Hi, I’ve have a problem with the OVRMC and with the YawVR Tracker (of the Yaw2).
I’ve the Pitool .275 (the .277 gave me a lot of SteamVR errors), and the problem is that the OVRMC didn’t work with it. I follow all the steps correctly and it activates, but when a yaw movement happend, the borders of the screen turns black and the image didn’t follow the headset (the same configuration is working fine with a Quest 2).
I think that this is a rendering issue between the Pimax Driver and the OVRMC, because I had the same behaviour with a Quest 2 + VD before disable the VD Rendering pose.
I’ve also tried to used the PiTool motion compensation option, but it didn’t recognice the YawVR Tracker, only the Index Controllers. In SteamVR all the components are up and running (Pimax 8KX, Index Controllers, Base Stations and YawVR Tracker).
Because to work with it, the controller must be in a fixed position solidary with the Yaw2 (to act as a tracker).
The Yaw2 provide a virtual tracker which already send the position of the simulator to SteamVR, so it’s a better solution. The only thing left is that the PiTool software support it as a tracker input.
Virtual trackers are great because they forego all the troubles coming from occlusion, vibration etc. but, as you noticed, they can be difficult to get running in sw.
Alternatively you could use SRS and use their witmotion MC solution.
The virtual tracker is working fine, as SteamVR and the OVRMC recognices it and receive the data it send, the only issue left is the support from Pimax.
The OVRMC is working fine with other headset, so it demonstrate that the Virtual Tracker is good enough. The problem is an incompatibility issue between the OVRMC and the Pimax drivers (which are the responsibles for the rendering).
The SRS motion compensation is a virtual tracker as well and it use the OVRMC, so I’m pretty sure that the issues will be the same.
That’s why I writed this post, to know how if other Pimax users have similar issues with the OVRMC, and if not, how they configure it (Or if they uses other motion compensation software).
Until now the only answer I found is from @vrgamerdude, but he uses the PiTool MC with a Vive tracker, not the OVRMC.
So I’m asking to @PimaxQuorra if he could talk to the SW team to study the possibility of adding the Virtual Trackers as a input for the PiTool MC.
Well I haven’t used PiTool for more than a year now but I can definitely confirm that I was able to use my 8KX without a hitch together with OVRMC via both the SRS witmotion tracker as well as an Index controller.
I do not know if PiTool has since lost that functionality but I‘d be surprised if it did.
My money is on a specific issue with the YawVR virtual tracker and its translation into the correct pose once PiTool is in the mix.
Which version of OVRMC do you use and which steps do you follow to enable it?
I’ve also use the SRS for racing games, but I don’t have a witmotion tracker, so that’s why I wanted to use the YawVR Virtual Tracker (as the OVRMC recogniced it and it is working fine with the Quest 2 + VD).
Please file a ticket and allows our tech specialist to check it for you.
Could you please download the tool and export logs to help us analyze the issue?
I built a 6DOF motion platform and what happens to me is that in my Pimax 5x Plus I don’t see the inclinations like roll pitch, and yow, it seems as if the view is always parallel with the floor, instead I can see the inclinations just described correctly in the VR view window of SteamVR.
Basically, watching in the HMD I don’t see the compensation for the inclinations like roll pitch and yow but I see correctly the compensation watching the view window of SteamVR.
I point out that this problem I don’t see it with other VR headsets.
I’ve always noticed this with my Pimax headsets! With my Index it felt like the compensation actually locked the game world in place, if you know what I mean? With my Pimax headsets, it’s doing something, but yeah I get black borders that get more prominent the more movement there is and it doesn’t feel like it’s really working that well compared to other headsets