Pimax Crystal - status, updates and fixes (Part 1)

I’ll update the Chart to reflect Lenses as Amber not red.


Super :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:

Thank you for the screen

Aplushhss /Laurent :innocent::+1:t2::+1:t2:

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So sad this issue wasn’t fixed before Gouda, as it was mentioned in Germany before Gouda already.

Because I really wanted to root for Pimax this time, the picture was so clear and gorgeous but the eye strain messed it all up. Now that there is a fix I still have to go by other people’s claims…

@PimaxUSA Can you maybe elaborate on the lenses being hand made? Why is that en what is the difference with machine made lenses in terms of accuracy and above all consistency? because the Pimax lottery has become a thing too after all the different versions of parts in the wild



Don’t be pessimistic, it even gets better very quickly.
It should not be forgotten that these Crystal are still prototypes, not final versions in marketing.
Let’s be patient, things are moving forward, little by little the bird is making its nest as we say in France :fr::+1:t2::+1:t2:
Then like everything we buy we can’t always try everything 100% before a purchase, we all buy on the net :innocent:
To test the Pimax crystal, little trick known to all, you will buy it on #amazon, you have the right to test 8 days on amazon, if you are not satisfied you send it back to amazon.

Aplushhss/Laurent :innocent::+1:t2::+1:t2:


I’m glad i returned my Aero, the chromatic aberration was terrible as the blacklevels wich where light gray(worse than my Reverb). Also did have focus problems and distortions on the side. It was a big dissapointment.
Glad to hear all the positive reactions and the lenses will be corrected, i will buy and try the Crystal when it retails in Europe.


As long as they are production lenses not expensive prototype lenses - that’s what burned us on the 5K/8K series when we all said the lenses demoed during the roadshow were great and when we unpacked our device months later there it was not the same quality.

But there is still a lot of time for Pimax to iron out kinks because they have a number of issues to resolve on the Crystal and we don’t expect them to have solved all of them in 2 months from now.



I agree with you, all these prototypes are improving day by day for their marketing in 2023.
As soon as it will be available for sale on amazon in europe I could pay for it because on Amazon you can pay in several instalments.
And yes 1800€ is expensive.
In addition, my RTX 3090 will suffer with crystal resolutions, already with my Hp-G2 / Supersampling at 3700x3600, my RTX 3090 suffers.
Almost mandatory purchase in 2023 in combo for the simulation:
-RTX 4090 + Pimax Crystal



I just bought a Gigabyte RTX 4080, a fantastic step up in vr from my 3080. It runs stable at 3000MHz. My reverb looks amazingly sharp with the higher supersampling now. I think it will handel the Crystal well as it is faster then a RTX 3090 TI



Yes all done.

There is still work to finalize the crystal.
I am even surprised that pimax takes this risk of having prototypes tested at a show open to the public.
Geeks can have a bad opinion of a helmet in development??
It can be a double-edged sword, it’s good to have feedback from geeks at trade fairs, but the way to proceed is risky in my opinion, on the internet bad reviews can go very very quickly and damage the brand image of the brand. 'a manufacturer .
I worked in the trade, we were doing tests with Beta-Testers, a panel of potential customers but never with real customers who could have been disappointed with a product!!

Apluhsssshh :innocent::innocent::+1:t2::+1:t2:

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Lol, just be reminded that the vast majority of us have to go by other people’s claims when making a purchase decision on headsets…I’m just glad to hear that the issue has been identified and resolved. There is nothing “sad” about this situation.


Pimax stated they were finished with hardware and were ramping up production in their announcement back on September 30th.

Sadly they got caught out once real people tested it for themselves.


Everything has been done, but in terms of vr, a lot of manufacturers have had problems before or during marketing, vr is a new technology, barely 10 years since the release of the oculus Dk1 then Dk2 ect ect, all helmets have had design revisions.
The quest 2 has it for its 2 years of marketing at its 40/45th software update, a revised strap, ectect my hp-g2 was entitled to a revision of its power cable + power supply box + the returns of the to tiles with dots.
Maybe the manufacturers should have their prototype tested with real Ultrageeks who play almost every day with lots of VR games and simulators.
Personally, I drive in world competition almost every day in vr on the #Iracing simulator, I know this simulator in vr with my eyes closed.
And I have been very demanding in Pc- vr headset / Console VR since 2012.
I had the oculus dk1/2/Htc Vive / Sony Psvr1/Pimax 5k+/ Hp reverb G2.
I’m also driving on the #Dcs wolrd, Mfs 2020/Il2 Battle of Stalingrad simulators / and I can’t wait to test the Crystal next Wednesday at the #Roadshow in Paris!!

Aplushhsss :innocent::+1:t2::+1:t2:


wow that is a sad list.

So my conclusion from the 1st US Roadshow.

  1. Spacing between Lenses and Panels too small.
  2. New lenses introduced with better calibration.
  3. New longer eye boxes to be manufactured.
  4. Current Crystal production stopped???
  5. All Crystal units produced to this point need to be deconstructed and fitted with the new longer eye boxes and lenses???
  6. No real updates on anything else on the Chart.
  7. No new Official Launch date for Crystal in 2023.
  8. Realistic Launch window - Q2 2023.
  9. 12k Appearance at CES 2023 unknown.
  10. A partridge on a pair tree.

2nd US Roadshow - 2nd December - Philadelphia.


I think with the 2mm spacer it’s either manufacture longer eye boxes, manufacture a spacer to go in between the eye box and lens frame or manufacture a wider lens frame. Either way it’s going to take weeks to get this fixed and in the production chain.


Nobody is surprised

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My conclusion is that with the fixed focus distance issue the Crystal looks to be an awesome headset.


Almost every word he has posted is either outright incorrect or he is biasing to present a negative story. If you read his previous posts you know why he is here instantly. He should have no involvement with maintaining list of progress.
Critical is OK but let’s choose a person without a multi year history of the sort of activity atmos has. He’s been flagged by 16 people 50 times. He may actually have the record.


Why don’t you make a list, we compare it to Atmos’ impressions as a community and find a middle ground?

I agree that with lens spacing to be fixed systematically (which will take new molds and adapation of what has been produced so far) there is no way this will ship in volume before Q1 23.

I also agree that there have been super positive impressions re the Crystal, particularly when compared to its closest rival the Aero, and I would personally consider picking one up to replace my VR-3.

But the overpormising and missing deadlines has to stop; just state a worst case date, share impressions until then and surprise the customers and your competitors by deliviering a better product earlier.


THIS. That’s all you need to do to fix your reputation, Pimax.