Pimax Pre-order will launch soon!

Doc says I’m supposed to limit my sugar intake ಠ_ಠ


you could use Internet Explorer browse to type in Digit

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haha see in the world of IT I tell users to try a different browser for certain things like online banking and here’s me failing at my own advice… but tbh I would have expected this to work in Chrome :grin:

Guys, c’mon, what are you doing. Internet Explorer is a security risk.


So is Windows. But yeah. Keep in mind probably just means web browser. :beers::wink::+1::sparkles:

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false start :wink:


Agreed, but Windows still gets security updates.

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using the InternetExplorer solved it for you ?
Not for me, I´m still not possible to fill in the shipping address and the PaymentInfo´s…

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Man there’s simply NO WAY that I’d enter my credit card info on the pimax website. Sorry but you guys are absolutely HORRIBLE at security. Can’t you use a 3rd party paytool like paypal or Amazon pay? @Sean.Huang


Yes, PayPal would be a dream !


I said the exact same thing above. I’m dubious about putting in card details to a site that was recently hacked. Hoping for PayPal to popup on there.



You should add paypal. If I had to pre-order I would only do it using paypal.


Well keep in mind those also have patches for Windows Horrible web browser. Lol

3rdparty web browsers are better though due to not having low level os acs.

Just even Worldpay. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:


Do those pre-order prices include VAT ?
For France by example, do you have to add 20% (VAT) to those prices ?
Also any additionnal shipping cost ?

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if the site is slow by now, in 8 hours it will be slashdotted


Will you be able to pre-order a bundle with the lighthouse tracking system and controllers? What about the Pimax controllers in the future?


And puts off all those on iPhone / iPad / Mac who have everything but IE, Safari if on mobile.

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Strange decision to go into PreOrder - Mode and haven´t solved the Problems to do so before…
I still can´t (regardless of the Browser) add in a shipping - Address, just a Baker - Number in this section (wrong link ?)
and can´t add a Payment - Method …

They added a countdown now.

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