Pimax Meetups in EU 2019: Book your time slot now and test the 8KX & 8K Plus!

Im sure we can work this out. Its the first topic I will address tomorrow with the team. I honestly think this is just caused by a misunderstanding, because we did not decide that (delayed BS shipping for bundle backers not upgrading) during our planning back in Shanghai.


In terms of plan F is there still the 6 week overhead or is it just the time for shipping? If so what is the time for shipping once obviously the index controllers get here since you posted from them tk be there by next week. Cheers would be amazing to know so i can make a choice on if to upgrade or not.


Thank you, Martin, i really appreciate that! :+1:


Im glad to see many slots are already taken at VRBLN!

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Time is like 15 mins like last year in Gouda?

Thank you @SweViver! Hopefully you can get something official out there clarifying the route to do this. Plan H ahoy!


Awesome Marcin, as this was what was said in KS update. Thank you!



Well, i hope that Martin can do something, meaning they will.

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If we continue this way, we run out of alphabet :rofl:


34 posts were split to a new topic: Pimax new plans and discounts

Fruit Ninja! (For old times sake) :wink:

Btw if u have any control about it try to unban sjdefdeklerk, he is a good guy even though u had ur differences

Good luck with the meetups, would love if there was a discount instead of this upgradeprogram :slight_smile:


If you have a powerful enough computer(like…suuuuper powerful) Titanic Honor and Glory is a low impact beautiful tour game that would showcase the higher resolution with all its incredible detail.

I demo’d the game for the developers at the last Titanic conference and it, along with Pimax, was a huge success.


Yeah I think we should clean up this thread. Could u do some magic here @Heliosurge? :kissing_heart: Prices can be discussed in other threads…

Oh and to end the discussion about discounts or upgrade plans in here:

  • I herenow promise to eat my socks the day I see any other VR headset company to give an upgrade plan or discount to “existing owners”.

Might never gonna happen though.


You keep mentioning how people can upgrade to Index controllers and get it early. Okay, but how do you upgrade it, is there a page we can go to to sign up?

Plan E or F is for controller upgrade

Not there anymore. Where are the links of different plan…I seen it the other time, now it’s all gone. What the hell. Why are they making things hard just to look for the upgrade. Why can’t they have a link on top of the STORE and make it easier to look for a direct link. I even seen a comment on Youtube the last week someone asking where is the upgrade page? I was like man, they’re not making easy for people to find the link, now I know why.

They were moved from the main shop to a “backer shop”:


Looking forward to meeting you there, Martin!

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…20 characters…


Has this issue been corrected? I’m still being told by support I have to wait to get the base stations.

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