Pimax makes Beat Saber more fun to play

I am one of the testers, but this is not a test, but some irrepressible feeling after rounds of Beat Saber play with M2 5K+/8K. Both headsets are great for Beat Saber. I used to think M2 would be an overkill for such games of simplest graphics, but now I know it is not. Even the game menu has become more pleasant to look at, enhancing the mood and immersion, thanks to the higher density of pixels. The bigger FOV certainly helps a lot in this game. It’s like playing in a bigger hall, more spacious, more liberating, and more inviting for the body movements. M2 makes me realize more about the importance of higher resolution and less SDE. It’s not just for more details, but also for the aesthetics. I can’t play Beat Saber with other older generation of headsets now. They are claustrophobic in comparison. There is no going back.


Hey man!
Did you have a YT channel you were capturing content on? Or are you more just a written reviewer atm? =]


No YT channel. I am just a VR hobbyist, not a reviewer. If you can read Chinese, I have a Weibo (Chinese twitter) account, where I have done a lot of VR evangelizing: Sina Visitor System


@yanfeng What will you choose, 8k or 5k+?


this is the only question in life i want an answer to.


@destraudo looking forward to the 2080ti review from @SweViver. He’s been quite. Maybe he’s working on the video as we speak…


Hi Yanfeng. Thanks for your post. Is there another Pimax forum for Chinese speaking users? Or is this the only forum? Thanks

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i hope so, but i have seen some vr benches that lead me to believe we are in for serious disappointment with any game not using DLSS which is pretty much all games he could test.


In its current state I’d choose 5K+ as I mainly play flight sim and effective pixels really really counts. But it’s a tough decision for me too. I have done more comparison recently, and I do find the bigger pixels of 5k+ can be more pronounced and annoying in some apps, especially movies. For movies I’d definitely choose 8K.

And the matter is further complicated with the possibility that 8K might have 4K 60hz mode in the future. Pimax has not ruled it out. And the improvement of PiTool could also further enhance the clarity of 8K. But these are all unknown. Still I won’t blame Pimax for the uncertainty. They are too much into uncultivated territory, accompanied by us. Please bear in mind that this is not commercially mature product. We are all testers in a sense, and this is what Kickstarter means. It’s a price we have to pay for being ahead of our time. If we want stable products, we have Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, which I don’t want to use any more. There is risk, and it’s a sort of gamble, but that’s also the excitement of it.


I’m a big Elite Dangerous player, is the “bluriness” of the 8k really noticeable compared to the 5k+ in this game? Are the black levels really bad in the 5k+ or the 8k for this game?


Pimax should confirm the 4k 60hz feature now not later. It could be a game changer for many applications. It is a huge factor in deciding what headset to go for

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I don’t play Elite Dangerous so I can’t judge it. I mainly play flight simulation in which the black level does not matter much. I am not sensitive to black level myself.

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You like the 5k+ for flight sims because the instruments are clear to read? Or why do you choose 5k+ for flight sims? (Thank you for answering my questions! Really appreciate it)

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I choose 5K+ for flight sims because it has more clarity both inside and outside the cockpit (the landscape). I should say it’s just a little bit clearer than 8K, but every pixels counts in flight sims.


MRTV has confirmed several times the black levels are not good. The only hope is that the wide FOV makes up for it

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They likely can’t confirm it, because they don’t know yet if the hardware can support it. New firmware for board and scaler, bypassing upscale, etc. They keep stressing that we all choose based on the product now, no point in making promises they have no idea they can keep or not. Knowing some of the tech and stuff as we do, we have to make our own determination on whether ideas seem likely/possible or not (so backlight adjustment, 72/60Hz 1440p seem more likely, 4K 60Hz less likely, etc).

I’m going to be going 8K because for my use case, I think it’s the barely-slightly better product right now, with it’s reduced SDE, better blacks, contrast, and colour saturation. If they manage software improvements over the coming months/years, those improvements will be gravy for me, but I can’t realistically expect them to promise anything in the future other than they will try to improve the product and try to add new features.


@FatalXception I think your choice is very reasonable.


I understand but it is nice to have a different tester answering the questions.


No doubt they will improve things over the next few months but their communication is terrible and there’s likely important things they could share to make an informed decision

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I have been to their company. It’s quite small, mostly consisting of technitians and programers. They really don’t have enough human resources for PR. Well most Chinese companies are not good at that either.