Pimax Crystal - status, updates and fixes (Part 1)


If they use curved panels ill be happy

Hi :innocent:

Il can ask everything at Pimax ??:flushed:

Pimax Crystal/12k release date and when I can bought this with Amazon as promise !!!:roll_eyes:

Release date ???
Release date and it’s all :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


“How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, were a woodchuck to chuck wood?” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The only sane answer to that is “when it’s done”


@lolof1 This is part of a painful learning process. You will know how to take Pimax announcements in future.

Just to show you that I, as somebody who really followed Pimax quite intensively over the past few years, anticipated that this would happen - and how a Pimax spokes person responded to that:

So, after all there is not much change in the process at Pimax. At least in the old days they would have apologized after a number of attempts to fog the issues. Now at least one of their more active members prefers to use communication as shown above.

So, know your vendor, understand how they communicate and no longer expect them to adhere to standards common in the commercial world you know otherwise.


I said this a few months ago. Pimax need to go back to the drawing board. The Crystal design is flawed and when Pimax turn the WiFi on and the XR2 is running in stand-alone mode the battery is going to drain even faster.

This is why other HMDs look compromised because there are just limits to what a stand-alone headset can do.

I can see more delays coming as Pimax try to figure how to sell a HMD with worthless Stand-alone capabilities and compromised PCVR modes.

Crystal sadly has been a car crash and I just don’t see a good outcome if Lenses are still being worked on there’s still no WiFi and the cable situation looks like there’s never going to be a satisfactory solution.


the early adopters will have to pay the highest price.
seb said he gets to face a new version. let’s wait and see; as always


Standalone mode would be possible and even at a much better level with moving the battery to the body of the user vs trying to cram it on the headset like majority of hmd manufacturers are determined to do so. Even having an external brainbox is not a bad idea… Though a full backpack pc is maybe extreme.

I do agree a 5000mah battery is small iiirc the size of the battery. They do need a ln insert that eliminates the need to drain battery in tethered pc mode.

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Indeed and that is true of any new products especially with things like gpus as we have often seen and are still seeing. Early adopters are effectively public beta testers.

Asus back in the 990fx motherboards for Am3+ socket motherboards. Released the Sabertooth 990fx board with an experimental pciX 3.0 mod that performed completely horrid. They made a quiet rev 2.0 of that board removing the pciX 3.0.

It is often best to wait 3 to 6 months to see how a new product fairs before diving in. However if everyone did this the product might not survive initial release.

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asus is very fond of tinkering, that’s right. gaming phones, laptops, GPUs, MB… if it works, there will be a ROG label on it and a wider price tag.


The answer might be “were still calibrating the chucker but you can be sure the woodchuck would chuck all the wood it could chuck no later than Q2” :grinning:


Somnium are about to launch the VR1 in Q2. Ouch.


Sorry posted what Pimax might say lol


Really? That’s genuinely very very surprising, given that they haven’t shown anything of yet. If they manage to get a working product out before Pimax, or even around the same time, then it will be a massive blow to the crystal.

Even though Somnium are a crypto/nft company they don’t have the negative reputation and historical baggage that Pimax have. They also have cleverly marketed their headset as open source (I disagree that it really is but that’s beside the point). I see people being almost across the board excited and positive towards Somnium, which is surprising to me. That means though, if they manage to actually release an even half decent product then people will feel far more comfortable going with them.

Very interesting to see how this plays out. Pimax have never really had such direct competition before (being in the FOV niche they have been). I wonder if this will be a wake up call for them in terms of PR/reputation, although I don’t really see how they can ever recover, at least not for a good few years. The reality line was their chance to completely fix their reputation, and leave that as a kickstarter era memory, but instead they have actually gotten worse.


Where did you see that btw? I’m struggling to find it.

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They say they’re having a Connect event in Q2.

See here at 12:00


As long as Somnium keeps the price in the sub £2000 it’s going to.be a major competitor to Crystal if not beat Crystal in every way.

In 2022 Crystal made sense. Now in 2023 with all the delays and misinformation Crystal does not seem that great anymore.

But hey Somnium need to deliver and can also fall foul to delays and technical difficulties.

Let’s see how the cookie crumbles.


Agreed on the last big opensource vr framework from what I saw was OSVR and it unfortunately didn’t do as well as it could have due to a variety of reasons. But might have done better today with better focus.

We really need stronger OpenXR adoption for better forward momentum. However Sonium may or may not be a competitor as they still have to prove themselves. Otherwise they may end up as promising as Decagear.

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