Pimax and the press

Your spelling is atrocious. Are you using a phone and your elbows, or something else?

Lol@ Pumax.

Sounds like a litter tray for fast moving trendy cats.


Pumax beats Poomax. thats for sure.

when the kickstarter campaign went all viral those days, i also wrote the guys at RockPaper Shotgun, to maybe write sth about the hmd, but even since then, nothing on it. and here in germany its a little more maybe, even on computerbase, but i think, maybe the most of them either don’t have it on their radar, or wouldn’t think it mattered, aside from HTC and oculus and the likes. well maybe that radio silence will soon be over.

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then i hope you get some m2’s


Crappy capacitive keyboards my old wm 5.0 ut starcom had a pressure touch screen. Never mistyped letters on it & screen was smaller. :laughing:

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Road to VR was the first to bring out an artikel supporting the Leaks at that time, resulting in reactions on there facebookpage, people believing pimax is a scam etc…I did put a post back then to debunk that. And now there is really good news and they are dead silent. They are not neutral i think.


Will do as soon as possible :grin:


Maybe closed event is passing judgment

Money rules the world, especially the North American :no_mouth:


Disagree. Ben’s been very supportive & the team knows it.

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Maybe @benz145 can let us know directly why no coverage of the event and new HMD?

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is ben the tester, if so he’s a freelancer, and probably didnt write the article in question.

Since there is still an NDA in place, what would you expect from Pimax, or the reviewers???

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Ben is the head i believe of RoadToVR. He has sampled a 8k since thr v5 article but unable to say more thsn that.

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Well if that is true(that he is supportive) i hope it will be noticeable then in the future on Road to vr.

First off.

The NDA does not cover the berlin event, secondly, no media outlet has signed an NDA with pimax, let alone about the berlin event.

I dont expect anything from the reviewers, because no one here is asking them to review the headset.

What im expecting of them is the following. I’m expecting journalists to report on an event that happened. That is to say, do their jobs. I expect them to report on the progress of the kickstarter, on the many catalogued backer responses to the new m2 units, on the fact that pimax suddenly launched an entire new variant of the headset with a higher ppd. That this basic, absolutely basic level of doing their job requires three question marks from you is pretty incredible.


I do not think it was a public event. From the way it was communicated and because you had to be a backer to be able to participate.

Pimax will not release anything as long as there is an NDA, because they were the ones who insisted on it in the first place. The journalist were not invited. The backers already expressed themselves. The only people who have the headsets right now, are the testers and they cannot write much.

So my question to you stands. Do you really expect someone to write about it in an official manner?


Actually, pimax should have a kind of press distributor. That’s why I’m wondering why you hardly ever read about the event and the news.
But I just took the hint from this thread as an opportunity and pushed two bigger German desks, that I think it’s a pity to read so little about the event.

If that helps, that would be great. If not, it was only 2 minutes of my life time :smile:

Are you serious.

Yes of course i do.

Are you seriously telling me that whether it was a public or backer only event, should have any bearing on whether a news outlet reports on the event happening or what transpired there. Are you telling me that because the g20 is not a public event the news should not cover that it happened. Of course they should report on it.

Are you seriously telling me that what happened in berlin is not news worthy. That a fan recreation of wolfenstein 3d for vr is newsworthy and worthy of a road to vr article, that battlefield v ray tracing is worthy of a road to vr article, but the events that transpired in berlin were not. the interview with head of pimax was not? the sudden reveal and demo of 5k plus was not.

Like can you explain to me how these events are not newsworthy?


Yes I am serious. No need to go further into this topic, I guess.

I will take that as a no.

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