Hey guys! Before I publish a public video on my channel tonight regarding the Pimax events below, I would like to give you a few hours in advance to pick your slots
From November 14th until December 1st, Pimax is travelling around Europe and showcasing the new 8KX and 8K+ headsets on various public and private events. There will be three main public events where everyone is welcome to join:
VR Days 2019 Exhibition
Date: November 14 & 15, 2019
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
→ Buy exhibition tickets:
Ticket price: 55 Euro excl VAT for 2 full days
(Time slots can only be booked on arrival)
VR Berlin Meetup
Date: November 27, 2019
Location: Berlin, Germany
Address: Will be sent to visitors through email
Sponsor & Organizer: VRBLN (Virtual Reality Berlin (Berlin, Germany) | Meetup)
Entry: FREE (of course)
→ Book and reserve your time slot for the VR Berlin event here:**
VR Space Meetup
Date: December 1, 2019
Location: Gouda, Netherlands (50 minutes from Amsterdam by train)
Address: Klein Amerika 20, 2806 CA Gouda, Netherlands
Google Maps: Google Maps
Sponsor & Organizer: VRspace (https://www.vrspace.nl/)
Entry: FREE (of course)
→ Book and reserve your time slot for the VR Space event here:
Location address to VRBLN meetup will be announced soon, and emailed to all registered visitors.
If all of the time slots doesnt get booked, then you as a visitor will get more time for playing around with the Pimax headsets.
Welcome everyone, and thanks for joining. Looking forward to meet you all and spend some fun time together!
I’ve had enough. That’s why
I tried to stay positive about the one fact i was just gonna have LH’s this year and that’s the latest dissapointment. I have to wait again at least half a year for the sword sense and only then i will get them. Pi is back in the box where it belongs. Sorry im just so freaking desillusionised again.
Thanks @SweViver and VRBLN to organising the event . Already took vacation and reserved a slot. Really looking forward to see the 8KX with ED in action especially the SDE/clarity improvements but also the distortion profile because currently I have to use a 6mm foam with my 8K to get rid of most distortions during head movements.
according to the pdf pimax published “soon” is when you only bought LH’s, if its (pimax) controllers and LH’s then its march 2020
only way for “soon” would be to cough up some money and switch to index controllers (plan F)
Im going to discuss this with Robin and the team tomorrow. There must be a way to send the base stations to backers now already, even if they keep the Pimax controllers and dont upgrade. Let my try to fix this…
As i mentioned above, I will discuss this with the team tomorrow. I understand its not reasonable, and I was not aware of this until I got the same email earlier today.
Regarding the VR Roadshow, what you probably know or SHOULD know, is that the private events VR Berlin and VR Space will give you more time to try the units, especially with special requests of games like ED or similar. During VR Days we will need to restrict the content and time slots much more, especially when loads of people attend during the afternoons.
That would be a great idea Martin . This current situation of Pimax chopping and changing promises on the fly is causing a lot of confusion and frustration and loosing business for Pimax . It’s a bit sad that you and Kevin are stuck in the middle of this .