Pimax Crystal - status, updates and fixes (Part 1)

All good. Yeah. I suppose I came across a bit flippant. Sorry about that.

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I think the point of Butters007 here is, that as a customer you expectbthe vendor to provide what he advertized.

Full stop.

No second-guessing, no industry experience required.

I dig that.

Only if you have effectively arrived at the point where you accept a slightly unethical attitude from a given vendor and are desperate to get their products anyhow b/c you just need to have the highest resolution or what-ever and can‘t wait until the same becomes available from a company with more of a grip on their customer communications, you play along.

Each to their own.

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But that might be the XR-3s true value because they sell so little volume. Selling 1000 units for profit is better than selling 1 million unit at a loss. VR headsets are in a 3 year cycle and if a company fails to generate a profit in that 3 year window they have nothing to invest in the next headset. Pimax differs slightly from Varjo in that they so far targeted the consumer market who pay consumer prices.

Which ever sector Pimax or Varjo target they need to price their product at a level that returns a profit or they will forever be reliant on investors to bail them out once the money runs out and we’ve seen both Pimax and Varjo do this over and over.

As of today Crystal is not ready for the consumer market even though people are ready to buy a half finished product if only to enjoy the clarity bump over 2 year old headsets.

Over promising and under delivering has happened all over again and it down to enthusiasts to except what’s on offer warts and all.

I’m not dropping 2k on an overpriced 4090 to play games on an overpriced HMD which currently has less functionality than a £370 Pico4.

You probably didn’t realize that there were also half a dozen higher priced versions of the previous series (5/8k) for corporate customers.


That’s exactly whey they just should have skipped the whole wireless part. Just like said above, wireless is at this point in time just can’t deliver the same quality as wired. So you have a headset that’s aimed at giving the highest possible resolution, then focus on that! Don’t make it unneccessarily expensive and heavy by adding features that don’t even support the primary goal of the headset, the high end visuals. But oh well, Pimax doesn’t think like that, they’ve proven over and over again that there’s not really a ‘strategy’ behind a headset (or even behind anything they do) and they just like to add any feature they can think of.


For me, << IF >> I were to get this headset, I’ll probably mostly use the PCVR.

But I have to be honest, for << ME >> the flexibility of wireless and stand-alone is appealing for running some more physically active interactive games that aren’t so demanding or need such quality.
I mean. I don’t mind going from PCVR Flight Sim to Stand-Alone Beat Saber or something like that.
Just to mix things up.

I can see why people think they should have focused mostly in just the strengths and PCVR mode.
I can’t disagree with that idea, but I also find it appealing the flexibility of other ways of using the headset, not just PCVR.

But again, they’ve now made their bed, and can they actually deliver what they’ve been promising for the Crystal ALL THIS TIME… Hmmm

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WiFi 6 I agree. but there not the only ones. You might have a wireless option for your overpriced heavy headset Xtal.

Pimax Crystal may indeed have extras that might not pan out. However it is almost $1000 us cheaper than Varjo Aero.

So really the WiFi 6e component weight is negligible. As for weight even the beta tester whom received the glass lenses (whom is quite similar to yourself in mindsets) says the weight is quite balanced. Pimax even have the DMAS working on the Crystal with him whom is a real Audiophile giving it high marks. @CheezusCrisp

The Crystal though imho might do well with wireless and standalone if ppl have reasonable expectations for the tech used. I imagine pimax will likely have some kind of upscaler. So far with the hardware that has working software paired seems to be getting good reviews in spite of the 103 wide FoV.

I suspect they might swap out the current 35ppd lenses with the wider ones presented to Seb. Then will ‘work’ on the wider fov lenses that might get cancelled if a new wider set not doable after the first one is swapped in.


Indeed ppl often mistake that you need to drive it to the max. Games with less complex graphics are likely to do fine. The extra modes like Standalone also means you can take it with you and watch movies; streaming video.

Just too many folks have low fov tunnel vision.

The xr2 gives extra options why leave the silica dead and unutilized?

What’s really important is that I can fly evrywhere my (battle)drone with it. :joy:


A blast from the past

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Latest Crispycheezus Crystal Update. Very Nice.

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It’s not just the wifi component, it’s also the whole battery system. It adds weight, cost and can break down. To me it would have made much more sense to develop the headset without all that.

Of course there will always be some users who appreciate any kind of add-on. However people buy this thing for high-end fidelity visuals and quest 2 wireless graphics are NOT that.

You could add pizza baking capacity to the headset, but because of the weight, the heat and the cost it’s probably not a good idea to do so. Although some might like the idea of baking pizza’s on their head when gaming, it still doesn’t make it a good idea :slight_smile:


Then AFAIK they shouldn’t have gone with the XR2 chip as that requires the use of the battery regardless.
Though, aren’t there other features besides just wireless that are appealing in some respects that helped them justify using that technology? i.e.

  • True mixed reality (color passthru)
  • XR/AI
  • 8K (maybe more relevant for the Pimax 12K QLED)
  • Better thermal management

The cost is, of course, needing to have a battery somehow in the mix to support driving it.

I’d vote for the swappable idea that PIMAX chose versus a non-removeable one that would render the use of the headset un-useable until it was able to get enough charge back.
At least with the hot-swappable, not just for Stand-Alone, but for PCVR, you don’t have to worry about long sessions being cut short.

Now if they could/should have gone with a technology different than the Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2, then which would have been a good choice and a cost-reasonable one?

Pico4 has all the same features

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the XR2 chip but you don’t built a high end PCVR headset around it if you realise the limitations down the line. Pimax have admitted the QLED panels need more power than regular LCD panels. More resolution more power. Big DMAS speakers more power. Eye tracking cameras more power. 60g wireless module more power. Holly balls Batman when you have everything running at once that battery is going to be frazzled in no time. No wonder Pimax ditched the LED chevron for a sticker.


One of the reasons why I didn’t go for the PICO 4 when considering stand-alone functionality was their battery system.

The 3rd party BOBO system is possible to use, but it’s also extra cost and it’s rather janky in my opinion.
Since the PICO 4 seems to be better suited as a stand-alone device, it boggles my mind why PICO didn’t do something like a hot-swappable system included in their design.

Another thing that turned me off from it was the USB C and compression/artifacts one may get due to it.

Then with the low PPD and likely a FoV that is meaningless (but likely quite low anyways) because it seems no VR company really knows how to provide more accuracy around their FoV capabilities.

I mean, if they(PIMAX) can get things right when it comes to FoV. If they can get the bugs worked out. If they can get Stand-Alone and Wireless working well, then it’s appealing to me.


HI :innocent::+1:t2::+1:t2:

With new update ,the Crystal +open Xr is better #Varjo Aéro and Best Fov :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::+1:t2::+1:t2:

Aplushhss :innocent::+1:t2::+1:t2:


BUT :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :face_with_peeking_eye:

(from 1:39:30)


After all the positives I’ve heard about the Crystal it was a bit disappointing to see how many issues Tetiana was having with hers.


Well, it‘s still somewhere between an alpha and beta state, isn‘t it, so not that shocking. Just going slower than many hoped, that‘s all.

Let go of Pimax communication and look at the facts you can gather from reports of the beta testers, and you come to a more realistic expectation in terms of timelines & specs. Q4 could be a good estimate given the current status & speed of progress.

There’s slow and then there’s not working at all. I’m not sure if you watched the video but Crystal doesn’t seem to like 3080ti or 3080. Something might not be fixable by software alone?

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