Pimax. Please Only Send Reviewers the 8KX only AFTER Pimax Experience, DMAS and Eyetracking is finished

Actually when looking closer at the images without the eye tracker attached, you can clearly see that the front of the headset floats above the surface of the table because of the comfort kit I assume. It looks like the eye tracker cable connection would not actually be subject to the weight of the headset so I don’t know that there is anything to be concerned about there. @SweViver is that the case or does the headset actually put weight on the cable connection?


It may just be the fact that some people spend more time looking at their gear on a shelf than actually using it :slight_smile: You should see how my VR room and office looks like. A total mess. But once Im in VR, its all gone :slight_smile:


Will add photos later. Yes its connected with the USB port on the module. No cable needed.


All we have seen is this;

Of course it wouldn’t be better to skip the eyetraking.

I’m just saing that the problem is not the cable alone, it’s the connector.

Please find a solution to cover and protect well the conector when it is on the table

Take a look here;

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yes and thats the L-shaped cable.

Believe me, it wont harm the cable nor the connector.

No it doesnt float, because the comfort Kit makes it " float" either way with or without the cable inserted. Im not sure if you have seen how the Comfort Kit looks from underneath?



With the comfort kit., the headset actually NEVER touches the floor/table



@Mlkconcept - Since I already use the socket at the bottom for various things, and my pointctrl is on the Upper port, I have got used to hanging up my Pimax. Also protects the housing.

Cable never touches the table:

And NO, you cannot bend the headset more down with the MAS, it wont go down more, unless you lift the back side of the MAS from the table


Hey do you think they’ll ever disable the flickering chevron light when PP is enabled? I usually have it on, so it’s always flickering on and off. People tend to think something is wrong.


yes, that is what I was trying to get at, it doesn’t look like there should be any weight on the eye tracking cable connection because the comfort kit makes the front of the headset float above the table

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What happens if we have the headset hanging from the ceilling with a pulley system, and we leave it on the floor?

What happens if you rotate more the the MAS?

I can see many RMAs for this connector alone


Exactly. There is never any weight or pressure on the cable nor the connector, as the cable connector never touches the botton (a least when using Comfort Kit)

Nothing happens :slight_smile:


It’s not pretty either, if we have to resort to “this one’s ugly too”…
Although there are more connections and I’m not sure if they had planned it for the device years before, as it was in the case of Pimax, where it was planned, announced and offered as a prize to the backers from the beginning, apart from the fact that the whole design was based on modularity, so obviously, it needed more connections, not less.
You also have to compare apples to apples. What other Eyetracker has the cable running around the middle of the headset? For starters, I think most, if not all, have it built in.

  • Either you pay 1299 USD for the headset and 99 for eye tracking and have the cable on the outside (and eye tracking modular)
  • Or you buy a 3000-8000 USD for a headset with built in eye tracking.

The freedom of choices mate. Its all up to you. And its all your decision if you need the eye tracking or not. Nobody is really pushing it in your hands.


I believe that in any game where the bow is used, we will run the risk of disconnecting it on every shot.

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If thats your biggest concern, then I highly recommend you not to buy the eye tracking unit. As simple as that.


Here is my 5K+ hanging from a pulley system, and many times it is very convenient to leave it on the carpet;

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