Pimax Crystal - status, updates and fixes (Part 1)

Funny seeing the push back I got a couple hundred posts above when I said I was going to pass on the Crystal preorder I had placed. Pimax hasn’t learnt a single thing in the 6 years I have been following them.

Anyone who recommends Pimax products needs to include a HUGE asterisk explaining this company and how they operate. Lest we get exchanges like above. People who are expecting a normal product are in for a rude awakening.

Its disappointing. Like many here I WANT a Pimax headset, they offer many advantageous over others. The Crystal was SUPPOSED to be Pimax’s rebirth, a new chapter, a more professional chapter, to break Pimax into the mainstream market. Yet, this 8 month long “launch” that Pimax has been parading around has been more disastrous and has produced more doubt in Pimax as a viable company then any other.




Looks like 3rdparty resellers are here.

Unbound XR

Unless this Rick is part of pimax but recall seeing an Unbound XR company iirc.

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I dont understand why Pimax is posting on reddit and not here. Has Pimax support for this site ended? It’s now official 100% NOT Pimax anymore?


That post was from Unbound XR its a dutch vr store here…
So will it have plastic or glass lenses?And a breakout box?


I thought that too.


No idea but did post the question about the powered hub & asked if there receiving plastic or glass.

Like with iirc hp with reverb v2 whole sellers may have had orders in prior to customer pre orders.

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As John said not a pimax post but a dutch vendor.

However their post is a bit confusing on whether it is a 3rdparty vendor or pimax. Unbound XR should make there pist more clear.


To me it sounded like that statement was coming direct from Pimax.

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Agreed but that looks like the email pimax sent out to pre orders.

Here is a ss that someone did on discord from Ubound XR site.


Yeah, UnboundXR exist, I bought the bHaptics Tacticot from them a couple of years ago.

But I noticed repeatedly that you‘ll see products being listed on their website as seemingly available which have just been announced.

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Okay some issues with plastic lenses are revealed.

CA issues but apparently seems to be fixable as selecting Glass profile reduces it.

Says worst CA he has xp out of a variety of hmds.

Confirmed by a tester to having CA

On the Good

Plastic Lense CA seems fixable but Omni said he was under the impression glass would ship.

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Sounds like there taking tips from Gearbest as 8k was listed iirc as far back as Dec 2016 with a projected price saying not available or coming soon.

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Does every lens have a chip in them?

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No idea. Sounds like they might. Though a chip could be quite simple as 3 or 4 contacts with combos. To something more complex like an nfc

Yeah, CA is pretty bad at the edges but like Omni said none of us thought plastic lenses would go to consumers so never felt worth mentioning. Both myself and Omni tried the glass lenses on the roadshow and there was zero CA on those, so seemed not worth noting.

As for distortions, I haven’t noticed any unless shifting the headset about (as in physically moving it so where the lenses are compared to my eyes changes). I clamp headsets on pretty tight so there’s no significant movement so during use I see zero distortion (at least none that I can notice). I guess if people have the headset looser then maybe the headset can move about during use and cause distortion that way? Otherwise it may just be a subjective sensitivity thing.

The plastic lenses have been quite annoying as it has limited the possibilities of testing in many ways and left some things not worth mentioning until seeing the glass lenses. We, as in the testers, were meant to get the glass lenses in May but we’re now into June. Who knows when we’ll get them.

My understanding is that not all consumers got plastic lenses, is that correct? Would be interested to hear the experiences those with the glass lenses have. I’m still really shocked that they shipped plastic lenses to paying customers, especially when it seems like they have some stock of glass lenses and are getting that production up to speed. Maybe it was just a mistake that some consumers got the plastic lenses. If it wasn’t a mistake then it’s a really mind boggling decision but that’s to be expected tbh ha.

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Yes, but like helio said it’s a very simple setup so I would imagine it’s not expensive or prone to failure (you can manually set the lenses if you want anyway).

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So today the DMAS no longer exists. Not only does it not come as standard with the Crystal but it’s not available to buy separately. Weird. And no announcement from Pimax on the future of the DMAS which is strange too. You’d think Pimax would have the foresight to have something lined up. Maybe I’m expecting too much lol.

I recall Nordic saying in the MRTV interview that supplies were low for DMAS, as in from the source. The DMAS have all been the old blue ones so far, no new black ones exist afaik. Maybe they will do a new run that are actually black, for the new reality line, but who knows. I would say DMAS is an absolute must for the crystal. I guess at least it’s something you can get second hand, I’d like to try the KDMAS soon actually with the crystal as I prefer on-ear (noisy environment so more immersive to have some outside audio blocked off).

But yeah, DMAS should have been standard. At least the fiber optic cable is standard now (beta testers strongly suggested that, although don’t want to take credit for it ha).


you think the KDMAS is compatible with crystal?

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