Pimax sword Controllers!

I pledged for capsense controllers on Kickstarter so since only the sword sense controllers have those functions i expect to receive the sword sense controllers and nothing less. And no i am not willing to pay more for them if Pimax feels they have miscalculated that is not my problem but theirs. As every other Kickstarter backer i fullfilled my part of the deal now it is up to them to keep to their word.

We have waited this long so i expect Pimax to honor their backers with the right decision and stick to what was offered at Kickstarter. Why they crippled the touchpad controller i don’t understand but i definitely don’t have any use for them without capsense.


Wanting to have full parity with what was going to be the main steamvr controller isnt an invalid priority.

I know steamvr rebinding is powerful from having used it in a couple of games and i also happen to have razer hydras that i use with my secondary rig but you said precisely what im not interested in:

Those that backed Pimax did it because we want the premium vr experience.
Movement using an emulated stick is not premium IMO so i added 100$ to have both knuckle parity and the option for real analog stick movement.

I wouldnt be worried, Pimax handled the change in hardware options that opened up with the 5k+ really well in giving people the option of downgrading from 8k with compensation and simultaneously upgrading all 5k pledges.
IMO it seems likely that something like a choice between Sword Sense or Sword+compensation may be offered.

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Using the Steam Controller as an argument is lost on me unfortunately. I bought it years ago and everytime i try to go back to it , I hate it every time.

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Almost as good or better depending on whom is asked.

Hardcore Streetfighter gamers prefer digital Joysticks vs Analog.

Joysticks are often prefered because of familarity. Much like Office people hate when MS changes Word’s interface.

A mouse & Keyboard is viewed as a superior interface; but a friend of mine cannot get the hang of it and prefers the “inferior” gamepad because it is easy & requires no learning.

New ideas take time to get used to how to use them. I have friends whom can’t use Android well due to learning Iphone & also have friends who have trouble using an iphone due to learning Android.

For me I can use either but prefer Android. (Sucks being in the middle when one decides to climb the fence)

Old Dogs have trouble learning new tricks as they say. Most have difficulty with change.

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Because your prone to what you know & are more comfortable with.

There are linux OS far easier to use than Windows and often friends have difficulty with Settings or Control Center vs Control Panel.

Simple name differences is often enough to put folks off.

Change a TV remote layout & many will not like it as it doesn’t feel intuitive.

Some games I prefer the old dual stick because it is easier to grab no thinking involved.

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I dont see myself as a gamepad gamer, i mostly stopped playing console/gamepad games after the megadrive so im not one of those raised on thumbsticks.

Years after the first xbox came out i picked one up for cheap and also got a keyboard and mouse adapter so i could play the good FPS games on that platform the way i wanted to.

I can really enjoy gamepads/thumbsticks where they make the most sense but im overall a mouse/keyboard gamer before VR.

As an example: when i played one of the recent Tomb Raider games i used both m/kb and gamepad and switched between them, gamepad for exploration, puzzles, platforming and m/kb for firefights and other activities where high precision was needed.

Another example: when i play GTA5 i do the same, gamepad for just running around, driving, flying but i switch to m/kb for firefights or other precision is needed.

For Elite: Dangerous i use a Hotas setup, initially i was using an entry level Hotas, i soon realized that it had too few inputs so i modded it with an arduino and a playstation portable thumbstick so that i could get two more axis to assign to my vertical and horizontal thrusters.
I also interfaced my old sidewinder racing pedals through the arduino to control my forward/backwards thrusters using them.
Ive since upgraded to better Hotas and pedals that give me what i want.

What im illustrating by writing out the above stuff is that i care enough about having the inputs im the most comfortable with that im willing to go through some hassle and extra expense to get them.

Yes, you speak the truth and in this case we are asking me.

Good for them, completely irrelevant here because me and @drowhunter along with a bunch of other people prefer real sticks for walking around with in VR.

Valve have listened to the users and decided to move away from trackpads because their experience wasnt better than with thumbsticks in the VR use case.

Ive got/know vive wands and im not comfortable with the trackpads :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes but 99% of people who have used that hated it. hardly makes for a strong argument.

The fact that valve themselves (who made the trackpad steam controller, and the trackpad vive wands), have moved away from trackpad as the main input to thumbstick basically shows this as fact.

EDIT: From memory for my full package i decided on trackpad for the same reason as the others, compatibility, absolutely not because i like it more (i dont).
The reason for most people deciding on trackpad was either for compatability to what they though valve would stick with, or because they are used to vive trackpad.
I have seen very few people who genuinely prefer trackpad to thumbstick (which again, is likely the main reason valve have changed it for index).
So i get why some people are a bit mad, because “how dare pimax not respect my choice”, but i bet you most people only made that choice because of how controllers were then, but wouldnt have made that choice if it were only given right now.

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The Difference is inna Fighting Game you need want responsive input vs Analog which in a fighting is inprecise due to being slow response.

With your above examples & your argument becomes moot. You can’t argument to speak for everyone when it is your opinion based on your preference/choice.

