Pimax Pre-order will launch soon!

619,-- € for the 5k+!

That sounds like a fair pricing :wink:

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What’s the Pimax 5K BE which is being sold for more than the 5K Plus?

The limited OLED Version

The limited OLED version - think I missed that one! Has anyone tried it? Are the colours a lot better? Why is it limited?

Also, all the headsets are ‘out of stock’ anyways!!

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Preorder starts tomorrow.
The OLED is a pentile display, so it is not the best choice.

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I get a reprieve then - I have been telling myself I’m sticking with my VIVE (and Tpcast) for another year and there I was 5 minutes ago about to press the order button!! Not sure how I’ll react tomorrow!


Any approx time frame? Its just over an hour from tomorrow where i am.

I do not know anythink more accurate!
Maybe this is the original publication schedule & the time at which can be ordered:


pimax 8k is expensive than 5k+ $200, but if we move from 8k to get 5k+, we get $100.
I am thinking I should stay with 8k and buy 5k+ later or not.

Hand motion has price 170 dollars, expensive than kickstarter at $70.
$100 for handmotion has more value than using for wireless mode.

5k+ expensive than 5k kickstarter = $300
8k expensive than 8k kickstarter = $400


Friendly advice (with sugar on top) : Go for the 5K Plus.


Archive links just in case:

Store Page: https://archive.fo/cmxNW
5k+: https://archive.fo/tM3Vn
8k: https://archive.fo/XA2nv
5K BE: https://archive.fo/4TFsm
5K + Leap Motion: https://archive.fo/Ioj45
8K + Leap Motion: https://archive.fo/w3wK5


Maybe, have to upgrade pc and after reading all review from US, it look 8k is not great enough and may wait 8k+ as you recommend, haha.

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Yes… I bought both. I will use 5K+ and sell 8K. And I will use this money for 8K+.


Do not forget, what the backer payed for the 8k (and the 5k) :grin:


@deletedpimaxrep1 Will price be increased after preorder in the future?

I think consumer still buy 5k BE later if they want to try, but not sure that this is final price or not.

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And can we please have the information of the base stations / controllers cost? I would like to know the full cost before taking any decision.


Looks like a new new website is coming. Just no 5K+ visible, only 8K and 4K and two GPU’s by the looks of it.

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6 posts were split to a new topic: 5k+ & 8k settings compare

Nobody likes a know it all either. Half the office politics bs is from people try to eat each other because of some archaic lizard brain code mud evolution dragged through the door to higher order thinking.

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I heard the refresh rate was “poopoo’d”