Pimax 5K plus or Pimax 8K plus, ruling out KX as a Simracer, is that wrong

Hi Im new to forum and VR, Have been expirmenting with Lenovo Explorer and think I want to pursue to higher level.

Ive read through post on here and seems debate is 50/50 on topic of Clarity for the 8K+ Vs 5K+

But as a competitive sim racing enthusiast, input lag is an issue for me, with upscaling done on the 8Kplus, does this increase input lag over the 5Kplus, spec of <15 v <11 seem to suggest so, is this correct understanding of it?

The KX at its highest quality appears to only run at 75HZ or FPS, Racing games its always considered better to run at least 90FPS, to scale KX back to achieve this seems I am better off with 5kplus or 8K plus, is this right line of thinking?

sorry many opening questions but I have never actually got to look through either headset so must rely on strong understanding for my purchase, I was all over Hp reverb G2 trigger but must now think carefully about these 170deg FOV headsets


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Given that your primary interest is sim racing, it sounds like you should get a 5K+ or better still, an Artisan.

While the Artisan has a smaller FOV, it has a higher pixel density, which means dashboard instruments and distant details will be sharper. I found that driving games on my 8K (non-plus) were not satisfying. I found the experience was better on my 4K flat screen, since I was always looking towards the horizon. Most people are using Normal FOV with their 5K+/8K/8K+, so the reduced FOV on the Artisan (at its largest FOV) isn’t that much of a drawback.

The 8KX has the upscale mode of an 8K+ and the advantage of 4K native mode, which is important for secondary uses like Virtual Desktop, watching videos, and even racing games (in non-competitive situations, like learning a new track).

If FOV is less important to you, perhaps you should also consider an HP Reverb G2.


I m sim racer as well. iracing with 5k+ is fantastic. I have beefy system. I m so looking forward to getting my hands on 8kx


For Simracing the 5k+ is better than Artisan for sure, the pixels are larger on the Artisan making the SDE more noticeable, and it’s not good for distance details
And 5k+ has more options in FOV and Hz
I have both


AC only here and that’s all I use VR for. 5k+ with 144hz is the way to go. The 144hz is a notable bump over 90hz for clarity, depth and sense of speed. Or get an index.


I sent one iracing teammates my original Vive .and he was really amazed. Now he is like 50… I’m 57 but have been gamer forever.

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Im surprised that more sim racers don’t vr. I mean if you go triple monitors it still cost some coin


That’s certainly true and personally, I think I’ll prefer playing with my 8KX. Right now, I actually prefer my 4K flat screen for driving games (to my 8K), simply because horizon detail is so much clearer.


I agree on horizon detail Neal. I to hope 8kx brings that kind of clarity


It should. Maybe not quite as clear (pixels per degree, spread over a larger area (FOV)), but it should be a lot better than my 8K.


Do you really notice that much difference between 144 and 90 in Assetto ?
i did try it quickly but the i did not like the fov and also my cable is defective and i was getting more flashing pixel .
i ll give it another try once i get replacement cable.

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I agree that 144hz looks better, especially if you are using Smart smoothing


I was able to tune my system to get more or less locked 144hz in AC. I’ve never used smart smoothing.

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I think that higher refresh rates make a massive difference to the clarity , I use 120hz mainly with my 5k+ it seems to increase the perceived resolution and scrub out the sde whenever there’s some movement , when you hold a steady image it makes no difference.
Must be the way human vision works that causes this effect
Maybe the 8KX wouldn’t benefit as much from 120hz or higher because the resolution is already very high and there is no sde to scrub out


There seems to be some misconception to what higher refresh rate does.

Its about refreshing each image faster, as such smoother. But if yr trying to run at 144fps and your pc only capable of out putting 90fps you will receive quite a distorted result with yr FPS trying to hit high result of 144 and dipping back to much lower numbers similar effect to screen dropping from 90fps to 60fps. Would be quite sickening. I would imagine it would take a very high level oc’d pc to hold acceto corsa at 144hz solid frame rate, in fact didnt think it would be possible even with SLI oc’d 2080Ti’s

Ehmm… No. That’s where Smart Smoothing (Pimax version of Motion Smoothing (Valve) or Asynchronous Space Warp (Oculus)) comes in and let’s You render only half of the frames (72Hz).

SLI generally doesn’t work in VR.

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then you are playing at 72 fps not 144fps, I would of thought to play at 144fps you would actually receive 144 frames

You’re “receiving” 144 FPS in the headset… :wink:

Half of them are synthetic.

Maybe You should read up on it a bit… :wink:

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9900k 5.2hgz core 4.8ghz uncore. 2x8GB bdie 17/4200 1T hand tuned each timing. 2100 core on 2080ti +800 on mem. RAM tuning is the secret to keeping your min FPS up.

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yes i understand what you are saying, but in a racing situation where you are looking for hundreths of a second per corner doesnt this leave us exposed to the core of my initial question, which is about input lag. A casual racer probably will not notice this racing against AI but will it impact on someone trying to nail down fastest times?
the 5k plus is rated at < 11ms, if we introduce artificial info does that figure still apply, I can assure you I have done plenty of reading trying to find how big of an issue this might be, I saw mrtv dude saying zero input lag when using 8k plus, but also saw him driving into cars and walls which didnt build a heap of confidence the claim was based around precision driving.