate profiles should be able to fix it

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The object that moves left and right on the 8K when you move your head is some human body’s part? If so it could have another explication :grin:

the colors make me worry, any chance Pimax would let us know if they can improve that area in future patch for the 5k+? it’s the main thing which make me hesitate between 5k+/8K

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But what is the difference between movies and games which makes 8K better than 5K+?
If we speak not about watching movies on virtual desktop but exactly about 180/360 videos.

As I understood 8k is better for simulators where we need to look into the distance, but for all other things 5K+ is better (mainly because of non-existence of up/down-scaling gives better clarity for close objects right?)
But in 180/360 porn videos we look to close object (0,5-1 meter away from camera) almost all the time. So the better clarity of the 5K+ should be important. Then why 8K is better?

What makes it better? Maybe the fact that we’re almost not moving head, and this cause we can see SDE more clearly, but in games we’re constantly moving and SDE isn’t so noticeable? And this cause SDE become to have more affect to overall impression than extra clarity? Or maybe better 8K colors somehow have more influence on movies not games? Or some another reason(s)?

P.S: By the way, what type of videos you tried? Did you try 180 degrees 5400x2700 res 30/60mbps video?

In my opinion.

5k+ you can see sde all the time except you are immersive while playing the game.

8k has less sde and when we watch the porn movie, we don’t want to sde for sure.


sooo no one’s gonna mention how sebastian found a bit of distortion on the 8k compared to the 5k+…???

Have you noticed this @SweViver @VoodooDE ?

I cant see more distortion on the 8K than on the 5K+, but this is really different for everyone…
In Berlin we had some people that didnt even notice any distortion and some people really hated it…

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Can you explain more about the distortion?
Wrong proportion of image? Or look like Sebastian said, thanks.

This thread is for Porn thing, actually… There is another threads about distortion. I want to see here more answers and explanations about choosing 8K instead of 5K+ for porn movies. Have not much time to make decision…

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Living up to that username I see!

SexLikeReal app works just fine with that

I’m using 5k+ when I moved head the picture kind of move with me :pensive: