Pimax day backlash!

At the end of the day it’s better for detailed plans to exist

Yes it would be better if detailed plans existed - but thats the problem, we are left with almost as many questions after the presentation as before and things we were previously told are now being gone back on.


Not correct - we have clear answers about LHs, controllers, new headsets, and stretch goals.

Not correct again - foam is clearly an engineering sample, so what? Do you really think they’ll be hand cutting it for every KS backer? These are not headphones, but external speakers. Me personally not considering the Vision part as I’m comfortable with the face mask as it it. At least I have a choice of Vision or original face mask.

Yes, that’s right, but I didn’t backed up the controllers during the KS because of it was obvious from the time it took Valve to develop their knuckles.

It’s not a betrayal - at the time of Pimax KS SMI Eye Tracking were promising 250Hz eye tracking for $10 everybody were expecting to be released soon. Pimax obviously created their stretch goal baased on this expectations, that never came to life. Bad judgement - yes, betrayal - no.

As any other company. This forum is not Reddit. And people can go there to vent their anger.


In my honest opinion, They’re being very reasonable about all this. They’re developing so many new things on both hardware and software side. All but 1 part of what was promised to be free for backers is. One piece isn’t. I probably would be a little angry too if I were a backer (but I waited till preorder) but ultimately I understand the situation. Would be nice if others would, too. As a backer, you already got this great hardware at an amazing price honestly.

One thing that I still want to know @PimaxUSA @SweViver : What is the status of the EU support hub?


That’s rich. People are angry because Pimax is going after backers money and you as Pimax COO complain that backers are not happy with that decision and raise their voice on the Forum? You call us the outrage mob really?

You don’t see anything wrong with for example the Valve Controller switch which would be 279$ directly from the Valve store but Pimax is asking for nearly 400$ for the Valve controllers.
Yeah sorry that some guys of us weren’t asleep during math.


So Pimax waited till Pimax Day to turn up with hand cut sponge foam and a MAS that looked half finished because in reality they have the real MAS samples in the office at HQ?

Come on if Pimax had such samples they would of shown them not a rough botch up.

But hey keep making accuses for them I’m sure the real deal is just weeks away and we’ll all get quality engineered DAS’s.


Forgive me if it was already answered, but since what was described in this post won’t make it to backers freely (Comfort kit isn’t free), what should we expect about the additional face cushion that was also in the stretch goals?


@asonkin65… stop drinking the KoolAid.

Nobody forced Pimax to offer free eye tracking to Kickstarter backers - they CHOSE to and boy did it work in raking in those sweet, sweet $s. Many people, including myself, were motivated to back precisely because of that add-on promise.

Pimax are a commercial entity and already had products in the wild before the kickstarter (e.g. the Pimax 4k). If a commercial entity makes a miscalculation and ends up not making money on a transaction, or even booking a small loss, then I’m sorry but thems the breaks. If they found out the BoM for the headset was waaay less than they were expecting and they were going to make a lot more profit on them than they imagined, you would expect them to give US a refund now would you?

They were not naive business virgins and they are not short of money (in addition to the Kickstarter campaign they have raised of $19m US in funding - Pimax VR - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding). They CAN afford to give the backers who trusted them a free (full) eye tracking module - they just don’t want to and they think that we will just lie down and take it (or even better - be so indoctrinated we even try and DEFEND them screwing us over).

The same tech is available for Vive and Vive Pro (for BOTH eyes) for $150. Pimax’s “discounted” price is a slap in the face.


I wouldn’t hold your breath. Pimax clearly don’t care about keeping their promises now that they have your money.


So next time you buy a car you’ll be happy that it’s missing the air-conditioning, heated seats, sat-nav and infotainment system you were promised because, hey you got the car right?

I don’t think so.

It’s easy not be aggrieved when you’re not the one who has been disadvantaged. This is NOT a small change - it is extorting an extra $199 out of their most loyal customers.


can’t imagine anyone would to buy a car via Kickstarter campaig. :roll_eyes:
… like the campaign was about revolutionary new tech specs non of the big ones were willing to put on a schedule…
after so many months and millions of posts still ppl don’t get that backing KS is not buyin at amazon?


Yeah, what Mazi said.
You paid for a project. You didn’t go to store to order a finished product. These two are very very different cases imho. In addition, when you select those options for a car, you pay for them. You didn’t pay anything extra for the stretch goals. They were GOALS. Plans to get somewhere with that. No more than that. If you don’t get it, you don’t lose anything. You still get what you actually paid for and every single other stretch goal…
We gotta be honest here. Many kickstarters never even deliver anything
It’s as Kevin said, their other option was to -not- do the eye module.
Again, I’d also have complaints if I were a KS backer, but I’d have let it go by now.


I can understand why people are angry and it’s actually totally understandable.

Pimax is usually a case of incompetence/bad luck/planning + bad PR which can leave a sour taste in people’s mouthes but I don’t think they are malicious.

KS is generally a risky business and I highly recommend people to NOT support KS.

I only say Pimax is one of the better ones because they actually 1. delievered something 2. brought something into market that still can’t be replaced.


Again, the thing is you didn’t actually buy the stretch goals. You bought a headset package. That’s what will show on your order, and that is what you got and paid for. Don’t drive this too far man… it’s just an eye tracking module…

To be more specific, you didn’t buy a headset, you funded a project, and got an headset as a perk to that.
Although it is similar, it isn’t entirely the same as kickstarter isn’t a pre-order website.
The project can change scope or anything during its life, or not deliver on the expected quality.

We’re basically take on the role of investors … without the ability to intervene in the development process. That’s why there are so many disappointing projects on those crowdfunding websites.

Some projects “overpromise” (like here), or don’t estimate the necessary fund correctly, which end up with a product not meeting the expectations.
Some company handle this better than other, doesn’t mean they do it on purpose.


Pimax are proudly in the Guinness book of World records for having the largest funded VR project beating Oculus. They did this by offering stretch goal to entice people to back the project. These people could easily of waited until the headset was finished and released to the scrutiny of reviewers. Pimax might not of broke Oculuses record.

Instead Pimax abused the Kickstarter premise and reneged on the stretch goal.

Maybe some one should contact Guinness and get Pimax struck off the history books?


Development projects change scope, specs and go through many revisions prior to production. Testers said there were a number of changes needed in the M1 - M4 versions of the headset. As are most kickstarters the product is under development at the time the program goes online and often many months later.
It’s not the same as purchasing an existing product from a retail store but I’m certain people who say otherwise are totally aware of that. I wasn’t with the company at the time but I imagine *multiples of the ks funding went into engineering, tooling, firmware development, packaging and much more. It’s easy to hold htc (thousand of employees and public) or oculus (i.e. facebook) to some of these standards but a small company you have to be immensely more careful.

I’ve often wondered if the Rift would have existed had Facebook not stepped in.


I really hope you guys can expand your Quality Control and hire some good PR Personnel ASAP.


It’s a Kickstarter. Tbh, you should expect that some of the promises won’t be met, since there are many unknowns. People screamed when the 8K wouldn’t do 90Hz, but eventually most have gotten over it.


Called it. All I’m gonna say


@PimaxUSA: I suggest you check out Alibaba for some cheap eye-tracking @20 Hz to get this issue out of the way. Give (some of) the people what they want.

We others then buy a FDR-capable high-end solution from Pimax - a capability Pimax were very careful to not promise during the KS campaign.

@BuckarooBanzai: okay, fine, then please go sue them - or are you just blowing hot air ?

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