Nice one. Are you still going to eat yours?
so kindly tell me what are you refering at ?
It goes back a few months probably half a year now.
I commented on a photo posted by Pimax that showed a sticker across the front of the Crystal that replaced the LED chevron. There were some members here and a Pimax rep cough Sweviver cough who flatly denied there was a sticker and made out I was talking rubbish even after I got a PM from a Pimax rep in Shanghai confirming there was in fact a sticker on the Crystal. So confident was @SmallBaguette he even went as far as to say if Crystal had a sticker he would eat his Crystal upon delivery!
After CES and several video later we now know I was right all along. It also proved to me the only people that really know what’s going on with Crystal are the people in Shanghai and not those with second or third party information.
Well in all fairness pimax is to blame for releasing contradictory info. Likely cut the leds due to power issues.
Most important thing is yours indications to them, for refining definitly crystal… please, be serious and more ‘professional’ as you can
I am sure he and others will be. However with how short it seems the beta will be before release. I can only mainly see software changes.
I wouldn‘t be too hopeful there - if some of the key features like wireless, stand-alone didn‘t work well enough to be presented in demoes fully controlled by Pimax until just a few days ago, I expect the beta testers to have a number of findings needing fixing, so it would seem prudent to expect another 2-3 months to be added to the time-line. At least it was this way when the „production“ version of the 8K was sent to the three musketeers at the time.
Goods news and thanks for the heads up!
I really hope this is a true Beta program and that Pimax won’t push a consumer release until they have fully incorporated Beta tester feedback.
The ‘battery drains whilst thethered’ behaviour screams for a hw revision “v2.0”.
Once a WiGig solution is available, DFR works as well as it does on competitors and the product is available on I will definitely check out if it’s a worthy successor to my VR-3, which is now two years old and marks the longest period ever I have ever spent using one HMD.
Just the sticker lol
No worries there, I actually have a few weeks off now before starting a new job so hoping it arrives within that time so I can do as deep dive as possible. I don’t intend on doing much else in my spare time for the first week or so, I want to find every single issue I can and bring it to light. Might sound altruistic but I can assure you it’s entirely selfish in that I want the best headset possible as soon as possible for myself, just so happens that lines up with everyone else’s interests ha.
That seems most likely. Although it does seem like the Chinese testers were intended to be given final hardware but then revisions were made, I’m purely speculating though and perhaps that was entirely just software also. I do think the biggest hurdle with these headsets is the software anyway, a lot of the components (almost all) are off the shelf, 3rd party etc so it’s getting that software glue to make it all come together as one cohesive experience that’s the main factor of difficulty. Hopefully the beta test can identify as many problems as early as possible.
I guess the only other aspect in terms of hardware that might be significant is comfort in terms of facial gasket etc, although I had no issue when I tried the headset last year so I don’t think it will be like the pico 4 (which seemed to me to only cater to East Asian faceshapes as the out of the box experience was unwearable for me personally).
Tbh, I expect it to still release without standalone or wireless functionality enabled with those coming later with an OTA update.
Not that I recall. The headsets started shipping shortly after the m2 germany backer meet. Are you confusing the m1 beta with the final?
Which tbh if any of those features is considered a main feature one wants. Those folks should delay purchasing until those features are indeed present and functioning decently.
Otherwise it will just be like the DMAS & Sword beta test where feedback was not utilized and other features still not implemented.
Otherwise some of these features may join the cancelled wireless module on current models.
Well I for one will sleep better finally having solved stickergate. It was the one problem in this world keeping me up. LMAO
Well they say he who laughs last laughs loudest.
That’s all I can commit too without, you know, dying. I know we disagree on some stuff but surely you’d not wish that on me lol.
@Heliosurge: Possibly I am confusing it. But what I do recall quite clearly is that the headset sent to the three yt‘ers was declared to be pretty much ready for delivery by Pimax and they were surprised that the three had a whole laundry list of issues to report.
That’s the attitude, man!
Thanks a lot