This reminds me of where we are today. In the late 80s early 90s Mac & Commodore attempted to make computers friendly to all by dumbing down the interface with a graphical interface hiding things behind the scenes. Commodore focused more on the consumer and tried to market multimedia pc. But due to hit & miss marketing & folks whom used pcs didn’f want a pretty interface with a mouse. Commandline & tweaking your system to Run Doom by editing Config.sys & autoexec.bat waa a thing of pride. Commidore’s high price tag didn’t help.

Mac did a bit better as it targeted proffessional media types.

Now were full circle. Trackpads are equal to thumbsticks. Save can be more precise & have extra functionality due to haptics & more range of use.

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No, they have some functional overlap but excel in different areas.

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Valve moved away from trackpad because of Oculus Touch was better received & they wanted an easy grab.

The steamcontrollerbis not hated by 99% od users that is a gross exaggeration. If it was received like that it woukd be sitting with Virtual Boy & soon Steamlink. Sorry but you do not represent 99% of steamcontroller users.

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99% is definitely hyperbole but it is very fair to say that the steam controllers havent really taken the market by storm and arent going to be replacing the thumbstick controllers for a long time, if ever.

Exactly they excekl in different areas(trackpad).

Amd started out cloning intel chips & eventually found their own path. Pc is about choice not stagnant like a console. Overlap functionality equals compatability.

Vive wands where made with little to no imagination. LG had planned ti follow suit with their pythons.

Pimax was looked at as originally aiming for cheap knockoff wands with cheap thumbsticks. Look where are now. Ironic.

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New ideas rarely take off by storm. Nintendo wii was an exception. Sony’s & Xbox trying to cash in on the Move & Kinect was not as well received though better.

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Think of it this way. If you look at the evolution of game controllers it started with the old atari 1 button stick, and then we got the dpad, and then eventually we got analog sticks. over the course of 30 years things tend to eventually settle on what works best. The ps4 gamepad is largely identical to the xbox controller for example.

Cars have evolved similarly, to the point where we expect a car to have 4 wheels and a steering wheel on the left or right side of the car with odometer above and shifter by your thigh. Not because we prefer it or something superficial like that but because it makes the most sense.

A long time ago i test drove a Toyota Yaris, and god i hated that car, the moved the odometer into the center console. WTF why? it wasnt that i was not used to it, it was that it made no sense.

Along comes valve and says F@Ck 30 years of gamepad evolution, trackpads everywhere… guess what, it was crap. The reason why is that joysticks are very precise when it comes to moving in a direction from center. I recently got a vive because i needed the base stations and wands for the pimax. And I gave it a fair shot. Tried playing doom with it and it was terrible. Every time i would put my finger on the track pad it would move in the wrong direction until i felt my way into the center of it. By then im usually dead.

Valve is fully of creative hipsters , and I would be wary of the Index controllers because I can already tell that they probably have some design flaw. e.g it seems that touchpad and buttons should swap places.
and why is the joystick so far to the right? It seems that despite adding these critical pieces they are still prioritizing the damn touch pad.

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Don’t you mean the Xbox controller is largely identicle to ps4 as sony came first?

Cars are interesting as we still have not evolved to the safer headsup display as why adoption. Cars arw widely unimaginative due to mostly it has all been done before. Just rehashed. Ie push button transmissions something like 50years ago.

Evolving is about learning & trying new things. I know some prefer real switches & buttons over touch screens. So should we abandon touchscreens due to dials & ssitches being easier to use?

Sounds like you were a victim of it should be easy. Much like when Microsoft thought it was a good idea to let xb gamers play with pc gamers. Didn’t take long for console gamers to complain about pc gamers mopping tgw floor with them.

I presume others whom learned how to use their Vives had an edge because you were not at their level of xp with controls. Which is different compared to response of keyboard mouse fps gamers vs console controller xb.

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It basically is, for the last few years where i am its been on constant clearance, like 70% off clearance. pretty sure thats the same for many places, it sold terribly
And yes of course i was exaggerating with 99%, but a large majority of people didnt like it. And i heard far many many people say they didnt like vive wands trackpad, also i literally never saw someone who went from vive to oculus say they wish they still had trackpads (instead of oculus thumbsticks).
Its not just my opinion, it is fact that thumbsticks are liked more and by more people. as for percentage like i said i admit 99% was made up, but it is definitely a majority.

Yes, in all places where the features of touchscreens are not the option that makes the most sense vs dials and switches, we totally should.

Im not 100% up on the Vive story but didnt Valve push for the trackpads on the wands because they wanted to try a new and more flexible form of input?

Turns out the majority of the users didnt find the trackpad to be the best input in most cases, that flexibility meant less of a tactile experience, exactly the reason most people report not enjoying the steam controllers.

Obviously not in the area of game input according to most users.

Im sorry if you dont agree and are unhappy that Valve are moving away from trackpads as the main directional input with Pimax following along for parity with the Index as but you said:

You seem to think that touchpads are the better option, most others disagree, you cant speak for everyone based on your choice.

BTW: Are you ok dude? you are typing less and less intelligibly as the post keep coming :stuck_out_tongue:
I cant understand what you are trying to say with this:

That’s a “rally style” dashboard. The odometer is in the center, so that both the driver and navigator can see it.

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I have the exact same issue but in Fallout and a super simple QOL improvement is sticking a small dot of bluetack in the center of the touchpad, makes it easy to find.

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