Pimax Pre-order will launch soon!

Hi Community,

We are about to launch the pre-order campaign!

www.pimaxvr.com/en (will go live soon)

We thought it would be necessary to share with you the purpose of the pre-order:

First, many VR enthusiasts missed the Kickstarter campaign but very interested and have followed Pimax VR since last year. We want to make the headsets available for them via pre-order. The orders are from different countries and regions. Moreover, the lead time of the key components usually last for around 3 months. We would need to start to prepare from now, so the enthusiasts can get their hands on the second generation headsets earlier.

While you are eagerly waiting for the second generation VR headsets. Pre-order will help us in speeding up production ramp up and deliver the headsets to the backer faster, and the pre order consumers will benefit from the faster delivery as well. We are actively preparing the production line and workers as planned. With more predictable and accurate numbers of orders, Pimax can better forecast and plan the resources and production cycle, make the lead time shorter, and request the vendors to prepare resources in a more planned and efficient manner.

Any thoughts, criticisms, and suggestions about pre-order, please leave here in this topic.

Best Regards,
The Pimax Team


Glad to see the pre-orders started, but you really need to improve the look of the site. It looks quite bad and gives a bad impression, in my opinion.

Thanks for the update . Can you tell us how the production ramp up is progressing? Is Pimax still on track to deliver all backer units before Christmas?


Does “soon” mean in 11-12 hours or in 1-2 hours? I may just have to stay up all night and not risk it…

Here’s some constructive feedback: The store website seems very slow. When I tried to view the 5K+ info, I got an error: “It looks like no products were found matching your selection.” The 5K+ should be listed on the very first web page.


It be a good idea to have some preorder bonuses even if they are something small like an extra face pad. Personally if you guys could afford it and would have it available by the time you start shipping to consumers, you should include the deluxe head strap as a pre-order bonus. Since the Vive pro is going to cost the same price as the 8k and does come with a nice head strap.


Hi @deletedpimaxrep1 Congratulations on this milestone

Just a friendly note. Your website has some serious problems

It’s incredibly slow
There are broken links that do not work
The English has not been translated correctly and looks unprofessional
It is not mobile friendly

You should seriously consider changing your web host and designer fast

People generally do not feel safe entering credit card details on website that is so unsecure

Try reaching out to the comunity for tips to make it better

Good luck on the pre orders


There it is. Website is up, it’s slow and links are broken.

I have a question before pre-order is actually live…

What if the HMD breaks in a few months? What is the process for returning/replacing/repairing and roughly how long would it take? Obviously this depends where in the world, lets say the UK. If you could provide a link to the warranty cover please.

Thank you.

Also just to add, something is wrong with adding a shipping address. Also credit card screen in My Account doesn’t accept anything to be typed into the fields. See image attached.


I mean for reals though, I feel safer having purchased through the Kickststarter!


I am one of the persons interested on the headset (if the price is fair, of course). But one of the main points I need to know is if you will offer a full package (with base stations and controllers) or not. If there is not a full package option, as I don’t have any previous headset, the interest for me will decrease dramatically as I will then buy a full package of another brand and then wait until you really have the headset in stock to decide if it still want it or not (but with Pimax schedules, for that time we will probably have a vive 2, rift 2, odissey 2 or similar at least announced).

And in the case of full package, some estimation of the availability time is also needed (even if not realistic as usual, but at least I assume you shoud have your own ideal schedule for this).

Last important point for me is to know how will work the waranty and the return process in case of issues. As I understand that I will not have the normal waranty of my country (Spain), this is another factor that I need to take into account before buying something directly from Pimax. I suppose more people will have similar questions as mine

Thank you


Might not even preorder based on how bad their website is.


As someone who deals with marketing as one aspect of my job, the number of failures in telling the truth, the delays, and now asking for pre-orders before hardly any of the backer’s units have shipped, recent malware on the forum, and a website with that poor of English and coding, I fully expect disappointment from Pimax in their sales numbers.

I don’t say this to be mean, I want them to succeed and they are seriously shooting themselves in the foot here with all of this.


Website is extremely slow. Please consider using a different hosting provider or a CDN.

As an example, Cloudflare provide guides for setup with Wordpress and have a partnership with Baidu in China.

Just noticed that the price of the 4K is $399.00, however when you convert it into Euros the price jumps €1,999.00

This a mistake?


For everyone in the Pimax team that have spent many all nighters getting to this day I thank you. There’s been one thing scratching my head though about the parts coming in that are not meeting QA to your standards. You stated quite a while ago that once the M1 was made there would be no more changes in hardware and only in software. Why was there a long wait before making parts? Was there a slight pause because you thought there possibly could have been an alteration physically to the headset? Did the parts manufacturer change up their assembly lines and this caused issues? Was the parts manufacturer not ready to start the line until a certain date? I’m not mad nor inpatient for this because I understand the process and will probably not get a solid answer if even an answer at all. It’s just odd to have not started this once the M1 was finalized on the hardware side months ago.


I wish you luck @deletedpimaxrep1 but with all due respect that website looks like absolutely terrible.

It would take a lot of convincing for me to ever put my credit card info into a site that looks like this.


Demote them to tea boy!


It’s amazing how many people are in IT/Computing, who really should not be. Mind you, that can be said for any industry :slight_smile:


Nope, it’s Brexit.

You should see what it said when converting to pound sterling:

“Monopoly money is not real currency!”


Cheeky git!

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Not sure what will be the final options, but by now I can see an option for the 5K+ headset, and another option for the base stations / controllers (at least if you set the price in €, in $ it’s not shown). This option can be OK for people that needs the full package, even if it will be better to have a full package option with some discount vs buying both separately.

Regarding the price, I think 699$ for 5K+ it’s too close from the overpriced Vive Pro for a still quite unknown company (comparing with HTC / Oculus / Samsung / Sony) that unfortunately cannot offer yet a local waranty, a (more or less) plug and play device ready to be used after purchasing, and a reliable quality testing / support / shipment process and website. Product seems to have a lot of potential, but combination headset / Pimax does not seem reliable enough to justify this price (at least not yet). But well… let’s wait for the final price / options.


Fully agree with your post. Pimax have a lot of basic problems that they should be sorting out before they start thinking of pre oders. They’re just rushing this to see what the demand is like, pretty obvious