Pimax OpenXR Updated to v0.2.4

Pimax OpenXR Updated to v0.2.4

Much appreciated for the great work from @mbucchia !


Wow, this is amazing! @mbucchia Is this a solo project or would you be looking for others to get involved and help?


Hi! I am always looking for help! A couple of people have contributed bug fixes already.


Sorry for stupid question, but what it does, why I should use it? As I can see somehow it replaces steamvr. Will I get better performance in Dirt rally 2.0?

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It’s working great Matt!
Now all I need to do is figure out how to get my FPS program working!

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Anything that can be done to help the devs work with @mbucchia regarding the Motion Smoothing Issue he’s experiencing with his PimaxXR?
I feel that the OpenXR support is fairly complete with the only exception being things related to motion smoothing, where he’s hit a bit of a stumbling block that only the devs can probably give some insight to overcome.

I feel it possibly relates to https://community.openmr.ai/t/something-changed-with-pitool-on-version-271-and-forward/38940/16
Maybe I can modify the ticket I put in regarding this originally

#29542 Motion Smoothing miscalculated since 0.271 Pitool?

Given the eventual GUI changes for P3, I thought it might be a good time to slip in the ability disable 1:3 motion smoothing and perhaps the devs can provide @mbucchia with some insight as to the fix for motion smoothing?
here’s the discord link related to PimaxXR Discord


The Pimax engineers are providing support to me w.r.t my comment you’ve linked. They’re being super nice and they’ve helped confirm some of my findings and understanding so far. I’m looking forward to continue brainstorm with them.


Matt… it’s transformed MSFS- and it works great in DCS and IL2.
I really would like Necksafer( a nifty little app for DCS and IL2 that makes it easier to look behind you) and VR FPS to work as well, but I’m that will happen over time
Glad Pimax is working with you- thanks for all your fantastic work!

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NeckSafer should work: Norbert Siepenkötter / XrNeckSafer · GitLab

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NeckSafer works, but use XRNS version as mentioned above in @mbucchia link. The only issue is that when you snap look behind there is some awkward movement based on the direction your head is moving. The developer said on discord this will be addressed at some point in the future.

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Hm. I can’t get it to work. I downloaded the install text guide, and followed it, but I must have gotten something wrong.

All I did is dl the Pimax XRControl 2.4 msi right click and install. Launch it from the desktop and select PimaxXR radio button. Launch either DCS or MSFS from Pitool (not Steam). If your DCS is not a Steam distro the you don’t need Steam running, otherwise run Steam but not SVR. Both games launch in OpenXR (SVR should not launch).
To stop running in SVR you can just close the Control Center. I haven’t used the toolkit app at this time.

Magnificent performance increase without SVR running in both sims…

MSFS still a bit crashy if you change graphics settings in VR but that’s on Asobo, I think. If you ALT/TAB out of VR at the menu then change graphics settings and save with F11 it is less likely to crash but may not prompt for the required sim restart

Hm. These are the instructions I found on the necksafer xr site:
Download XRNeckSaferBeta3b.zip

Create a folder and unzip XRNeckSaferBeta3.zip into it.
Stop Mixed-Reality-Portal and copy the OpenXrApiLayer folder to %ProgramFiles% (e.g. C:\Program Files\OpenXrApiLayer)
You will need admin rights to put it there. The rest of the files in the .zip including the .exe can stay out of the %ProgramFiles% folder.
Go to the %ProgramFiles%\OpenXrApiLayer folder and run “Install-XR_APILAYER_NOVENDOR_XRNeckSafer.ps1” as a PowerShell script
(right click on it and select “Execute with PowerShell”). This will install the API Layer.
Start/Restart Mixed-Reality-Portal
Start XRNeckSaferApp.exe in the main folder and go to OpenXR in the Menu on top. Select “Show active OpenXR API Layers”.
This should list all the active Layers and should now include “XR_APILAYER_NOVENDOR_XRNeckSafer”
If XRNS is unable to query the API layers (this happens on some systems) start OpenXR Developer Tools and check on system status that the XR_APILAYER_NOVENDOR_XRNeckSafer API Layer was installed correctly.
If this works you can configure XRNeckSafer similar to VRNeckSafer.
Once in game press the combined Game/XRNS center button.

I tried DL’ing the mixed reality portal, but it didn’t seem to recognize my Pimax HMD.
What is the PimaxVRControl 2.4?

what do you want with mixed reality? This is for wmr HMDs.
Follow the path described by @dogbite and you’re done.

he mean 0.2.4

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Ya thx for the correction, After my eye surgery I’m glasses free in VR but can’t see decimals worth a dam. :grinning:

Ok, it wasn’t the decimal that messed me up-- it was the VR part. Should I be looking for a PimaxVRcontrol program as well as the PimaxXRcontrol?
I have PimaxXRcontrol working fine. I just can’t get necksafer to install and work.

Yes, I’ve also been annoyed every day for 54 years that Necksafer doesn’t work in the car, while riding a bike, walking on the street and other real-life situations. I can not work like this! :joy:


GrĂĽĂźe :sweat_smile:

whaaaat ?!? :joy::see_no_evil:


Sorry about that (edited org). Guess I can’t do letters either :smiley: